Chapter 574: 2 scripts

There are thousands of script copyrights in the script library of Artisan Pictures, and Ronan is really familiar with only two. After reading the brief outline in the script database, he selected these two scripts.

One of them is a horror movie and the other is a killer action movie.

The former is a typical American youth horror film, which belongs to the broad category of horror films.

Ronan went through the script very carefully and determined that this was a horror movie he had seen.

The script is a typical Hollywood model.

Two American college students traveled to Europe, met a European peer, and heard about a magical place-a paradise-like hotel in Slovakia, where there are many beautiful and gentle girls who are passionate and enthusiastic. The heart-wrenching three immediately got on the train to Slovakia and soon found the hotel like a fairyland: the lobby was full of beautiful girls; the reception lady was pure and pleasant.

However, this is the beginning of a nightmare. In this seemingly remote and secluded town, crimes that no one knows are happening.

The two Americans soon discovered that they were slowly falling into a dangerous situation of rapid growth.

Invisibly, a certain ominous feeling slowly hit the two people, sex, blood and even killing, all kinds of dark and evil tentacles quickly stretched out to the two young people.

This hotel is an underground slaughterhouse, dedicated to seduce the 2B young people who are on the brain, for the perverted big money to gouge their heads for fun.

The name of the script is very simple, it's called "Hostel". After Ronan read it, he determined that this is the "Human Skin Inn" that he had read.

This is not a backlog of scripts, but a work that Artisan Pictures just bought the copyright last year. The writer is named Eli Ross. Ronan has heard of this name in the circle. The other party is not an unknown person. I guess Artisan Pictures After winning the script, I also had the idea of ​​making a movie.

Eli Ross is not just a screenwriter, but a typical horror film director. In 2002, "Bone No Existence" won the North American box office for more than US$20 million for 1.5 million US dollars. It seems to have won a Saturn Award. .

Artisan Pictures' purchase of this script is inevitable with the success of Eli Roth's previous work.

Although I don't remember the box office or market response of "Human Skin Inn", Ronan thinks this script can work.

First of all, the script writer is a director with the same type of successful experience.

Secondly, this project is in line with the successful model of American youth horror films.

The cost does not need to be too high. It is estimated that three or four million dollars is enough. It is easy to recover the cost, which is one of the reasons why youth horror films are often shot.

This kind of movie does not require too many special effects, no big scenes, and often only needs a camera, a few actors who are good at running, a few murder weapons, a few masks, a few broken houses, and a remote venue. The basic conditions for shooting.

There must be 2B brain-disabled American youth in the film. College students or high school students are the best choice. Since it is a "youth horror film", the protagonist must be youthful. Youth represents vitality, but in this type of film Middle is also synonymous with brain damage.

The location of the story must be a remote place. The place where the horror story takes place, in the words of the other side of the Pacific, is "the poor mountains and the evil waters out of the people", such as abandoned towns, remote roads, barren woods and so on.

The villain's murderer must be perverted, no matter what the reason is, the more perverted the audience is, the more they like it, and it is easy to kill, even if he is beaten half to death, he still stands up to kill.

It’s very important and the key to success. For example, in the most dangerous and terrifying places, normal people will feel that it’s safest to stay together in groups, but not in movies. The protagonists often Will act separately, which gives the murderer a chance to break, so as to achieve the effect of the brain-dead plot perfectly matching the brain-dead protagonist.

There are also large-scale scenes. The protagonists of youth horror films are open-minded young people, and it is normal to get together at every turn, but there are also rules in this respect. All the characters who have large-scale nonsense in the film will basically die.

In this regard, youth horror films have a rule called "Left Love Must Die".

Then there is the ending, this kind of film will leave some suspense at the end to prepare for the sequel.

There is no doubt that Ronan determined that the script of "Human Skin Inn" is fully in line with the unique selling point of youth horror films.

In addition, this film can also contribute to the announcement.

Whether he once lived on the other side of the Pacific, or in Hollywood in the past two years, Ronan has heard many rumors of killings in Eastern Europe.

After the drastic changes in Eastern Europe, the social economy was once on the verge of collapse and the society became chaotic. As a result, many underground industries were born. It is said that some underground killing movies in Eastern Europe are not as simple as ordinary shooting.

Ronan couldn't tell whether it was true or false. After all, he had never been to that place in Eastern Europe in two lifetimes.

