Lin Hsingna frowned, her almond eyes opened wide, her fair and rosy face was filled with an evil aura.

His appearance showed that he was ready to start a fight at any moment.

"Calm down. You calm down first."

Chen Mo extended a hand, indicating for her to not be impulsive, and quickly said: "The reason why I asked you for silver needles, is mainly to treat your injuries. That Ming Yuqing thing was just something along the way, that's all. Just something to show her. "

Damn, he could only blame himself for being quick with his mouth!

This violent female policeman and Ming Yuqing were still arguing like fire and water, and now that he had revealed it, with Lin Hsingna's personality, it would be weird if he would help her.

As expected, Lin Hsingna said straightforwardly: "I can't help you with this matter even if I wanted to. Just lie in the hospital for as long as you want.

Chen Mo blushed with shame, "Is this a matter of medical fees? Lin Hsingna, Officer Lin, we have known each other for quite a few days and have interacted with each other quite a few times. Just take it as a favor, will you? "

Lin Hsingna put her hands on her waist and scolded rudely: "What does this old lady have to do with you!"

She was furious at the thought of the few times she had dealt with this bastard.

The first time they met this bastard was in Emerald Garden's garden pavilion.

When she had returned home from work, she found this fellow practicing boxing in the pavilion when she tried to return to her room via Emerald Garden.

The Boxing Skill was filled with fierce wind, the moves were powerful and fierce, the winds from the punch were strong, the aura of an expert, immediately evoked the raging fighting intent in her body.

She took the initiative to step forward and issue a challenge.

In the end, not only did this bastard repeatedly refuse her, he even scolded her for being sick. In the end, he knocked her down with just a few blows, making her half dead from anger.

Later, on the business street, Lin Hsingna caught him in the name of a gang fight and brought him back to the police station.

He had originally wanted to use this opportunity to settle his old grudge, but he didn't expect that he would end up beating him in the interrogation room, and even onto his chest.

Although in the end his goal was to diagnose her own illness, but Lin Hsingna saw how her actions, expression, words and actions were all so vulgar!

After that, under Chen Mo's interference, Chief Zhao Jinglun requested for her to undergo a medical examination, and then she was diagnosed with cancer.

How else could she choose between an extirpation and an acupuncture massage?

He had no choice but to find this bastard for treatment. During the treatment, he had taken even more advantage of him.

And this morning at Herborn, when she had her buttocks pierced by the glass shard, and this thing even made the stitches for her, during which she lost control over her entire body, being looked at and touched by this bastard.

Recalling the interaction between the two, Lin Hsingna couldn't help but grind her teeth.

Since she was young, she had never been bullied like this by a man.

But now, this bastard actually had the gall to befriend her!

"Lin Hsingna, don't just stand there and not recognize me. In the future, you still have to rely on me to treat you! "You aren't even willing to help me with such a small favor?" Chen Mo used her trump card.

If he could, he really didn't want to use treatment to threaten Lin Hsingna.

If he did not get the silver needles, not only would it affect his own injuries, it would also affect how he treated Ming Yuqing two days later!

Ming Yuqing's injuries were very severe. When she was used in the hospital, she could control the condition of her injuries, but if she was treated in this way, it was very likely that her legs would go down, or even become worse, and she might even become slightly disabled.

Thus, if he didn't want to leave behind an irreparable side effect, he had to treat it as soon as possible.

However, Lin Hsingna didn't buy his trick, and snorted: "You promised me before that you wouldn't charge a dime for my sister and I to see a doctor in the future, and you even promised to do your best. "According to what you have said, if I don't help you get the silver needles back today, you won't treat my illness!"

"As a man, I will never go back on my word when I promise you." "Rest assured, I will definitely do my best to treat this illness. I'm just giving you a reminder to wake up."

Chen Mo said with a wry smile: "Look, the medical fees for every treatment is over ten thousand, and to treat a patient, it would at least be a hundred and eighty thousand. I won't accept any money right now, and I might even lose some money to treat you. But on account of this matter, you can't do me a favor! "

Lin Hsingna stopped talking. She frowned, as if she was thinking about something.

Just as Chen Mo was about to ask, she said: "Didn't you know Zhao Jinglun? Why didn't you ask him for help?"

Hearing that, Chen Mo's eyes lit up.

If not for Lin Hsingna's reminder, he would not have thought of this relationship at all.

This Zhao Jinglun is the Director of the Linjiang City Bureau, if I can get him to show his face, taking these silver needles shouldn't be a problem, right?

Zhao Jinglun was Lin Hsingna's boss. Even though he did not go to the Chief of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, he went to the Vice Captain of the Criminal Police to help him.

"Lin Hsingna, where's my phone?"

Chen Mo wanted to find his phone, but he saw Lin Hsingna looking at him with a smile that was not a smile, "Why are you looking at me? There's something on my face! "

"This bank robbery is a criminal case. A special investigation team has been set up in the Bureau. I have full responsibility for it. When you went to look for the bureau chief, the bureau chief also came to look for me in the end. " Lin Hsingna said, calm and unruffled in the midst of the chaos.

"Damn!" Lin Hsingna, you must be joking with me! "

"I just wanted to tell you, you're looking for the bureau chief. You're just looking for him."

Chen Mo was speechless for a while.

Just a moment ago, he was still self-righteous enough to think that asking for help from this Violent Police Flower was to distance himself from the situation.

He never thought that the person in charge of this case would be Lin Hsingna.

If you are the person in charge of the case, then why didn't you say so earlier and pretended to ask why didn't you go look for Zhao Jinglun?

When we remembered, just as we were about to look for the phone, you said, "You look for the bureau chief, and the bureau chief wants to look for me."

This woman was clearly trying to humiliate him!

"If this silver needle is able to injure a person, it is a lethal weapon. The silver needles that had been stabbed into the robber's body, if taken off, would become evidence in this case. However, your needle box and the remaining silver needles in it, strictly speaking, are not necessarily material evidence. "

Lin Hsingna's words carried a trace of turning point.

Chen Mo immediately nodded, "That's right! Take away the silver needles that pierced the robbers. The needle in my box has nothing to do with the murder weapon. "

"The Police Force of punishment has its own rules and procedures for handling cases. I can help, but I may not be able to do as you wish. If you can't bring it out in two days, it's useless even if you look for someone. " Lin Hsingna was very straightforward, she did not hesitate at all.

Regardless of whether it was possible or not, it was a good thing that he was willing to help. Chen Mo sincerely said: "Lin Hsingna, thank you."

Lin Hsingna stared: "Call me Officer Lin!"

It was this seductive gaze again. Chen Mo really wanted her to glare at him a few more times, but due to her violent temper, he knew better and changed his words, "Err … Officer Lin, this is a success, I'll treat you to a meal. "