Chapter 931: 1 king fried

In mid-May, Warner Bros. and DC Comics convened a grand press conference at the Burbank Warner Building to officially announce the future DC superhero movie plan.

The two companies will use the Justice League in the comics as a template to adapt and create a Justice League superhero universe.

The media reporters present are not surprising, after all, Marvel Entertainment’s "Avengers" universe plan is obvious enough, and DC Comics, as a direct competitor, cannot be indifferent.

Strictly speaking, DC Comics has fallen behind.

At the end of the press conference, Warner Bros. and DC Comics also announced that the first part of the plan would be "Green Lantern". The two companies will invest US$200 million in production budgets to expand the background and worldview of the Justice League to the entire universe.

This news is undoubtedly amazing and quite eye-catching. After all, the Justice League of the comics is more influential than the Avengers.

At the same time, DC Comics also announced that the new Justice League comics will be launched soon and will fully cooperate with the movie universe plan to create a comic master universe.

This comic project was named "New 52" by DC.

With the announcement of these plans, Warner Bros. and DC Comics swept away the decline of "Superman Returns" and attracted the attention of countless people.

As if a brand new and successful movie universe is in front of you.

Related news spread quickly, and there are some unavoidable concerns on Relativity Entertainment.

The reputation of the Justice League is here, and worries are normal.

"We are not talking about overseas market development, North America is still Hollywood's largest source of revenue and profit."

In the small conference room of Relativity Entertainment, George Clint quickly said: "We have not interrupted targeted market research these years. It is not difficult to draw a conclusion that the overall number of North American film consumers has not increased. There is a limit to their overall spending power in the segment. In the face of a certain type of movie, if they spend too much on one part of it, it will definitely affect the consumption level of another part."

Ronan sat at the top of the conference table and never spoke.

Kevin Fitch took the call at this time, he said very directly: "Warner Bros. and DC Comics' Justice League Cinematic Universe project will form a direct competition with our Avengers project!"

After hearing this, Ronan suddenly thought of something. When the schedule of "Batman vs. Superman" was first announced, Warner Bros. specially chose to be released on the same weekend as "Captain America: Civil War", and its direct competition suppressed The purpose is very obvious.

But later, Warner Bros. changed the schedule of "Batman v Superman".

If you infer the motivation from the results, it is very likely that after Warner Bros. held an internal preview for "Batman v Superman", confidence became a little lacking.

Robert Iger said: "Competition is inevitable, we must first do ourselves."

Ronan said at this time: "We are one step ahead and don’t need to pay too much attention to our competitors. George, Kevin, your work and energy are all focused on film production and plan execution, dealing with competitive matters, it’s up to me and Bao Bo is responsible."

George Clint nodded slightly: "Okay, I see."

Ronan added: "I have a lot of contacts with Warner Bros. and I know more about Kevin Tesuhara. He himself is not good at the film business, but likes to directly intervene, which may cause some troubles to the project itself. ."

Robert Iger said: "I carefully watched the movies that Warner Bros. sold out in recent years. The performance of the movie actually depends on the support of the "Harry Potter" series, and then the "Batman" that we collaborated with. There are very few successful films, and even projects like the two sequels of "The Matrix", "Troy", "Catwoman" and "Superman Returns" are far from reaching the expected performance."

Ronan didn't say much. What he did before was also inappropriate to say. The best way is to wait for the fermentation.

In the past two years, he has actually done a lot with Warner Bros.

Participate in the "Batman" series to dilute Warner Bros' earnings; win over Christopher Nolan, so that Warner Bros. will lose a big help in the future; invite Wen Ziren to join the relativity entertainment system, and Warner Bros. will inevitably lose a large number of horror movies with small and popular horror movies ; Push Zach Schneider in front of Warner Bros. to prevent Warner Bros from not paying attention to the director and so on.

Ronan vaguely remembers that the first candidate for Warner Bros. to run the DC superhero series and the Justice League was not Zach Schneider, but George Miller.

is the director who made the "Mad Max" series.

But the emergence of Zach Schneider changed everything.

Now, under the impetus of Ronan, Zach Schneider has completely entered the vision of Warner Bros. It is impossible for George Miller to appear as an alternative.

The influence of these is not obvious now, and will not be prominent until later.

In fact, if Warner Bros. and DC Comics can stabilize and choose the right director and producer, the Justice League may not have a bright future.

But Ronan won't let them stabilize.

