Chapter 1378 Where Are The Others?

Name:The Bloodline System Author:
Chapter 1378 Where Are The Others?

Author's Note: Unedited Chapter


"Now this is the life a sovereign such as myself should be living," The cylindrical head shaped being voiced with a slight tone of gratification.

Besides the greenish pool they were currently lying in, the transparent window before the being displayed a massive butter-colored planet. It turned out that this wasn't an outdoor pool... it was an outer space pool.


"It's been a day and we already crossed more than half the journey..."

Vilax's voice rang out in surprise as the spacecraft drifted across the endless darkness.

"This spacecraft jump function is at the highest level... a thousand light years per jump. It can jump three times in a single day but it takes more than a week for the jump drive to recharge," Gustav explained.

"One thousand light years per jump?" Osiark and the others couldn't believe their ears.

A hundred light years was moving more than three hundred quintillion feet in an instant. Talk more of a thousand light years which was ten more of that speed.

A light year was equivalent to how much distance light would travel in a year. It wasn't just about its speed, it was about the distance, and a thousand years of that speed breached in a single instant.

"The defense of this spacecraft must be on another level for it to withstand such," Osiark muttered in bewilderment.

Most spacecraft could only go a little above a hundred so this was a surprise to them. The usual speed of any spacecraft was more than light speed but the jumps were a different case entirely.

Gustav estimated that if they continued towards the location of Seifiling, they should get to them in another day's worth of travel.

This would mean, two days had been spent out of the one-week time frame Gustav had given them. They could only hope that the rest of the days would be enough for them to complete the operation.

Their journey went on nonstop. Gustav wouldn't need to take a stop on any planet since they had everything they needed. He and Endric had already filled up their storage with supplies that would last them for months if need be.

"Tell me everything you know about this being named Seifiling," Gustav voiced.

"The Mundane one didn't tell us much about him since their only task was to give information about the whereabouts of our people... but here is what we know about Seifiling," Vilax proceeded to start narrating what the mundane one told them.

"Seifiling is a narcissistic but very powerful being who has his universe. He takes species from all parts of the galaxies to put them in his universe because he wants a world where every single species all across the galaxies worships him as a god. He does everything he can to acquire different species, be it buying them or forcibly abducting them. Then he puts them in his universe to work. He won't stop until he has acquired species from every nook and corner of the universe that is why he is always moving," Vilax explained.

"So there is someone like this out there and the alliance deemed me more dangerous and wanted? Isn't that interesting," Gustav chuckled while shaking his head.

"Some of the species were acquired legally while others... not so much. We had no idea that he was the one responsible for holding our people till the mundane one informed us. We only thought it was a case of misplacement," Vilax said.

"While Seifiling is wanted, the alliance doesn't place so much importance on capturing him," Osiark stated from the side.

"Jack and Mack are considered top five in the universe according to the alliance. I have never heard of this Seifiling before. Since he is not on the list, he should be weaker than them but still very powerful regardless. Which means, he isn't using his power?" Gustav also replied in a contemplative tone.

"He must be using a tool," Endric stated with a look of certainty.

"Are you sure?" Gustav inquired.

"90%..." Endric responded.

"What happened to the other ten?" Gustav asked.

"This will be plenty enough... hopefully," Endric responded with a wry tone.

"Hmm, I like to be certain about information before implementing a plan but there's no time. We'll go with what we currently have," Gustav decided.

"Now this is the plan..."

Everyone focused on Gustav as he proceeded to tell them the plan he came up with based on the amount of information they currently had.

After a few minutes, they all gave off expressions of understanding.

"So we're going to get the tool from him then... I hope this works," Vilax said with anticipation.

"If he truly uses a tool, then, it should."




[The Ozious Ring]

A spacecraft could be spotted descending onto a massive ring circulating like an orbital body in space. The ring had an icy color and almost looked like it was made out of gas but that wasn't the case.

It was composed of physical matter and happened to be half the size of a planet.

Just like a planet would, it also had a lower and upper atmosphere. It was where the Ozis survivors had taken refuge.

Volpork, the fifth member of the Ozis team that was sent out over three months before was being welcomed by a line of Handlers as the spacecraft descended.

They didn't know that only a single person had returned out of the five they sent, till he stepped out of the spacecraft.

"Where are the others?"