He had heard another rumor that somewhere in Southeast Asia, there was a transaction that made money by killing people. As long as you paid $10,000, you could get a gun full of bullets and a person who was voluntarily killed by you, because of those The victims sacrificed themselves in order to free their families from hunger. The website is said to have whitewashed this tragic killing as an act of charity.

Rumors of killings in Eastern Europe have been circulated in the society. When the film is shot, these can also be used as gimmicks.

For example, the film is adapted from real events.

The more truthful you make, the more selling points you have.

Ronan forwarded the script to George Clint and asked him to contact Eli Roth to start shooting within the year. If it goes well, at least a trilogy should be filmed.

This type of horror film is a typical short, flat and fast project, and the operation cycle is mostly within 15 months.

Even from planning to filming to release, there are many that can be done in half a year.

Horror movies are the starting type of Shahai Entertainment. With rich experience in shooting and production, Ronan is very at ease about filming and production.

Therefore, he carefully examined the second impressive script.

This is a killer type of action movie script. Strictly speaking, it can be classified as a special agent action movie.

The script tells the story of a killer couple.

The married life of John Smith and his wife Jenny Smith is easy but flat, but they each have a big secret: Mr. and Mrs. Smith actually have high salaries and are killers with special skills, but they are each other's enemies. Spy killer organization work.

After the couple experienced a series of accidents, they suddenly realized that they had been targeted as assassination targets, and the killers responsible for the assassination turned out to be each other.

Ronan is very sure that this film is "The Smiths".

The reason I remember so clearly is not because of how classic the film is, but because of the gossip incidents of Brad Pitt, Jennifer Aniston and Angelina Jolie that have appeared around this film.

There were rumors at that time that Brad Pitt was caught in bed by Jennifer Aniston when he was fooling around with Angelina Jolie.

The various gossip scandals produced during this period are enough to make a movie.

Ronan has always felt that the gossip incident of Brad Pitt, Jennifer Aniston and Angelina Jolie played an important role in the box office sales of this film.

Of course, the film itself is more interesting, the killer couple’s goal is to set each other, it can be said to be full of highlights.

This also determines that it is best for the film to be played by a charming star, because the role of this film is completely above the plot.

Ronan has never been in contact with Brad Pitt, but he is familiar with Angelina Jolie. The two have been working out with the same fitness trainer in the past few years. Although the contact has been much less in the past year or so, But occasionally, I can still chat enthusiastically for a while.

If this script is made for a movie, of course, the leading actors and actresses are Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie.

However, some parts of the script need to be revised.

Ronan also forwarded it to Shahai Entertainment and asked Shahai Entertainment to contact the original author Simon Kimberg.

I just don’t know if Simon Kimberg remembers the script.

The copyright of the script of "Smiths" was transferred to Artisan Pictures for more than a year, but it took a long time to write it out. This is the work of Simon-Kimberg when he graduated from University. It was previously in multiple film companies. Circulated from time to time, never made it into a movie, Artisan Pictures bought out the script copyright for US$17,500 in 2002.

Similarly, Artisan Pictures did not plan to shoot a movie. At the beginning of this year, Pinnacle Entertainment requested the script. Artisan Pictures originally planned to resell it to Pinnacle Entertainment. However, as soon as the two parties had initial contact, Artisan Pictures fell into an acquisition. In the turmoil, Summit Entertainment ultimately failed to buy it, and the script copyright went to Ronan's side.

If it weren't for Relativity Entertainment to intervene, this script would definitely be sold by Artisan Pictures to Summit Entertainment.

It’s normal for scripts like this kind of big-selling movie that no one pays attention to but keeps circulating among companies.

The selling point of this film itself is not how good the plot and creativity of the script are.

There are also notes on the script. Over the years when "Smiths" has been circulating everywhere, the company's screenwriters occasionally make some changes. By the time of Relativity Entertainment, the cumulative number of changes has been close to fifty.

As for the opinions of the original screenwriter Simon Kimberg, no one paid attention at all.

Ronan also made a certain idea. Maybe Paul Greengrass can direct this work? The style does not seem appropriate, this film is full of romance, and Paul Greengrass' realistic style seems to be a bit unsuitable.

In some respects, the style of "Smiths" was somewhat similar to "Infernal Affairs".

Ronan first asked Shahai Entertainment to communicate with Simon Kimberg, and talk about it later.

After dealing with these two impressive scripts, Ronan temporarily put aside his work in this area, and Lindsay Bill returned from New York.