Chapter 425: Highlight results

With the sound of footsteps, Connie, who was sitting in front of the president's office, raised her head and saw an old-fashioned Oriental man walking with the receptionist.

There was also an interpreter who accompanied the old adult man. Before the receptionist could speak, the interpreter was in the eyes of the oriental man and said first: "Miss Connie, Director Zhang wants to see Mr. Anderson."

Connie knew who the Eastern man was, and immediately asked Ronan, and then led him into the office.

"Director Zhang." Ronan shook hands with the other person politely, without an interpreter, and said directly in Chinese, "Didn't you return home?"

"Hero" is about to be released on the other side of the Pacific, and the distribution of the East is done by themselves.

Director Zhang has a simple smile on his face: "Something happened temporarily, the ticket was changed, and I will go back the day after tomorrow. There is still some time before the screening, so I can't make it in time."

Ronan could guess that this one should never forget the Oscar, and he is worried about North America.

Others don't know, but he knows how deep his Oscar complex is.

"Don't worry about the overseas release of "Hero"." Now that Ronan has obtained the international copyright of this film, he naturally wants to maximize his interests: "When the list of Oscar nominations for this year is announced, the film will be released worldwide."

Director Zhang tentatively asked: "Is there any hope of getting the best foreign language film Oscar?"

Seeing his look full of expectations, Ronan did not want to say something foolish: "No one can guarantee the best foreign language film award. Even if all the work is done, it depends on luck. But the best foreign language film nomination is still very promising. of."

Director Zhang hasn't been in the movie circle for a day or two. Who can pack a ticket for awards? He came here today mainly for another matter.

"Mr. Anderson, "Hero" has just been released in North America. Isn't the ten theaters a bit too small?" Director Zhang obviously felt a little bit: "This has too little influence."

The international distribution rights of "Hero" are sold to Embassy Pictures, but it does not mean that the international distribution has nothing to do with him anymore. The profits generated are indeed irrelevant, but it can bring a real name!

As long as the film sells well internationally, he will definitely dominate the entire country.

But at the beginning of the ten theaters in North America, how much can they sell at the box office? When the data is transmitted to the country, others don’t care about the number of theaters that are showing, but only say that Lao Zhang, your film only sold for tens of thousands of dollars in North America for a week...

It is neither good-looking nor good-sounding.

People from other North American film companies can’t understand this mentality at all, but Ronan can guess one or two, saying: “Director Zhang, look forward to the long-term. Embassy Pictures’ release strategy is most conducive to Chong’ao. Use click to control word-of-mouth, the most word-of-mouth marketing, wait for the Oscar nomination for best foreign language film, and then expand the screening..."

Director Zhang wanted to say something, but Ronan raised his hand to stop him: "Mr. Zhang, if "Hero" can be nominated for the best foreign language film, the other things are nothing."

"This is the same as "Infernal Affairs"." Director Zhang has not given up his mind.

Ronan simply said: "Let’s put it this way, in the internal evaluation of Embassy Pictures, the market sizes of "Infernal Affairs" and "Hero" are completely different. If "Infernal Affairs" counts as one star, "Hero" is four stars. Embassy Pictures has formulated the most common release plan for "Infernal Affairs", which is no different from the independent small productions bought from Eastern Europe and Central Asia for tens of thousands of dollars. Unlike "Hero", we treat Hollywood first-line productions. Way to do red prize distribution."

Director Zhang is a little anxious, thinking that the North American data of the film will be more beautiful, which will not only bring more prestige to himself, but also drive the domestic box office.

But Hollywood’s distribution and awards are completely different from those in China, and can only follow the operation of the publisher.

After talking for a few more words, Director Zhang took the initiative to leave, intending to wait for the premiere to be held in China, after running the most important publicity activities, and immediately return to Los Angeles.

Even if it is an Oscar nomination for best foreign language film, it is worth it.

Ronan did not deceive the director Zhang. The treatment of "Hero" and "Infernal Affairs" in the embassy film industry is very different.

The latter has very limited value in the North American market.

As soon as mid-December, "Infernal Affairs" was promoted to North American theaters by the Embassy Pictures. Taking into account the type of film and the audience, the eight theaters that were released in the first week were all near the Chinese communities in the United States.

Even so, the performance of the film is very average, only 25680 US dollars in the first weekend three days, an average of more than US$000 per library.

This box office result also means that "Infernal Affairs" does not have any opportunity to expand its screenings, and it will be downgraded after three or four weeks in the theater.

Embassy Pictures is the most optimistic expectation that the North American box office of this film will be around $150,000.

