Chapter 1366 Becoming Unbound

Name:The Bloodline System Author:
Chapter 1366 Becoming Unbound

Author's Note: Unedited Chapters


"Hmm? Aren't they as you call them... premonitions? To some universal misfortune or something," Gustav answered warily.

("Yes and no... there is more to it,") The system stated.

"Then don't keep me on the line. Tell me," Gustav responded with a tone of curiosity.

("The five premonitions are actually the body parts of five separate entities known as... The Ancient Executioners,") The system revealed.

"The ancient executioners? Wait... are you telling me that the eye which was at least twelve times larger than the entire earth belonged to one of these beings known as the ancient executioners?" Gustav's voice grew with astonishment as he questioned.

("Yes. I can't mention their real names because it would cause issues but there is no problem with mentioning their title. The second premonition was the mouth of one of them," The system continued spilling.

"So you're telling me that each premonition would be the appearance of a body part of different ancient executioners," Gustav stroked his chin with a thoughtful expression.

("They are five in total so yes. All five of them equate five premonitions with five different body parts,") The system replied.

"But why? I still don't get the point of any of this. What is their aim?" Gustav inquired, confounded.

("If you recalled who you were, you'd understand...")


("...But since you don't, I'll tell you what exactly the premonitions are to them...") The system paused for a bit before resuming.

"They are sacrifices," Gustav stated before the system could reveal what it had to say.

("I was just about to say that... how did you figure it out?") The system questioned in a bewildered tone.

"I just did," Gustav couldn't explain why but that information came to him on its own. ing unbound... you're slowly starting to achieve the state of truths.")

Gustav could almost sense a hint of respect in the system's tone as it spoke.

"The state of what now?" Gustav said with a confused expression.

("Your mind will randomly begin to unravel things on its own even if I choose not to tell you anything in the future. But it is still in its initial stage so expect information about stuff to troop in from time to time. Which also means that when you make contact with the sacred items, you will automatically understand how to wield them and maybe retrieve memories of how they were used in the past,") The system explained gently.

"Okay... I don't know how we went from the ancient executioners to this..." Gustav said while leaning backward to take a seat.

("As you already know the premonitions are actually sacrifices the ancient executioners are making to unbind the seal and appear in this dimension in full without consequences. The fifth premonition would also signal the end...") The system stated.

"If just a body part can be that large, I can only imagine just how massive their full bodies are," Gustav felt like the future was perilous.

"How can I stop the premonitions?" Gustav suddenly inquired.

("You can't.... It is set in stone. You just have to prepare for the aftermath,") The system replied.

"Hence the five years quests... It's starting to align," Gustav mumbled although he still couldn't understand why finding Planet Humbad was one of them at this time.

("I do hope you are aware that the ancient executioners are not your main enemies,") The system pointed out.

"What? How is..." Gustav had a conflicted look as he retorted.

The spacecraft reappeared in another location in outer space and began blazing forward at its initial original speed.

"We're in the Tarks territory now..." Gustav announced.

"Which means we should arrive at Gohatark planet in half a day. Big brother, have you..." Endric was about to ask Gustav about disguising when he noticed the person sitting by his side was a completely different figure.

"You were saying?" A voice that sounded like the bubbling of saliva rang out.

"You look... gross," Endric pointed out.

"And you're about to look the exact way little brother," Gustav voiced with a glint of mischief in his eyes before reaching out to touch Endric.

"No No No..." Before Endric could pull away Gustav's hand wrapped around his.

[Flesh Warping Has Been Activated]

Endric's appearance rapidly changed as fins grew out of his neck and shoulder. His skin turned grey and multiple holes appeared on his cheeks. His eyes became icy blue and his figure became a little obese.

"Now you look like me," Gustav said with a light chuckle.

'My good looks are gone,' Endric murmured inwardly.

He wanted to yell out in injustice but he just sat in place with a defeated expression.

"Couldn't Big Brother have picked any better-looking specie?" Endric muttered.

"The Rehumas are good-looking enough. Besides, it's better to have a less physically appealing look so as not to attract attention to ourselves," Gustav responded while returning his focus to the outer space view before them.

"What about them?" Endric asked while pointing at the two behind.

"There won't be a need to alter their appearance. They will mostly remain on the ship throughout our duration on Gohatark Planet. Two of us will deal with everything that needs to be taken care of and leave immediately afterward," Gustav explained.

Endric nodded in understanding as their spacecraft sped past two massive chess-shaped structures floating in space.

"First checkpoint passed... no issues so far," Gustav said as they kept speeding into the distance but it would seem he had spoken too soon.

Fwwwhhii~ Fwhhhiiii~

Two dark spacecraft suddenly appeared on both sides of their rear views.

"Travel inspectors," Gustav immediately recognized the designs of both spacecraft.


A static sound suddenly rang out within the spacecraft.

"Unregistered space strip... slowdown for in-transit inspection."

"Erkilo greets the travel inspectors... as requested we shall slow down," Gustav answered through the communication panel.

In a few seconds, humanoid-shaped creatures in all-black space suits could be spotted stepping onto Gustav's spacecraft from the two which were positioned in their rear view area.

'Let's do this!' Endric muttered under his breath. They couldn't afford to mess things up.

Gustav and Endric in their disguised form, welcomed the group of four onto the spacecraft respectfully. The travel inspectors began to scan around and asked a couple of questions when they noticed the sphere-shaped spacecraft resting in the storage area.

"We were told to be on the lookout for any spacecraft that looks similar to this."