Chapter 1376 My Patience Runs Thin

Name:The Bloodline System Author:
Chapter 1376 My Patience Runs Thin

Author's Note: Unedited Chapter


"Gustav Crimson?!"

Loud yells suddenly rang out as a group of five sprang to their feet.

"The one responsible for the destruction of Planet Ozious?"

"The universal fugitive?"

Voices rang out in the background as everyone stared in the direction of Gustav and Endric.

Gustav stared at the group of Ozis who were approaching him with disdain in his eyes.

It wasn't that he didn't know they were there initially. He just didn't care. He had gotten the information he needed and it was now time to get out of there. Findd new stories at

"So you were the one in there all this time? Don't even think about leaving here in one piece," Milox stated as he stood before Gustav while shooting him an intense glare.

'I will be the one to capture Gustav Crimson myself... and be praised by everyone. I will ask the alliance to res...' While his thoughts were chirping away, Gustav spoke.

"If I had a penny for every time someone said that to me, I'd be a billionaire..." Gustav stated.

"Out of my way," He added with a stern tone.

"You're not going anywhere Gustav Crimson. You will be coming with us today," Milox voiced in response.

"Don't resist, just come back with us," Osiark stated as well.

"Could you all just calm down," Vilax chimed in as he moved to stand between Gustav and Milox.

"No one asked for your opinion," Milox said before violently shoving Vilax to the side.

Vilax staggered and fell into Sersi's embrace. Sersi helped him regain balance before saying, "You people know my father?"

"He is the father you've been talking about?" Vilax's two greenish eyeballs contrasted as he realized this.

Gustav was the father and Endric was the uncle she had been referring to the entire time and he had no idea.

"Why are they making trouble for father?" Sersi shook her head, "It won't end well for them."

"I don't think it will end well for Gustav since abilities are restricted here that is why I am trying to help," Vilax turned around to face them again.

It wouldn't be a fair fight since it was technically four against two if they counted him out. He was just trying to see if they could find common ground and speak to one another instead of resorting to violence.

The moment Vilax took a step forward, he understood why Sersi said it wouldn't end well for them.

"My patience runs thin."


A strange and unfathomable force sent every single one of them flying.

Millox slammed into the other end of the wall violently and spat out greenish blood.


'Is he using abilities within the tower?' Every specie in the environment couldn't believe their eyes.

"Seifiling? So they were turned to slaves by this person who moves across the universe to collect more species to put in bondage?"

"Precisely that. The scroll will lead you to his current location but it won't last. Once he moves again, the scroll will be rendered useless. Knowledge is never static."

"So we have to head to him immediately?"

"If you ever wish to see the rest of your people again, yes. However, even if you little lads were to head there, you'd just be heading towards your deaths or worse, become slaves just like your missing people because you two are not nearly as powerful enough to contend with Seifiling."

"We have more."

"I am aware of the three others waiting outside. It changes nothing but this is none of my business. I have fulfilled my end so it is time for you two to leave so my next visitor may come in."


Their conversation had been short and precise but it gave them enough understanding of what happened to the rest of their people.

"What do we do now?" Osiark asked, feeling conflicted.

Everyone stared at Milox waiting for him to say something. However, he was just as clueless as they were.

"Since the Mundane One says heading back to the ring will make us lose Seifiling's location and our group is too weak to recover them by ourselves... then I suggest we get help around us," Vilax's voice lit up with hope.

"Help around us? Everyone here has their problems, no one will be willing to help us," Milox retorted with frustration in his voice.

"They will be willing to help us," Immediately after Vilax said this, he jolted forward.

The other four faces lit up as realization dawned on them. They instantly dashed after him.

"We are not asking that fugitive for help!" Milox yelled from behind as he gave chase.

"Do you have any better options? Or is your pride worth the lives of millions of our people?" Vilax responded from up ahead as he pushed people out of his way while running and apologizing.

Milox made a low hissing sound as he kept chasing,

"What makes you think he is not already long gone?"



Gustav, Endric, and Sersi appeared in the middle of outer space. Sersi had put on the spacesuit once more as she flew alongside them.

They still needed to get outside the range of the entrance to The Xelios tower before Gustav could bring the spacecraft out of his space storage.

Gustav had thought they would take a bit more time here but fortunately, they only spent around five hours in the Xelios tower.

[Mental Message Is Being Transmitted]

'I estimated four days to a week. Looks like we'll be getting back to earth much earlier,' Gustav said to Endric.

'The Mundane One is said to be as powerful as the Ehrams on the seventh floor. According to news, he or is it she, just finds the fifth floor cozy so they don't want to leave,' Endric responded.

'That would explain why they were so quick... I see,' Gustav thought inwardly.

After flying a bit further from the entry point of The Xelios Tower, Gustav snapped his fingers.


Their spacecraft appeared in full form right before their very eyes.