Chapter 974: March into the east

The actual production budget is only 90 million US dollars, but the North American opening weekend box office has 78.91 million US dollars. "The Incredibles" is undoubtedly a great success, which also makes Pixar Studios' prospects in Relativistic Entertainment instantly clear.

Pixar Studios is still the leading player in the industry.

Due to the schedule, and the Embassy Pictures to formulate a more detailed and thorough publicity and promotion plan, "Cars" will not be released until next year. Relativity Entertainment released only "The Incredibles" this year of Pixar's animated feature film. unit.

But a good start is undoubtedly a guarantee of success.

Pixar Studios is now a wholly-owned subsidiary of Relativity Entertainment. There is no need to think about messy matters such as marketing channels. All energy only needs to focus on animation production and the design and development of related animation software and hardware.

Computer animation software and hardware development is also the main business of Pixar Studios.

This month, Pixar Studios completed a transaction with DreamWorks Animation Studios, which involved animation development software and hardware. DreamWorks Animation Studios needed to pay Pixar Studios a fee of 49.5 million US dollars for this.

There are not many animation studios in Hollywood that have real self-development capabilities. Pixar Studios has been engaged in development and design in this area since it has not yet separated from Lucasfilm, and has nearly 30 years of technology accumulation.

From the perspective of commercial interests, most of the time, it is more cost-effective to buy finished products directly than to invest money and time to start research and development from scratch.

Therefore, there are too many companies that have transformed from technology, industry and trade to trade, industry and technology.

This batch of equipment purchased from Pixar Studios, most of the DreamWorks Animation Studios will be delivered to the newly established Oriental DreamWorks Company.

More and more companies in Hollywood are extending their tentacles to the other side of the Pacific Ocean. The natural market advantage brought by the demographic dividend over there is really too big.

is not only a film production and distribution company, even Hollywood agencies are ready to move.

At a charity reception in mid-November, Ronan met the co-founder of CAA and Brian Lord, who has always worked closely with Relativity Entertainment.

Having a drink with Ronan, Brian Lord stood in the lounge area of ​​the banquet hall and asked Ronan: "I heard that the business of Relativity Entertainment's branch in the East is going well?"

Ronan handed the wine glass to Connie behind him, and said, "It was very smooth, but since the establishment of the branch in 2000, it has indeed gained something."

Brian Lord and Ronan have worked together for many years, without talking in circles, and directly said: "CAA is ready to enter the market across the Pacific."

"Congratulations." Ronan said sincerely: "The market over there is very broad. With the reputation of CAA, playing the Hollywood sign can attract a large number of stars over there to become your customers."

Brian Lord still has this self-confidence: "We have signed Miss Lizao. She is the most iconic international movie star there. Through her relationship, we have also contacted many celebrities there. Everyone wants to be a CAA customer."

Ronan is very clear that, unlike film production companies that have a cultural and ideological output in a certain sense, entertainment agencies will be less restricted on the other side of the Pacific.

The Oriental branch of Relativity Entertainment and Embassy Pictures has been established for many years, but the actual business is actually not much. It is more about maintaining the relationship network.

In fact, it’s not difficult to think about it. No matter the production company or the distribution company, there is very little work that can be done.

It’s impossible to release a movie, it’s impossible to apply for a film project, and it’s also impossible to promote it outside the stipulated one-month period.

It is no exaggeration to say that even if it is a top giant company in Hollywood, when you get there, it is the dragon who wants to hold it, the tiger who wants to lie...

Even, it is not once or twice that China Film Group defaulted on the box office share owed to Hollywood. Limited to the special market relationship between the two sides, it was quite troublesome to negotiate.

Fortunately, Relativity Entertainment has done a good job in the past few years. For the time being, China Film Group has not encountered the bad thing that China Film owes its box office share.

Relativity Entertainment has worked with China Film and law enforcement agencies to combat piracy. As for the final effect, it can only be said to be better than nothing.

Brian Lord said at this time: "Relativity Entertainment came into contact with CAA earlier than CAA, Ronan, we have been a partner for many years, and you are a famous Hollywood person who knows the opposite side of the Pacific. Regarding CAA entering there, you can Any suggestions?"

This is very sincere. After all, the cooperation between the two parties for many years has too many interests involved.

Ronan pondered for a while, and said simply: "Um...Brian, some of my opinions from my personal point of view may not be correct, just listen."

Brian Lord didn’t think so. He just thought Ronan’s suggestion was very rare, so he quickly said: "Ronan, you have something to say."

