Chapter 584: Pixar

TV series? Ronan frowned slightly. There were many film and television works about the Chernobyl incident, but few were truly outstanding. At that time, most of the works he saw were from Western countries or companies. His standpoint You can imagine the attitude of standing on a high place and looking down.

But one thing can be confirmed that the Chernobyl event is world-famous and the most famous nuclear disaster in human history. It itself has attracted much attention.

Shooting becomes a film and television work, if you can do a good job of quality control, maybe it really does something.

However, if Americans are asked to shoot works about Chernobyl, the content and themes can be imagined with closed eyes.

Ronan, as a film investor, would not consider these too much.

Besides, the once giant country has long ceased to exist.

Marianne Delio said at this time: "Mr. Anderson, the first thing I actually planned was to shoot a TV series, because I couldn't find an investor, so I could only shoot a short documentary."

Ronan thought briefly and asked, "Do you have a script and related plans?"

Marianne Delio's voice instantly became quieter: "The plan and script have not yet fallen on the written form."

Ronan understood, and said, "Well, you should prepare a few episodes and related project plans first." He glanced at Connie next to him, and after Connie handed her business card to Marianne Delio, he said again. : "When you contact Connie, I will review your project."

"Thank you." Marianne Delio understood that this was the best result, and that it was much better than the results of the film companies she had contacted before, and said quickly: "Thank you Mr. Anderson for your support."

Ronan smiled and nodded, saying nothing more.

Although Marianne Delio is the winner of the Oscar statuette, the award he won is the least valued best documentary short film, not as good as the best animated short film.

This result was enough to make Marianne Delio happy to make preparations.

Ronan then went to chat with Peter Jackson. The New Zealand director was proud and ambitious.

The "Lord of the Rings" trilogy brought Peter Jackson to the pinnacle of his life.

There has been news circulating in Hollywood recently that Universal Pictures and Peter Jackson have reached an agreement on cooperation. Peter Jackson will serve as director and producer to restart one of Hollywood’s most prestigious works, "King Kong."

It is said that Peter Jackson and his team require 20% of the film’s global box office share.

This great director will be called "Peter the Great" for quite some time after tonight.

"Hello, Mr. Lasseter."

In the corner on the left side of the banquet hall, Ronan shook hands with John Lasseter, one of the leaders of the Pixar team, "Congratulations on winning the Oscar."

John Lasseter wore gold-rimmed glasses and said with a smile, "Thank you. Congratulations from Mr. Anderson, it is an honor for Pixar."

Ronan smiled and said, "You are too polite. Pixar Studio is now the leader in the production of animated feature films, and the achievements it has achieved are impressive."

John Lasseter said modestly: "Pixar still has a lot of room for growth."

"Shahai Entertainment also has an animation studio." Ronan said, "It's far behind you."

Unexpectedly, John Lasseter knew about Shahai Entertainment Animation Studio: "Which studio produced "Little Pig Peppa" and "Little Yellow Man"?"

Ronan was a little surprised: "Have you heard of it?"

John Lasseter nodded gently: "I have seen these two animation works. My daughter likes "Peppa Pig" very much and often pesters me to buy various peripherals. Your peripheral profit is enviable."

Before Ronan could speak, he said: "I have accompanied my daughter to a few stores. The surroundings of "Peppa Pig" are all in short supply. Mr. Anderson, the peripheral products of the cartoon, you do much better than Pixar. ."

Regarding the situation of "Little Pig Page", Ronan also learned from the report. Since the beginning of this year, this animated short film has gradually attracted the attention of parents and children's audiences, with the cooperation of media promotion. , The heat gradually increases, and the most direct response is on the periphery.

The total sales of peripherals in one month in February 2004 exceeded $5 million, which is almost the sum of all peripheral sales in the past.

In addition, the British BBC and a television station in Australia have decided to introduce this children's cartoon. The copyright for the first season of the two places alone sold for 3.5 million US dollars.

As time goes by, "Little Pig Peppa" is gradually shining, continuously creating revenue, and becoming a long-term profit point for Relativity Entertainment.

Ronan is also very humble: "Shahai Entertainment Animation Studio has just started. In terms of animation operation and profitability, it is far behind Pixar Studio."

John Lasseter smiled suddenly, with a bitterness that outsiders can't understand, and said casually: "Pixar Studio is also good-looking data."

