Chapter 1313 Let’s Win This!

Name:The Bloodline System Author:
Chapter 1313 Let's Win This!

Author's Note: Unedited Chapter.


If these fakes were able to infiltrate a great planet like this and use the identity of a participating planet for so long, there were no doubt that they had capabilities.

Handler One had to later address the general public that there was nothing to worry about since they had the perpetrators in captivity. He didn't give more information about the situation but he managed to assure everyone that everything was alright.

At the very least the heated discussions had gone from Gustav to the Indulus Prime incident. Gustav was getting tired of everyone using him as a daily topic of discussion anyways.


"Teemee has finally been avenged," Gustav muttered as he sat in place with a whitish pear shaped organ in his grasp.

Blue blood continously dripped from this pear shaped organ as he held it in his right hand which was drenched in the same color of blood.

("Best to get rid of the evidence because you definitely will be suspected when he his found dead,") The system voiced.

"I will..." Gustav respomded before throwing up the pear shaped whitish organ in his grasp.

A milkly colored glow spread across the organ while it was in mid air and before it could rise further it turned into light particles, completely disintegrating into nothingness.

Gustav fingers were soon covered in the same milky glow which erased the blood on his hands and floors as well.

Just minutes earlier, he had ended Orimon's life after torturing him for almost a week. He had successfully made everyone believe that Orimon was going insane.

Gustav had been questioned a few times by the Handlers and Xionsis who came looking for him personally. He denied any claims of ever coming close to Orimon since the last challenge ended and since they didn't have any proof, they stopped bothering him.

The Xionsis were planning to leave Ozious the next day so he had to end him before their departure.

Did he feel relieved after ending the one who was responsible for the death of his friend? Yes, Gustav did feel a little bit of relief.

He still felt guilty about being unable to save Teemee but he wouldn't have been able to live with himself if he didn't send the killer to join him in wherever he may be.

As the pacifists would say, revenge is a digging two graves. One for your target and one for yourself...

But Gustav didn't care about digging a grave for himself so long as the grave of the other person existed. No matter the cost, Gustav had vowed that anyone who ever harmed his loved ones would meet a gruesome and begrudging end. UppTodated from nô/v/e/lb(i)n.c(o)/m

("Don't you think you are sometimes too intense?") The system voiced.

"No. When you spent a huge chunk of your life alone without any form of relationships and friendships... and you finally build genuine emotional connections with people who care about you so much they would lay their lives on the line for you if need be...

Then you'd understand without a shadow of doubt that you don't want anything bad to happen to such people. You would cherish them... protect them... and save the universe because they exist within it... pfft you wouldn't understand. You don't have emotions.

You're just a machine who follows programs and execute actions based on them,"

("Ouch... well... maybe you're right...") Internally the system had an understanding of emotions based on programming but it was a fact that it didn't feel emotions... or so they thought.

"Enough said, I need to prepare for the coming finals..." Gustav voiced while standing to his feet.

Gustav proceeded to address everyone next, "Are you guys ready?"

They nodded in response.

"There is no room for failure. We are to become IYSOP champions. We got this far and we will make sure it is worth it," Gustav stated.

Everyone had fired up expressions upon hearing this.

"Let's win this," Gustav stated.

"Yes!" They roared in unision.


Minutes later everyone was headed to the first disk which was where the final challenge would be holding.

The participants on the other hand had their respective handlers waiting for them outside their accommodation area.

For each it was Handlers 27 and 28. The duo waited for the group outside on a saucer like floating item.

They implored Gustav and the others to climb onto it. The floating item expanded to accommodate all twenty of them and after a few moments it emitted a bright flash of light.


They all vanished in the next instant.


A blinding star light shone across the dark space, illuminating a region that floated above a massive planet with multiple layers.

This region had a massive ancient flame torch shaped platform with mutiple structures erected on it. It was the size of an island just floating in deep space undisturbed or supported by anything.

It looked grand and incredible but it wasn't the only noticeable thing in this part of space.

Floating colosseum like structure seating areas could be seen a distance from the massive platform. Not only were these seating areas floating in space, they were also occupied by people who were mostly clad in space suits.

These of course were the IYSOP spectators. Spectators who were powerful enough sat in place without needing help from any spacesuit since they could breathe in space and fly.

Miss Aimee floated above the seating area with her eyes set in the direction of the massive floating battlefield.

Her eyes flashed with suspiciousness as she remained in place while participants appeared on the massive floating battlefield one after the other.

'Hmm... hopefully the kid will be okay,' She said internally before descending.

"How much has been uncovered?" Miss Aimee questioned after taking her seat.

"Not much... only part of the translation still," Grand Commander Shion responded.

"Hmm? Which is?" Miss Aimee inquired.

"Lu Ban? aoko vori which translates to '...The Lord is sending...'" Grand Commander Shion said with a contemplative tone.