Shortly after the press conference of Warner Bros. and DC Comics, under Ronan’s instruction, Marvel Entertainment and Embassy Pictures also jointly convened a press conference to announce "The Hulk", "Iron Man 2," Plans and schedules related to Thor and Captain America.

And in an unexpected way, announced that "Avengers" will be officially released in 2009!

After this press conference, according to Ronan's information, Warner Bros. and the top executives of DC Comics jumped around and decided to speed up the "Justice League" movie universe project.

After all, they didn't even plan for the first part, but their competitors had prepared the entire first phase.

This also makes it inevitable that the DC Comics executives, who have maintained an advantage over Marvel for many years in film adaptation, have some psychological imbalance.

Warner Bros. and DC Comics are inevitably brought to life by Relativity Entertainment.

Of course, Ronan is also very clear that what Warner Bros. and DC Comics hold in their hands is a king bomb. Even if it is played in the worst way, it will still have a considerable influence.

No one can deny this.

The North American summer file is fighting fiercely. While "Iron Man" is selling at the North American box office, the overseas popularity has gradually increased. When the North American box office is approaching 300 million US dollars, the global box office has exceeded 400 million US dollars in one fell swoop.

Not to mention that the screening is far from over, just this number is enough to make Marvel Pictures start the next plan.

As we all know, the box office only accounts for a part of the income of Hollywood movies, and in superhero movies, the box office accounts for a smaller proportion of the income. "Iron Man" has too many profit points. It is only a comic item, because the film tape With the popularity and attention, Iron Man comics sold millions of copies, with sales reaching nearly 18 million US dollars.

As for traditional peripheral products such as dolls, dolls, and stationery, the sales are equally astonishing. According to statistics, the sales of various peripheral products in North America have also exceeded 100 million US dollars. You can basically see wearing steel in all parts of the United States. Movie fans and comics fans who haunt the mask.

On a new weekend, Universal Pictures’ "Miami Storm" launched on the North American theaters.

Ronan did not pay any more attention, left Los Angeles to Cannes, France, to the ongoing Cannes Film Festival, to participate in the premiere of "The Infinite Walker" at the festival.

The film’s premiere lineup is extremely luxurious, led by director Martin Scorsese, and the three big stars Tom Cruise, Will Smith and Jack Nicholson are all present.

Among the supporting roles are Martin Sheen, Alec Baldwin, Jessica Chastain and other small famous actors.

Although Ronan also played a small supporting role, he never used himself as an actor, did not stop on the red carpet at all, and walked through the media area directly into the theater.

Tom Cruise, who was the first to walk on the red carpet to pull the atmosphere, is already in the theater.

"I haven't been to Cannes for a long time." Tom Cruise said: "It should be a long time since I attended a European film festival."

Ronan said casually: "This shows that you don't need the film festival to increase your reputation."

Tom Cruise smiled and said, “No, I don’t want to recall something. I attended the three major European film festivals last time and I haven’t gotten divorced yet.”

Ronan remembered: "Open Eyes Caution."

Tom Cruise nodded slightly: "In 1999, the opening film of the Venice Film Festival."

Ronan had some vague impressions, remembering to read the relevant news, in order to match the atmosphere of the film "Open Eyes", Nicole Kidman generously lifted up her skirt on the red carpet of the Venice Film Festival and told the media I showed off **** **** with fans Compared to her scale in the movie, this is of course nothing.

Tom Cruise suddenly asked, "Do we have any hope of getting Palme d’Or?"

Ronan shook his head: "The winner may be very low."

This has nothing to do with the film. It is purely based on the conclusion drawn by the jury. The chairman of the jury of the three major film festivals has too much power in the selection of awards.

Ronan also recently learned that the film festival organizing committee only finalized the chairman of the jury, the king of sunglasses from Hong Kong City.

In the style of the King of Sunglasses, for the art film festival, the commercialized "Infinite Walker" is very biased, and I am afraid it will not meet his aesthetics.

Of course, it’s not that there are no candidates who support relativity entertainment in the jury. For example, the lady Lizao and the director of Halodan are all members of the jury.

But the power gap between the general judges and the chairman of the jury is too great.

Jessica Chastain came over to say hello, saw Ronan and Tom Cruise chatting, and left soon.

Waiting for Martin Scorsese to come in, Ronan chatted with him a few more words, and then walked into the theater.

Somewhat unexpectedly, Ronan met a very familiar person before entering the theater.

"Hi, Ronan." The tall woman with blond hair greeted him proactively: "It's been a long time."

Ronan put away the sudden accident and said, "I didn't expect to see you here, Carmen."