Chapter 1364 The Mysterious Gift

Name:The Bloodline System Author:
Chapter 1364 The Mysterious Gift

Author's Note: Unedited Chapter


"The Xelios Tower!"

Chatter! Chatter! Chatter!

The place instantly turned noisy upon this revelation. It looked like a lot of them became skeptical the moment the place was mentioned.

"Don't they have extreme requirements for dishing out information?" One of the Handlers in the vicinity retorted. He sounded concerned.

"Handler 237... with our current predicament, do we really have the option to be picky?" Another Handler voiced from the sidelines.

"I'm not sure this is a good idea," Another Handler spoke.

"Fellow handlers..." Handler three called out, causing the place to quieten.

"I very well understand the skepticism. The Ehrams in Xelios Tower are known for their unreasonable demands but one thing that cannot be disputed is their ability to source information. Their ability to see things that cannot be seen. Should we employ their help, we will be able to find the rest of our kin," Handler Three analyzed logically. Findd new stories at

Low mumbles were heard around but it would seem the other Handlers were considering this suggestion.

How do we know their requirement won't go beyond our capabilities?" One of the handlers voiced.

"To them, discovering the location of the rest of our kin is not an extremely difficult task. According to the laws of the Tower... the higher the difficulty of the request, the more cumbersome the requirement to fulfill it. We just need to pick a capable team and send them to the tower," Handler Three answered.

With this, the Ozis began plotting how they'd go about this situation and who to send.

~ Hours later ~

Outside the establishment where the meeting was held, an Ozis shook his head in disappointment while staring at the distant stars.

"It is such a pity that my people label Gustav Crimson as a culprit like the rest of the alliance. He saved a lot of us during the disaster," The Ozis stated.

"You are still advocating for Gustav Crimson?" A voice was heard from behind, causing the Ozis to turn around.

"Father..." The Ozis called out.

"Vilax..." The Ozis that had just arrived before him stared at him menacingly.

"Do not let the other Handlers hear of the nonsense spewing from that mouth of yours," He stated strongly.

"Gustav Crimson is innocent. You all should be pointing fingers in the direction of the beings we fought during our escape not him," Vilax voiced with a tone of certainty.

"He attracted those creatures! If it wasn't for him they would have never come there! Gustav is to blame!" Handler Three said with a grudge-filled tone.

"He is not to blame. Even with his absence, what happened would have still happened," Vilax shook his head once more.

"How do you know that? How?" Handler Three shouted.

"I just do."

"Man as much as I am excited to hear this, it also bothers me. Wouldn't that be too dangerous?" E.E. said with a tone of concern.

"I wouldn't have returned this soon if it wasn't important. This is something I need to take care of personally."

"Hmm. I get it. There is a lot to catch you up on when you finally return. Something happened recently at an underwater research center or rather a former underwater research center where a Death Angel was being kept. They're trying to keep the information under lock and key but with the number of scientists involved in that incident, it is bound to spread soon," E.E. revealed.

"The Death Angel Grand Commander Shion was captured?"

"Yes, I will uncover information about what happened between tomorrow and the next few days."

"Once you do, make sure you tell me everything."

"Sure thing, man."

"It has already been five minutes. Time to end this transmission before we get traced."

"Yeah, stay safe out there man."

"You too"

"See you soon brother!"


The transmission from the device on the desk ended in the next instant. An aura of loneliness and silence filled the apartment for a couple of seconds as E.E. stared into space.

He stood up after some minutes and walked towards the balcony area of his apartment. The view of the night city came into his line of sight and he breathed in a wind that brought a smell of nostalgia to his nostrils.

"Wow, Gus is coming back soon... how long has it been? It's going to be ten months by the time he returns," A faint smile appeared on E.E.'s face at this moment.

"He'd better wife Angy up when we get her back," E.E. chuckled as he pictured a reunion in his mind.

"Speaking of getting wifed up... What do I say to this?" E.E. had a look of confusion as he brought out a small triangular device.

"This makes me feel feminine... Feels like she tryna wife me. shouldn't it be the other way around?" E.E. stared at the message on the screen before him while lightly scratching his bushy hair.

If anyone could see him right now, they'd burst into laughter because E.E. wasn't usually the type to get shy. However, at that moment, he looked very shy and slightly embarrassed.

"She really beat me to it... well, with everything going on now, maybe I need a little break," E.E. muttered while typing words on the device.

He proceeded to send after typing and turned around to head back into his apartment.

"I wonder what Aildris is up to these days,"




Within a massive abode with lots of greenery in the surroundings, a bunch of butlers, maids, and guards could be spotted moving across the surroundings.

All sorts of exotic vehicles could be spotted in the vicinity as well as a massive stadium-sized building in the middle of it all.