Only the senior executives of Pixar Studios know that Pixar Studios is only a downstream producer. The operation and distribution of the animated feature films produced is completely controlled by the distributor Disney. The income generated by the animated feature films is also taken by Disney first, and then To get to the Pixar studio.

It is precisely because of this situation that Steve Jobs repeatedly negotiated with Michael Eisner, hoping to truly achieve a win-win cooperation.

It is a pity that Pixar Studios met not Michael Eisner in the 10s, but a completely transformed tyrant and dictator.

Even Steve Jobs can't take advantage of Michael Eisner.

The root of all this comes from the investment and distribution agreement signed between Pixar Studios and Walt Disney in the early 1990s. At that time Steve Jobs did not have much wealth, and Pixar Studios was also poor and white, and wanted to complete the world's No. A computer-animated feature film can only sign a contract with Disney similar to a deed.

"I still envy you." John Lasseter sighed with emotion: "You have integrated production, operation and distribution. You don't need to accept another layer of exploitation and have complete autonomy."

Ronan deliberately tentatively said: "I have also heard of what happened between Pixar and Disney."

John Lasseter has no accident. After all, this is not a secret thing. In interviews with the media, Steve Jobs has severely accused Michael Eisner and Walt Disney several times, and even denounced the former as a *.

"Pixar can find other distributors." Ronan seemed to be very casual and said: "Your contract with Disney is not long, right?"

John Lasseter sighed: "How easy is it, including this "Finding Nemo", all the films of Pixar Studios released by Disney, the copyright is shared by both parties."

Hearing this, Ronan looked still, but sighed in his heart, which was really troublesome. ,

He had already understood these things, after all, Robert Iger came from Disney.

"Toy Story", "Bugs", "Monster Electric Company" and "Finding Nemo", etc., half of the copyrights for these series belong to Walt Disney.

If not, he would not have been waiting for opportunities.

For the same reason, Steve Jobs, a tough and skilled figure, was eaten to death by Michael Eisner.

If you think about it, in the early and mid-nineties, Disney’s management headed by Michael Eisner probably had the idea of ​​digging a hole and then talking about it, cooperating with Pixar Studios, and then lacking money and resources. Even if Steve Jobs and Pixar Studio saw the pit, they still wanted to jump inside.

That was the most difficult stage in Steve Jobs's life. It wasn't until Pixar Studios went public that Steve Jobs really crossed the threshold of a billionaire.

Ronan and John Lasseter talked for a while, and gradually became familiar, and exchanged a lot of future development prospects for animated feature films. The relationship between the two became much closer and they began to call each other directly.

Finally, when Ronan left, he specifically said: "John, please greet Mr. Jobs for me. I am an Apple shareholder. I will personally visit Mr. Jobs when I have time."

John Lasseter solemnly said: "I will definitely bring it."

Seeing Ronan's departure, John Lasseter had an idea. Ronan is a shareholder of Apple. Combined with what I just said, it seems that he should be a supporter of Steve Jobs. Common position.

Ronan was about to go home, looked for it in the banquet hall, and soon found Scarlett Johansson.

Scarlett Johansson was in trouble, and a middle-aged Latin uncle with deep eye bags and a strange-looking man was entangled in her.

"Miss Johnson." Benicio del Toro brushed his hair coolly, and followed Scarlett Johansson: "Can I invite you to have a drink?"

Scarlett Johansson did not give any good face, and said as he walked: "Sorry, I don't know how to drink, I'm less than 21 years old, what is your intention to invite me to drink?

Benicio del Toro was stunned. Scarlett Johansson saw Ronan and quickly quickened his pace: "Ronan, I'm here."

Ronan came to Scarlett Johansson and looked at the Latino. Scarlett Johansson immediately took Ronan's arms tightly.

Seeing Ronan, looking at Scarlett Johansson again, Benicio del Toro suddenly realized, and immediately said: "Sorry, Miss Johnson, Mr. Anderson, I was abrupt."

Ronan didn't speak, just nodded slightly.

Benicio del Toro knew everyone to provoke and who could not provoke, so he disappeared quickly.

Luo Nan walked to the entrance of the banquet hall: "Let's go back."

Scarlett Johansson followed, but said: "Does the presidential suite here have a dedicated elevator?"

Ronan couldn't help laughing: "There is an elevator."