Chapter 1512 Joining The Gustavo Alliance

Name:The Bloodline System Author:
Chapter 1512 Joining The Gustavo Alliance

Author's Note: Unedited Chapter


'It would have taken me nothing to capture him but it may scare them off... I can't risk it,' Elevora thought internally.

It seemed like the Gustavo alliance carefully planned their actions so she couldn't make brash moves that might cost the whole operation.

She needed to get proof that Gustav wasn't running the Gustavo alliance as quickly as she could but now it was looking like her morals were about to be tested.

One thing she knew now for sure was that they had their eyes on her. Her next move would be what determined things.


Elevora spent the next few days meticulously planning her next move.

She knew that to truly prove herself to the Gustavo Alliance, she had to take decisive and visible action.

She decided her target: a nearby planet known as Zorath, inhabited by a relatively peaceful species.

Zorath was a planet with a harsh, rocky landscape, dotted with craggy mountains and deep valleys.

Its inhabitants, the Zorathians, were a hardy, reptilian race with scales that shimmered in the sunlight. Their cities were built into the sides of mountains, blending seamlessly with the natural environment.

Despite their resilient nature, the Zorathians had never developed strong centralized governance, making them an easy target for a powerful invader.

Upon arriving on Zorath, Elevora wasted no time in making her intentions clear. She stood at the center of the largest city, her voice amplified by her bloodline, echoing through the valleys and canyons. "I am Vora, and I come in the name of Gustav, the god of the Gustavo Alliance. From this moment on, Zorath belongs to us."

The Zorathians, who had gathered around in curiosity, now looked at her with a mixture of fear and defiance.

Their leader, a towering figure named Grathak with scales as dark as night stepped forward from his abode. "We do not bow to outsiders," he hissed with a deep rumble that resonated through the crowd.

The purple eye on Elevora's forehead began to glow with an intense light, and a pulse of energy emanated from her, causing the ground to tremble. "You will bow," she declared with a tone of unyielding authority.

Grathak lunged at her with surprising speed, his claws extended and teeth bared. But Elevora was faster.

With a flick of her wrist, she unleashed a torrent of energy that sent Grathak crashing into a nearby cliff.

Before he could recover, she was upon him, her hand glowing with purple energy. She placed it on his chest, and he writhed in agony trying to free himself to no avail.

Elevora proceeded to turn around and fire a beam at a mountainous region in the distance.


Elevora nodded, her expression calm and collected. "Understood."

They led her to a chamber at the far end of the cavern, where a group of high-ranking Gustavo Alliance members awaited. The chamber was adorned with symbols of the Alliance, and a large, circular platform stood in the center. Valtheron gestured for Elevora to step onto the platform.

"Place your hand on the scanner," he instructed.

Elevora did as she was told, and a beam of light scanned her from head to toe. The platform whirred as it processed the data.

Thanks to E.E's meticulous precautions and the cover-up on her records, the scan found nothing suspicious.

There was not a single information about Elevora being a part of a law enforcement group or anything related to her family on Earth.

They had properly plotted to the point where all of that had been modified.

Valtheron glanced at the readout and nodded. "Your records are clean. Proceed with the initiation."

Another member of the Gustavo Alliance figure with shimmering blue skin and four arms, approached. She introduced herself as Vice Captain Lalia. "I will oversee your initiation, Vora," she said, using Elevora's alias. "This will involve a series of tests and the placement of a mark that will grant you access to our network."

Elevora nodded again, ready for whatever lay ahead. The initiation began with a test of combat skills, where Elevora faced off against various opponents, showcasing her prowess in hand-to-hand combat and her mastery of her bloodline abilities.

Next came a series of mental challenges designed to test her strategic thinking and loyalty to the Gustavo Alliance's cause.

After a few tests which Elevora scaled perfectly, Lalia deemed her worthy. She brought out a small, intricate device that glowed with a faint blue light. "This will place an invisible tattoo on your arm," she explained. "It will serve as your key to our bases and resources."

Elevora extended her arm, and Talia activated the device.

A slight tingling sensation spread across Elevora's skin as the tattoo was applied. When it was done, there was no visible mark, but Elevora could feel its presence.

"Welcome to the Gustavo Alliance, Vora," Talia said, her voice warm with approval. "You are now one of us."

Valtheron stepped forward, handing Elevora a small data pad. "This contains information about our hierarchy, our goals, and your first assignment. You will be part of Squadron Alpha, one of our most elite units. Your task is to assist in our operations and gather intelligence."

Elevora accepted the data pad. "I understand. I will do my best to serve the Gustavo Alliance."

As they left the chamber, Valtheron and Talia continued to brief her on the workings of the Alliance.

"Each squadron reports to a Captain, and captains report to commanders while each commander reports to the Council. Our ultimate goal is to bring the cleansing to the universe as our Lord Gustav would," Valtheron explained.

Talia added, "We have many enemies, and trust is hard to come by. Prove yourself, and you will rise through the ranks."

Elevora nodded, absorbing the information. She knew that her true mission was to gather evidence that the Gustavo Alliance was not being run by Gustav. Her infiltration had been successful, but now the real work began.

Elevora moved to the area where her squad was said to group up so she could introduce herself.

She was not in a rush so she properly too in the details of her surroundings in the process.