On the woman's wrist, she wore a silver watch.

She lightly tapped on the side of her watch and the screen of her dark watch lit up. At the same time, there were several app icons, almost the same as the interface of her phone.

This is a smart watch.

Before Chen Mo came to the Linjiang City, he stole his master's three thousand yuan. When he went to the town to buy phones for himself and Erya, he heard the sales representative introduce him.

It was said that apart from having many convenient and practical functions, this kind of watch could also connect to a mobile phone, allowing one to make calls and pick up calls.

A watch like this, even the cheapest would be over a thousand dollars, and the more expensive would be a few thousand.

The watch in the woman's hand was gleaming with silver light. It was much more expensive than the one he had seen in the town earlier.

The woman was obviously very familiar with her smart wristwatch. Even though her hands were clasped behind her head and she couldn't see the screen, she still successfully opened the contact book and pressed the number at the top.

She wasn't calling 110 because the bank itself had an alarm system that triggered the alarm when the robbers smashed down the counters.

The person she was calling was the person called "Jian Shilin" in her contact list.

The call quickly connected. The woman lowered her wrist to her ear and calmly said, "18 Riverside Avenue. I'm in the bank. Someone might want to kill me."

Then, before the person on the other end of the phone could reply, she turned off the screen.

Chen Mo's hearing was astonishing, he did not understand what she meant.

Someone wants to kill you?

When these robbers came to rob a bank, one could tell with just their toes that they were looking for money.

You just wait and see, these robbers take the money and leave, why are you being killed?

However, if you were to secretly make a phone call like this, you would not be far from death if you were to be discovered.

Beautiful lady, can you please not court death?

Chen Mo sweated madly in his heart.

Faced with the armed bandits, the bank staff did not dare to resist. Soon, each sack was filled to the brim with money.

"For safety's sake, grab a person's quality belt, just in case."

The leader of the robbers said, and then his gaze swept the hall once, before finally landing on the peerless beauty in front of Chen Mo.

"He's even wearing sunglasses in the room. What a fucking pretentious guy. "I'll choose you then. Hurry up and stand up and leave with your brothers."

The woman stood up and slowly walked over.

A few of the robbers unscrupulously looked at the woman, "Oh, so she's a woman!" Take off your glasses and show them to the brothers. "

The woman took off her sunglasses.

A beautiful face that was as beautiful as a painting appeared before the crowd.

She had curved eyebrows, dark eyes, a beautiful nose, and thin lips. If one were to randomly pick one up, it might not be considered outstanding. However, with these facial features combined with their rosy white skin as a foundation, it was simply a beautiful sight to behold.

With such looks, it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that she was a rare beauty.

The woman had her back to Chen Mo, so when he saw how the group of robbers looked at her with evil eyes, he was also extremely curious.

What exactly did this woman look like to cause these robbers to reveal their pig-like looks one by one?

The evil light in the leader's eyes grew even more intense. He took a step forward, reached out his big hand and grabbed towards the woman's chest.

The robbers' underlings chuckled, staring at the woman's beautiful face, wanting to see what kind of expression would appear on her face when her chest was attacked.

The woman suddenly took a step back, and the hand of the leader of the robbers instantly grasped nothing.

"Stand still or I'll shoot!" The leader of the robbers' face sank, and he pointed his black gun at the woman.

"If you really want to do this, then shoot!"

Although there was a trace of fear in the woman's eyes, her words were straightforward and without hesitation.

Hehe, I was waiting for you to hit the nail on the head yourself! That way, he would be able to get rid of you and complete the employer's task!

The leader's eyes gradually turned cold as he pulled the trigger without hesitation.

Just as he pulled the trigger, a silver light shot out at the same time, piercing into his chest like lightning.

The leader of the robbers only felt a sharp pain in his chest. He was unable to catch his breath, and was unable to fire a second shot, falling to the ground.

When the bullet left his mouth, Chen Mo suddenly rushed forward, and threw his onto the ground. Before the force had dissipated, he even used her body as a skateboard, and pushed her two or three meters forward.


The bullet hit the empty ground.

Chen Mo had already pressed down that woman, and scuttled in front of the few robbers.

"Alright, you brat!" Brothers, blast him. " Seeing that, one of the robbers immediately shouted, quickly pulled the safety button and pulled the trigger.

"Miss, sorry for offending you." Chen Mo suddenly said.

Before the woman could react, she felt a powerful force coming from below her ribs, and she was sent flying.

When Chen Mo kicked the woman, he did not retreat but advanced instead. Unknowingly, his hands had each been clamped with four silver needles, and at the same time the rest of the robbers opened fire, he threw the needles out.

There were a total of eight of them. Other than the leader who had just been stabbed in the heart by his silver needle and temporarily lost his ability to fight, there were another seven.

Eight silver needles shot out at the same time, and the seven robbers opened fire at the same time.


As the woman fell to the ground, gunshots rang out one after another.

Bang bang bang bang bang!

In the arena, the seven robbers shot at Chen Mo together. However, just as they fired out that single shot, they all felt an unbearable pain coming from their wrists.


The pain in their hands caused them to be unable to hold on to the heavy firearms and they all fell to the ground.

The eight silver needles that Chen Mo had thrown out had all hit their targets. Every bandit's wrist had been pierced by a silver needle.

One of the unfortunate fellows had two needles stabbed into his hand. His hand could be considered to be completely crippled.

At the same time as he shot out the silver needles, the Profound Yang True Power in Chen Mo's body flowed throughout his entire body, protecting the meridians in his entire body.

In a split-second, he kicked the woman out of the firing range with a flying kick and shot out eight silver needles at the same time.

After doing all this, there was already no time for him to dodge the bullet.

Furthermore, he was not as fast as the bullets!

In the blink of an eye, Chen Mo had only enough time to turn around and try to use his body to welcome the incoming bullet.

Seven people, seven guns. Seven bullets shot out and they all landed on Chen Mo's body.

Fortunately, the three of them didn't know if they were too weak with their spears, or if they were too nervous when firing, their bullets only hit the floor when they brushed past Chen Mo.

Even so, four bullets had still pierced Chen Mo's arms and thighs.