Ronan slightly organized the language and said: "The opposite side of the Pacific Ocean is a very special market, which is completely different from the Western market. CAA is going to go this time. It is best to find a strong local company or person to cooperate. Take care of the mouths of CAA owners and the network platform. , Don’t participate in political or social events at will. Unlike North America, there is a lower tolerance for celebrities. Don’t easily sign people who have problems with their positions, otherwise there will be countless troubles. Then there is interpersonal relations. If you handle it well, it’s best to find someone from there to be the head of the Eastern branch..."

These opinions are very sincere. Brian Lord nodded repeatedly and said, "Thank you! Thank you very much, Ronan."

"You don't need to be so polite." Ronan said that, in fact, it is not difficult to find a public relations expert in the East, and it is not difficult to summarize it. Now it is just a favor of selling to CAA: "Relativity Entertainment and CAA are partners and should help each other. "

Brian Lord said: "Yes. Relativity entertainment is useful for CAA, just speak up."

Ronan was not polite at all, and said directly: "Shahai Entertainment still needs the full cooperation of CAA in terms of drama production."

Brian Lord immediately showed his due attitude and said: "CAA's actors, directors, and all behind-the-scenes staff resources will be given priority to Shahai Entertainment's projects. You can rest assured Ronan. CAA has always been the most reliable strategic partner of Relativity Entertainment."

Ronan beckoned for two glasses of champagne and toasted with Brian Lord. The cooperation between Relativity Entertainment and CAA will continue.

This kind of cooperation is also a win-win situation. CAA gets the corresponding package service fee, and Relativity Entertainment can save a lot of time and energy to develop new dramas or movie projects.

CAA provides packaging services for Relativity Entertainment, more than 95% of which are concentrated on the solo series on the Netflix streaming platform.

Just as Brian Lord left here, William Morris’s famous agent Avery Emanuel came over.

"Hi, Ronan." Avery Emmanuel wore a usual white coat. Although he was a little older, he looked personable, more like a star than an agent. He asked naturally: "Come here alone tonight?"

Ronan casually said, "I'm a standard bachelor."

Avery Emmanuel asked: "Would you like to find someone to accompany you for a drink?" His eyes turned to the other side: "Aren't you familiar with Charlize?"

Ronan responded, "I just said hello to Charlize."

Recently, Charlize Theron moved to William Morris, and his agent was Avery Emanuel.

The William Morris’s agent, as well as Matt Damon and Denzel Washington are big stars.

Avery Emanuel said: "Charlize admires you very much and mentioned you in front of me many times."

Ronan thought he came here almost for business, so he said politely: "Hawking once said that even in the infinite parallel universe, you can't date Charlize Theron."

"Charlize is not that difficult to make appointments." Seeing that Ronan was just coping, Avery Emmanuel changed the subject in due course: "I heard that Relativity Entertainment recently got close to a congressman from Illinois?"

This information is difficult to keep secret, especially for those who are more informed. Ronan knew that Ai Li-Emanuel said that he had no intention of denying it. He said: "Big companies, big groups, which ones There are not many people who are close in Washington, DC?"

Avery Emanuel said: "My brother Ram likes that congressman very much... Oh, Ram currently serves in the Chicago city government."

Ronan did not give any promises, only said: "It seems that the congressman will return to Chicago next month to hold an event ~ you can ask your brother to talk to him then."

Avery Emanuel knew this was the best result, so he didn't say more.

Although the political and entertainment circles seem to be unrelated, they are actually inextricably linked.

This can be proved by the star’s clear-cut “flag waving” during the US election, and the “mainstream values” transmitted in blockbuster movies are often the “correct” views they want to convey.

At the end of the brief conversation with Avery Emanuel, Ronan glanced at the time and just wanted Connie to tell David to drive to the hotel door so that he could leave. Chris from Sony Columbia Pictures Came to him.

Chris and Ronan have known each other for many years, and hugged him directly, and said, "Ronan, you are so beautiful recently."

Ronan smiled and said, "I don't have any scenery."

Chris took Ronan to a rest table and sat down, and said: "Relativity Entertainment's movies are selling well one after another. Isn't it not enough?"

Ronan shrugged slightly: "That was the success of the collective efforts of the entire company."

Chris added: "Even Sony Columbia Pictures' "007 vs. Casino Royale" has become the loser of "The Incredibles"."

"You are looking for me..." Ronan asked deliberately, "Isn't it here to complain?"

Chris straightened his face: "Of course not, I'm looking for you to have a business."

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