Chapter 1342 We Can Take The Fight To Them

Name:The Bloodline System Author:
Chapter 1342 We Can Take The Fight To Them

Author's Note: Unedited Chapter.


"There is nothing we can do. Some of them witnessed the Death Angels trying to take Falco away and mentioning that they're here to end me.

Even if that isn't enough to put the destruction of the planet on me, with the power I displayed during IYSOP, a lot of them are scared of how I will turn out if I am allowed to continue growing without hindrance. People fear power that is beyond their control. Some of them would also want to acquire me and slice me open to see how I tick. This is the perfect opportunity for them to place a moral reason on wanting to capture me since they have to hide their innate desires.

Not like I didn't predict that this would happen one day. What I didn't expect was for it to be the entire universe... the same universe, I am burdened with the task of saving," Gustav let out a self ridiculing chuckle.

"The only reason they haven't come at me yet is because Miss Aimee is still around. Once she leaves, they'll push forward," Gustav added. UppTodated from nô/v/e/lb(i)n.c(o)/m

"Why don't you tell her so she can protect you?" Sheila inquired.

"No. Its better if she doesn't get involved this time," Gustav shook his head.

"I will be long gone by the time they label me as wanted so no worries," He added.

"We're coming with you..." E.E stepped forward.

"No. The only person leaving with me is Endric. As for the rest of you, I need you guys to remain here," Gustav refused.


"No buts E.E. You guys are more useful to me here than having to become wanted alongside me... now I'll lay out my plans so you guys can properly understand..." Gustav stated.


'Now I gotta act as the betrayer to become the most trusted MBO officer and further my ranks... this is bullshit. Gustav shouldn't have to run,' E.E couldn't help but grit his teeth in anger as he thought.

Everything happened just as Gustav told them a day after. The same earth that Gustav had saved more than once turned against him completely the moment they heard he was responsible for the destruction of Planet Ozious.

"Those bastards couldn't even give him the benefit of the doubt... do they even deserved to be saved?" He wondered out loud as he paused his footsteps.

The group was aware of the premonitions now and the alliance was working to uncover the truths behind what was coming. Gustav couldn't even rely on Miss Aimee right now even if he wanted to because she was at the forefront of the investigation. She had left her planet to find more clues.

The alliance also pretty much believed that by capturing Gustav they would be able to get more information and maybe prevent it. For the last eight months they had not gotten very far with the investigations.

Amongst the instructions Gustav gave E.E to reveal to the MBO, one of them included the five premonitions and how what happened to Planet Ozious was supposed to be the second one.

At the moment, the world was well aware that a third premonition was coming and would appear at any part of the universe at an unknown time. The questions still remained... Premonitions to what? Who is the enemy?

There would occasionally be a small vibration within the displayed cells. It was very subtle but nonetheless visible in this state.

"What am I looking at?" Grand Commander Shion inquired.

"For so long, amongst other things, we have been working to understand the reason for this phenomenon and now we do," Dr Markle paused for a bit while tapping on the computerised board before him.


Another projection appeared beside the initial, displaying something similar but at the same time different.

"This is a regular person in our world... do you notice the difference?" Dr Markle questioned.

Grand Commander Shion squinted his eyes as he stared back and forth between the two projections. His eyes slighly widened as he noticed the one next to that of the creature in captive vibrated as well but more in a circular and barely noticeable way.

"Is there something wrong with that one?" Grand Commander Shion asked.

"No, that is precisely how everyone of us here is. We vibrate on the same frequency. That of the specimen is different. It vibrates on a different frequency that is not of our world and that is why our universe is rejecting its presence," Dr Markle explained.

"Hmm so now this confirms the speculations about those beings coming from an entirely different world... a different dimension," Grand Commander Shion eyebrows furrowed.

"This also shows us that the specimen is limited in strength and ability. It should have reduced to nothing already yet it is still very much alive and kicking," Dr Markle analysed.

'If they were limited, that means without limitations they could have been way more powerful than that...' Grand Commander Shion couldn't help but break out a little sweat.

"How does this help with what we need?" Grand Commander Shion inquired with a strong tone.

"Its dimensional frequency has been analysed and computed. Since the grand commander wants a way of accessing the dimension it came from, what you need do is to get the data to spatial builders. Based on the info in this cube, they can create a portal that would lead directly to the dimension the specimen originated from," Dr Markel explained while holding out a small black cube.

Grand Commander received the cube with a nod of appreciation, "Now we can take the fight to them instead of waiting around," He stated.

"One thing to remember though Grand Commander..." Dr Markle voiced with a tone of caution.

"Hmm?" Grand Commander Shion mumbled.

"If the roles were to be reversed, a mixedblood no matter how powerful, will find their body collapsing from the inside out. They wouldn't survive for up to a minute in a world that is outside our universe... This specimen is just too powerful and seems to be immune to death that is why it has remained for months without issues," Dr Markle warned.

"I see... how long do you estimate someone on my power level lasting?" Grand Commander Shion questioned.

"At most six minutes," Dr Markle instantly answered.

"Are you saying these creatures are more powerful than I am?" Grand Commander Shion asked.