Chapter 1491 The Mysterious Interference

Name:The Bloodline System Author:
Chapter 1491 The Mysterious Interference

Author's Note: Unedited Chapter


The figure's eyes, hidden beneath the shadow of a dark hood, gleamed with admiration and anticipation. The powerful trio fought with a fluidity and ferocity that was mesmerizing.

Falco, enveloped in an aura of darkness, wielded his abilities with brutal precision. His dark matter constructs materialized and dissipated with lethal efficiency, crushing his enemies with ease.

Endric, his form pulsing with telekinetic energy, manipulated the battlefield with invisible force, sending adversaries crashing into one another with mere gestures.

Aildris, with his eyes reflecting all the colors of the universe, moved like a phantom, his abilities warping reality around him, weakening enemy attacks and binding foes in ethereal chains.

The observer's lips curled into a smile beneath the mask. "That's our Lord's brother and his friends... This will be exciting," he murmured, his voice a low, reverent whisper.

Clad in robes as dark as the void of space, the figure stepped to the edge of the portal.

The fabric of his attire seemed to absorb the light around it, giving him an almost spectral appearance. He took a deep breath, feeling the thrill of the impending confrontation surge through him.

With a swift, decisive movement, he leaped from the portal, his body slicing through the air like a falling star.

As he descended, the wind whipped past him, his robes billowing out like wings. The ground rushed up to meet him at an alarming speed, but he remained unfazed.

His descent was graceful yet enthralling.

The trio continued their onslaught, unaware of the approaching figure. Falco conjured a massive, shadowy fist that slammed into the ground, sending shockwaves through the ranks of their enemies.

Endric, his hands glowing with telekinetic power, lifted a cluster of boulders and hurled them at an advancing group of foes, scattering them like leaves in a storm.

Aildris, moving with supernatural speed, darted between enemies, delivering precise, debilitating strikes that left his opponents incapacitated.

As the dark-cloaked figure neared the surface, he extended his arms with electric energy crackling around his fingertips. He landed with a resounding impact, a shockwave of power radiating from the point of contact.

The ground beneath him cracked and buckled, and the members of the Gustavo Alliance nearest to his landing site were thrown off their feet.

Falco was the first to notice the new arrival. He turned, his eyes narrowing as he took in the figure's appearance. "Who are you?" he demanded with a heavy tone.

The figure straightened, his dark robes settling around him like a shroud. "Someone who finds great interest in the capabilities of our Lord's companions," he replied with a measured and calm tone. "You fight well, but let's see how you fare against a true challenge... Let's see if you three are truly worthy of being companions with our great Lord."

-"It's King Darcus,"

Whispers could be heard in the background from the alliance members.

"Who the hell is that?" Falco's eyes squinted in annoyance.

"I don't know but we really don't need another enemy right now, especially not a mysterious one," Aildris stated.

The figure's chuckles sent chills across the surroundings; "I am not here as your enemy, not directly," he said. "But consider this a test. A demonstration of your true strength."

With that, electric arcs began to fizzle around the figure causing the surroundings to buzz in an electric manner. Every single metal in the surroundings began to surge as well, as electric arcs swam around them reacting to this figure.

"I will retract the troops if you take me down," He stated with a smirk underneath his mask.

Endric snapped his finger, forming stacks of multiple telekinetic barriers before himself.

The purple lightning phased through them all but he managed to blink once more, evading its strike before it got to him.

The figure on the ground who had gotten free from Endric's telekinetic bind jumped backwards upon noticing that Aildris and Falco had been freed from the paralyzing effect.

"Impressive," he mused while deflecting a particularly powerful strike from Falco.

With a surge of power, the figure expanded a glow of purple energy across the surroundings enveloping the trio in a swirling vortex of lightning arcs.

The lightning arcs didn't harm them but trapped them in place momentarily.

"Very well," he said, a note of grudging respect in his voice. "You three are indeed formidable. You pass and as a token of good faith, this planet will not be taken today."

With a final, powerful burst of purplish energy, the figure leaped back into the air.

Every single Gustavo alliance member that was still alive, followed suit.

The portal above shimmered and closed after they all disappeared through it.

Falco, Endric, and Aildris stood amidst the wreckage with heavy breaths. "Who was that?" Aildris asked as his eyes glowed with residual power.

Endric shook his head. "I don't know," he admitted. "But I have a feeling we'll be seeing him again."




Back on planet Agon, Gustav stood in the training chamber Miss Aimee had created for him.

Miss Aimee's projection hovered nearby, watching over him with a calm expression. "Remember, Gustav, everything is amplified in the three-in-one golden body state. When you tap into a singular ability, its feats will be astronomical."

Gustav nodded with his body beginning to glow with a faint yellow hue. "It's just like old times, Miss Aimee. Only this time, you're not here physically."

Miss Aimee's projection smiled warmly. "Indeed, but my guidance is always with you, no matter the distance."

Gustav focused, his body gradually shifting from yellow to a low shade of gold. He felt a surge of power coursing through him, each of his abilities straining against their usual limits.

The sensation was exhilarating and terrifying at the same time. He clenched his fists, feeling the raw energy pulsing within him.

As he tried to maintain the state, the golden hue intensified, his skin almost glowing with a metallic sheen. He could feel the connection between his soul, mental form, and body solidifying. The room around him seemed to blur as his perception expanded beyond its usual boundaries. For a brief moment, he felt invincible, capable of bending more than just reality to his will.

Minutes later, the golden glow dimmed, and Gustav's body reverted to its original form. He staggered as fatigue washed over him like a tidal wave. He dropped to one knee, breathing heavily.

"Well done, Gustav," Miss Aimee's voice echoed through the chamber. "You held the state longer this time. You're getting closer."

Gustav wiped the sweat from his brow with a determined look in his eyes. "It's still not enough, Miss Aimee. I need to maintain it longer,"

Miss Aimee's projection moved close with a look of encouragement. "You will but you've already made incredible progress as expected."

Gustav rose to his feet as his muscles ached from the strain. He hesitated for a moment before asking, "Miss Aimee, where are you physically? Why can't I sense you?"