To achieve profitability, we must rely on offline operations.

The exclusivity and cultural barriers in the North American market are very obvious.

Ronan has always been clear that the greatest effect of "Infernal Affairs" on the entertainment of relativity lies in the remake.

In fact, the release of "Hero" is similar to "Infernal Affairs". In the early stage, except for the special screenings for judges and film critics, other theaters are very close to the Chinese community.

Embassy Pictures has already taken the lead in expanding the scale of screenings. After the Oscar nominations are announced, "Hero" will definitely be expanded regardless of whether it is nominated for Best Picture or not.

Most of the theaters planned to expand their screenings are also organized around the Chinese community.

After all, this film is not "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon". The biggest audience group is still Chinese audiences gathered in North America.

The distribution must be targeted and cannot be done based on imagination. The Embassy Pictures has done a lot of market research and then formulated a distribution plan based on the actual situation.

For a movie like "Hero", regardless of the actual situation, using the winning theater in a place far away from the Chinese community, it may be vomiting blood.

Before Christmas, "Hero" ended the first weekend screening, and the first weekend screening of "City of God" also ended.

In fact, the distribution strategies of these award-winning films are basically the same.

"Boss, got it! Get the statistics!"

In the office area of ​​Lionsgate, a young man with glasses walked into Navas' office and said: "The statistics just finished!"

Navas temporarily put aside his work: "These art theaters are troublesome, and statistically they are not as convenient as commercial theaters."

Many art theaters actually only have a single theater, or even only one hall in the theater, and the related facilities are not advanced. In terms of statistics and networking, it is incomparable to commercial chain theaters with rich wealth.

But the survival of art theaters is not easy. It is good to have so many theaters insisting on showing art films, and there is no way to ask for more.

Navas took the report, glanced at it, and said, "165214 million US dollars? Not bad, it's a good start."

Calculated in this way, the average single-tube box office is as high as $1.65 million!

Although it’s incomparable with a movie like "Chicago" that has been screened in a single movie theater with 10,000 dollars, "City of God" is a Brazilian film after all. It can be said that Lionsgate has achieved such results in North America The initial success.

"That's right, Lindner." Navas asked again: "Heroes released by Embassy Pictures, do you know how the results are?"

Lindner had just seen the relevant statistics from last weekend and still had an impression, and said: "Hero" also started with 10 theaters and received more than 280,000 U.S. dollars last weekend. Yes, the single library is 2.89 million U.S. dollars.

"What?" Navas's first reaction was not to believe it, and said with doubts: "An oriental movie, the average single-library screening score can be 2.89 million US dollars? Are you kidding."

Linnard, the glasses man, didn't know what to say.

Navas reacted quickly: "Is this true?"

Linnard can only tell the truth: "Yes, the single-library box office of "Hero" is 2.89 million US dollars."

Navas couldn't understand at all: "How could this be? How could it be better than "City of God" at the box office?"

Although this is just a point of view, it can also illustrate some problems.

Linnard lowered his tone and tentatively said: "Maybe... it may be related to the distribution strategy of Embassy Pictures."

Navas looked at him curiously Linnard gave a light cough and continued: "It is said that the Embassy Pictures contacted the movie theater specifically for "Hero". In addition to two convenient judges and media Apart from the critics, the rest are close to the Chinese community."

He looked at Navas and continued: "Chinese people like to live together in groups. In this way, "Hero" will have a stable audience source."

"No wonder." Navas nodded slightly: "Ronan Anderson has done enough preparations."

In contrast, the movie theaters of "City of God" cannot be so targeted, which is also the unique advantage of "Hero".

Navas waved his hand: "Okay, go ahead."

When Linnard left, Navas couldn't help thinking. Even if "Hero" has a natural advantage and can get such a good box office result, I am afraid the quality of the film cannot be ignored.

There have been many discourse films shown in North America in the past, but how many of them have excellent box office?

Did Ronan Anderson bought another movie with unlimited commercial potential?

As soon as "City of God" was screened, it was set aside by "Hero"...

Navas shook his head and changed his mind. After all, the two films follow the award-winning operation route. It is too early to say who is higher and lower is too early. After the Oscar has the results later, the film will be expanded to show each other. Market revenue capability.

"City of God" may not be able to overtake "Hero".

After all, "Hero" is completely different from "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", Ronan Anderson can never make another "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", right?

Then he won’t invest in filming and production in the future, just go to the East to buy and release the film...

The awards season has just begun. In the past, many films have been screened well, and after their expanded releases, they completely hit the streets.

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