Chapter 1279 Don’t Snap

Name:The Bloodline System Author:
1279 Don't Snap

Author's Note: Unedited Chapter


"The Midelies have decided that you are no longer fit to Captain us. Captain Ostril has taken over," Uta responded while turning to stare at the nine foot tall female by the side with pinkish star shaped marks all over her body.

"Hahahahaha surely you jest! You must be trying to cheer me up Uta but this is quite the expensive joke," Strum tried his best to seat up but his entire body ached so badly, he wined in pain and stopped trying.

Everyone stared at him with serious expressions which caused his face to slowly turn from 'u' to '--' shaped.

"The micelles must have lost their minds!" He yelled out after realising Uta was serious.

"I am the only one who is fit to be captain! Ostril isn't as powerful!" He gritted his teeth as he forcefully pushed himself up.

"Mother would never allow this..."

"Enough," Ostril cut him short.

"You have lost your light," She added.

"What do you mean? It's still..." Strum's face suddenly froze as he sensed something missing within.

"You're now the weakest amongst us all. When you get your light back, you can come for the title of Captain but till then, I am captain," Ostril voiced with a confident tone.

"This cannot be..." Strum had a look of disbelief as he muttered, "No, no no, how?"

"I will succeed where you have failed and find a way to deal with the oppositions that block our path to victory like Captain Crimson..." Captain Ostril turned around at this point and everyone else followed after her, leaving Strum in his state of despair.



Two figures who were undoubtedly powerful, appeared behind him the moment he stepped out of the structure.

"Family head, how did the negotiations go?" One of them questioned.

"He'll contact us when he acquires it," Stark responded as they walked away together.


'I can't believe he made me decline another one,' Yuhiko stared at Gustav from the corner of her eyes with annoyance building from within her.

Currently the eight batch was ongoing. Yuhiko had been challenged again by a participant from Planet Orion this time.

Gustav made Yuhiko decline and this made it her second time. This meant that Yuhiko only had a single declining chance left and points would start getting deducted after that.

"Didn't think that dude would challenge someone else in our group after Yuhiko declined," Teemee voiced from the side.

"And he went after Vera... tsk tsk," Matilda shook her head in pity.

"He probably thought she was weak..." Ria chimed in.

"Vera is usually silent most of the times and can easily be unnoticeable. It is understandable why he thinks she's weak," Aildrs stated.

"But she is gonna win... right?" Ria voiced with a slightly worried expression.

Gustav watched the ongoing battle with an observant expression as usual. Her opponent was a being with glowing silver wings and a halo floating above his radish shaped head.

A world of dense forestry surrounded them as the Orion participant sped across the air, swerving repeatedly to dodge thick vines shooting from below with speed.

These vines were each almost as thick as a grown adult with all sorts of prickly thorns surrounding them. It seemed like they could lengthen infinitely and were flexible enough to twist as well as curve in mid air to the manipulator's desire.

These vines snapped at the Orion participant repeatedly, trying swat him down from the air like a fly to no avail.

Sweeeii~ Sweeeii~ Sweeeii~

He managed to evade about four of them as he spun across the air while reaching out to grab the glowing halo floating above his head.

Vera whose body was hidden within the thickness of ths forestry below and many vines surrounding her, stretched forth her arm.


The Orion participant suddenly felt a soft hand clasp onto his left shoulder causing him to wince as he tried to quickly turn around.

Unfortunately, he felt his sense of self fading as the world around him turned white.

'What is going on...?' These were his last thoughts as he fell to his knees with the hand still positioned on his left shoulder.


The entire spectator area erupted with voices of disbelief and confusion as they stared at the girl with green and white hair standjng behind her opponent who she had subjected to his knees.

They couldn't understand what was going on as what happened next was Vera muttering some words that were too low in volume for them to hear.

-"What did she do?"

more powerful than you are?" Wong had an expression of confusion as he questioned.


-"I have to admit, I didn't see that coming,"

-"We had such a participant? How come we never knew her capabilities till now?"

Even in the earth's spectators area, they were greatly shocked. Vera had just performed a feat that put her amongst the strongest.

A few seconds later, the orion Participant fell face flat onto the ground and passed out. It was unknown what had damage had been caused but there was no doubt that Vera had won.

< Vera (Planet Earth) Wins >

< 1100 Points Attained >

This was one of ths largest points that had been acquired since the versus battle challenge began. No one had expected Vera to win and even if she had lost, it would have only been a 600 points deduction.

Planet Orion had truly lost more than they had bargained for in this one. Vera began walking back to the earth's participants area with a straight expression while other battles continued.

-"She really won just by touching him?"

-"She definitely has a very dangerous touch,"

-"She is to be avoided in future battles,"

An obssessive smile appeared on Vera's face as she arrived at the earth's participants area.

She ignored everyone else praising her for a job well done and stood before Gustav.

"Did I do well?" She questioned with puppy eyes.

"You did a great job," Gustav smiled while rubbing her hair affectionately.

She jumped into his embrace in the next instant giggling like her face didn't just look scary a while ago with the straight expression she initially wore.

"AHEM!" Angy grabbed Vera's hair from behind and pulled her from Gustav's embrace.


"Oh but then, wouldn't it be delusional to think you could win against an opponent that is clearly more powerful than you are?" Wong had an expression of confusion as he questioned.

"If the disparity in strength is immense then yes, but if not, then there is definitely a chance of winning. Loss or win in a battle cannot be decided by strength alone. Uncertain and unexpected factors can lead to a completely turn of events during a battle," Gustav responded.

"Do you think you can defeat him?" Wong asked.

A smile appeared on Gustav's face after hearing this question, "I guess we'll find out soon enough,"

The group also followed side by side with Gustav as they headed towards their accommodation area.

As the participants witnessing the initial events by the side dispersed, two figure with transparent skin, green eyed and white radish shaped head, glared in the direction of the earth participants leaving.

-"We shall revenge the humiliation they brought upon my brother,"

-"That human must die by our hands,"