Chapter 1534 Arriving At The Stagnant Siterus Void

Name:The Bloodline System Author:
Chapter 1534 Arriving At The Stagnant Siterus Void

Author's Note: Unedited Chapter


The warp demolator continued carrying Gustav forward non stop. The journey felt endless and the roots stretching on and on for what seemed like centuries.

Gustav always reminded himself to stay calm and focus. His golden body would have deactivated if he had stayed in for longer than thirty minutes.

As his frame got pushed in deeper, the roots began to glow brighter.

Gustav could feel the pull of the void, a subtle but powerful force guiding him toward a central point. He followed the current, his instincts leading him through the ever-expanding network.

Hours turned into days, days into months, and months into years. Or so it seemed. In reality, less than thirty minutes had passed since he entered the warp demolator, but the distortion of time within the void made it feel like an eternity.

His journey through the roots continued and sometimes the glowing tendrils weaved a kind of time web around him.

He could sense the presence of countless moments in time.

He had been carried along this path for what felt like an eternity but yet it kept going. The pressure on his body, mind, and soul was immense, but he had managed to endure it so far.

However, a growing sense of unease gnawed at him. The strain on his golden body was becoming more pronounced with each passing moment, and he could feel his energy reserves depleting.

If the golden body came undone now, it would spell his end within the warp demolator's relentless, destructive currents.

"Could it have been up to thirty minutes already?," he wondered to himself.

However, since he knew well that deactivation would spell his end he had to do whatever it took to keep it going.

Gustav had been relying on the warp demolator's momentum to carry him, but now he realized he needed to take matters into his own hands.

With a determined expression, he tried to move forward, pushing against the invisible currents that bound him. It felt like moving through something incredibly sticky, each inch of progress requiring immense effort.

"Damn it," he grunted as his muscles strained against the resistance. "Why is it so hard to move in here?"

Unbeknownst to Gustav, the warp demolator had its own set of laws that incapacitated movement unless it was implemented by its own flow.

His attempts to move at his highest speed were met with frustrating resistance. He managed to push himself about twenty feet before he had to stop. His body trembled with exertion.

"This isn't working," he said while panting heavily. "If I don't find a way to move faster, I'll run out of time."

Gustav closed his eyes, trying to focus his thoughts. He had to find a way to harness enough power in the warp demolator to propel him forward. The golden body was strong, but even it had its limits. He needed to think creatively and speed up his travel time lest he ends up meeting his end in here.

He would have made use of the direction they were being pulled off in to make a choice but from the look of things, some were pulled left and others right.

He couldn't make his decision based off the direction the orbital bodies were being dragged in.

Gustav suddenly recalled the words of Commander Ergril of the Tarks Force. He had once mentioned something about the other time candidate message saying he should go left.

"Could this be what he was referring to?" Gustav felt this had to be it. Otherwise it made no sense. "Alright, Ergril. I hope you're right about this."

He willed himself to move left. The void stepping boots glowed, propelling him forward and towards the left with incredible speed.

The left path seemed to narrow as he progressed. The roots closed in around him, forming a tunnel-like structure.

"This feels different," Gustav noted while his eyes scanned the surroundings.

Unlike the other times, he didn't feel as much pressure. He only felt more pull.

The warp demolator continuously pushed Gustav through the left path, and soon he was back in an area where it was all just white lines.

Gustav hoped he had made the right choice and activated the void stepping boots again.

He burst forward with the speed of the void stepping boots.

The path began to close up again, narrowing and constricting which forced him to navigate with precision since he didn't want to end up outside of the warp demolator by mistake until he reached the end of the path.

"Just a bit further," Gustav's eyes narrowed in focus.

He surged ahead causing the void stepping boots to glow with each step, propelling him forward with unprecedented speed. The white lines became a blur around him, and he could feel the energy intensifying.

It was as if the warp demolator itself was urging him to continue, pushing him toward his destination.

Suddenly, the path opened up into a vast expanse, and Gustav found himself at the end, which happened to look like the mouth of a large beast.

The beast's maw yawned open, revealing rows of jagged teeth and an abyss beyond. Before he could react, the beast swallowed him whole, and everything went dark.

"Shit!" Gustav voiced trailed off as he unleashed more power from his golden body form, hoping to fight his way out.

Unfortunately, the darkness was impenetrable. He felt himself being pulled deeper and deeper until he was drifting away in an endless void.

Gustav found himself in a surrounding filled with debris. Floating rocks and orbital bodies marked with destruction were scattered across the place.

When Gustav looked around properly, he could see an uncountable lineup of planets around him.

This was the Stagnant Siterus Void... A part of outer space in the future that didn't exist in Gustav's time yet.