Chapter 1324 His Home Is With Us!

Name:The Bloodline System Author:
Chapter 1324 His Home Is With Us!

Author's Note: Unedited Chapter


"Then let's do it!" Sheila jumped to her face as her face regained its usual enthusiasm and playfulness.

Her arm was growing back already thanks to the recovery pill but if they has been any second later, it might have been gone forever.

Around them were still thousands of dark creatures with horns but they were glad that they would only have to worry about facing the oppositions now.


A death angel landed about a hundred feet ahead of them and dark corrossion spread forward like a wave.


Almost everyone leapt into the air while conjuring attacks. Angy turned around and sped away at unfathomable speed while a silver colored wave gathered around her figure.


On the other side of the second disk, Gustav happened to have a death angel hand in his grasp as he dodged the claws of another one of them.

A trail of dark energy cut across the air, slicing buildings into multiple parts he dodged. They were incredibly fast and powerful but Gustav was a tiny bit faster.


The Jiko Hakai Katana in his grasp, tore through the belly of the one in front of him, completely splitting him in two.

However, right before Gustav's eyes, dark tendrils phased out of the split body parts and connected to each other before rejoining the death angel.


One of the Death Angels opened his mouth and a dark mist spread across the air.

"Endric, back up," Gustav yelled to Endric who was hundreds of feet eastwards battling the third Death Angel.

Endric blinked and reappeared thousands of feet behind his initial location while Gustav flew backwards, leaving a wide gap between himself and the death angels before him.

As the dark mist spread, the body of water thousands of feet below completely dried up. The buildings disintegrated and a huge chunk of the second disk collapse.

In just a few moments, they was a gigantic hole left beneath which would lead to the third disk if one was to fall through. Fiind updated novels at

Gustav noticed the mist continously spreading and channeled his Atomic Manipulation Bloodline.

He stretched forth his arm and a milky glow coated his hand. Blazing milky colored orbs shot out in the next instant, infiltrating the dark mist.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

The orbs exploded forth with milky waves that spread across the entire vicinity in a bid to disintegrate the mist of darkness.

"Hmm?" Gustav's face lit up with an expression of confusion as he stared ahead.

"What happened?" Endric questioned with a look of bafflement as well after noticing the dark mist was unaffected.

"Ka! Ka! Ka! Ka! Ka!" A weird laughter drifted across the place as the three death Angels charged forward.

Gustav's eyebrows furrowed, "Death angels eh? The mist most like destroys everything including abilities... but..."

Gustav's eyes twinkled as he shot forth the milky orbs once more.

Thwwiihh~ Thwwiihh~ Thwwiihh~

"My master's offspring... there you are," The smiley faced death Angel spoke in an understandable tone this time.

"Falco!" Angy yelled as she spotted the unconscious figure from up ahead.

Everyone else noticed as well. "They had him hidden amongst these dark creatures all this time?" Fildhor voiced with a look of disbelief.

They were occupied with battling two death angels at this moment so they were finding it difficult to break free from the attacks so as to interfere.

"Take the offspring home," The smiley faced death angel voiced with a thunderous tone while handing Falco over to Vikrush.

"As you wish," Vikrush answered while receiving Falco's unconscious body.

"His home is with us!" Angy roared before charging forward swiftly.


Her immense speed, made it seem like she instantly appeared in between Vikrush and the smiley faced death angel.

In Angy's eyes it looked like the world had come to a stand still. Vikrush was still reaching out to grab Falco's unconscious body but he hadn't made contact yet.

The death angel smiley face remained glued in a particular direction and not even her teammates behind seemed to be moving at this moment due to her high speed.

Angy grabbed Falco's body from his grasp and turned around to flee but at this moment...

The hollow grey eyes of the Death angel shifted to peer in her direction.

Angy thrust her right leg forward in a bid to move away when she felt a tug behind her.

"Not so fast earthling!" The smiley faced Death Angel's thunderous voice reverberated across the vicinity as he lifted Angy like a helpless chicken.

"Let me... go..." Angy noticed her entire body weakening as dark corrosive marks spread from her neck where contact was made.

Her right horn suddenly gleamed with a mysterious light as she prepared to use an ability she had only used once out of desperation.

Angy was about to rewind time around her.

The death angel suddenly reached out with his other hand and grabbed Angy's horn.


A loud ripping sound rang across the air as he yanked Angy's horn out of her forehead, causing her to release a painful and blood curdling scream.



He flung Angy's figure away while blood streamed out of her forehead like a fountain.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Her figure spun across the air as she slammed into buildings, tearing through them due to the force at which she was thrown.


Everyone who had witnessed this only saw Angy charge forward and suddenly got thrown away. They had not been fast enough to witness everything that happened but one thing they were sure of was that this death angel had injured their teammate.

"You bastard!" Matilda, E.E and Elevora charged forward, leaving the others to deal with the two death angels behind.

Vikrush who thought he had received Falco's body only came to a realisation after he noticed Falco's unconscious body on the ground beside him.

"Take the offspring and leave," The smiley faced death angel commanded before turning to face the incoming threats.