Chapter 1361 Catching Up On The Trackiowar Star

Name:The Bloodline System Author:
Chapter 1361 Catching Up On The Trackiowar Star

Author's Note: Unedited Chapter


Endric reached out and exchanged a fist bump with Gustav.

"Maybe I should be the one calling you big brother," Gustav added after noticing the facial hair on Endric's face.

They both started chuckling almost immediately afterwards as Gustav wrapped his arm around the back of Endric's neck before pulling him in.

Moments later they sat before the fire and began catching up.

"Did you really slaughter half the population of the beasts on the Trackiowar star?" Gustav said with a look of astonishment as his senses spread across the entire star.

"They wouldn't stop coming so I had to use them as a wall," Endric answered bashfully.

From what Gustav could sense, there was a circular wall barricade around them at the moment. The barricade was made from the corpses of the beast Endric had slaughtered.

Gustav had to jump over a side of corpses that was hundreds of feet tall before he could arrive within the barricade to meet up with Endric. The space within covered more than a twenty-thousand feet radius which went on to show just how many of these creatures he had slaughtered since he had arrived there.

On the bright side, the barricade did its job of deterring any beast from approaching. Seeing the pile of corpses was enough to tell them that this was a restricted area.

"I'm sure you must have lost count of how many came at you," Gustav shook his head in pity for the poor creatures.

However, he was inwardly proud of his little brother's progress.

"At least I was able to gather the eight Tartan hearts needed," Endric answered before pointing his finger in a particular direction.

Zing~ Zing~ Zing~ Zing~ Zing~ Zing~ Zing~ Zing~

Eight massive building-sized organs appeared in a lined-up format behind Gustav.

"Good job," Gustav nodded in approval.

"You keep praising my deeds and improvement but I pale in comparison to yours. I sensed your energy earlier... It felt like being in the presence of an alpha," Endric said with a tone of adoration.

"Meh, I may have improved a lot in strength but you still did way more than me in these last nine months," Gustav replied.

"Not at all. You got chased down by the MBO... Got caught... escaped... got chased again and this time from planets under the alliance... fought them off... kept fleeing... arrived at planet Vespa and retrieved the ancient hourglass... all while improving your strength and abilities... You did a lot, big brother," Endric listed out.

"You went to the Ha#rk point to get the third sacred item... then came all the way here to acquire eight Tartan hearts required to get information on the other dimension Angy and Falco got lost in... and not to mention the fact that you traveled past seventeen galaxies to retrieve the machine I created to read the flow of the warp demolator," Gustav also listed out the things Endric had been up to since they separated.

"About the machine for the warp demolator..." Endric stopped Gustav before he could continue.

"Hmm? What about it?" Gustav inquired.


A chunk of an oddly shaped item appeared in between them.

"This is what I recovered," Endric said while pointing at the head-sized device.

"It's been over three months," Endric answered.

"SJ..." Gustav called out.


A circular transparent object appeared before them. The surface of the object looked incredibly smooth like glass but one could see a large florescent glow within. This florescent glow was as large as an adult fist and had a pair of hollow eyes within.

[Yes Master?]

Wordings appeared in mid-air, right above it.

"Did you keep tabs on where I sent this?" Gustav questioned while holding up the incomplete device.

[Yes I Did] The jewel responded.

"Good... I need a playback from over three months ago. Can you show me?" Gustav requested.

[Playback from over three months ago coming up...]

Gustav and Endric watched with keen eyes as the body of the sacred jewel turned completely white as it began playing footage from a particular location in space.





Within a large but dimly lit room, a group of four in silver-decorated MBO uniforms sat in a circle.

Three were present in holographic format so their faces were darkened to the point where they couldn't be properly seen but their uniforms were very visible. The one who seemed to be present physically seemed quite elderly and, had a diamond-like shard embedded into his forehead.

"This is no joke. Countermeasures need to be put in place immediately," Grand Commander Shion declared urgently.

-"Grand Commander Shion, I understand your claims but could it be that you have gotten rusty?"

-"How does a random assailant blast an Alpha-ranked mixed blood away easily?"

Two of the other four grand generals questioned.

"Rusty? Might I remind you two of who you're calling rusty?" Grand commander Shion voiced in a tone that caused the surroundings to tremble.

-"Grand Commander Kim... Grand Commander Soriah... Let us not disrespect one another. Grand Commander Shion had been at the forefront for some time handling matters that should have been distributed properly amongst the four of us," The other grand commander cautioned the rest.

"Thank you, Grand Commander Light. That being said... when this person appeared, I felt like I was in the presence of someone almost as powerful as Jack and Mack," Grand Commander Shion revealed.


Author's Note: Tier 1 and 2 Privilege is now available for purchase.