Chapter 1552 A Planetary Coup

Name:The Bloodline System Author:
Chapter 1552 A Planetary Coup

Author's Note: Unedited Chapter


The holographic playback continued to reveal the history of the Slarkovs, painting a vivid picture of their incredible journey. The protection protocols they had developed worked well for centuries, shielding their planet from the devastating residual energies of the deities' battles. The Slarkovs thrived, their civilization reaching new heights of technological and cultural advancement.

Gustav watched as the holographic images showed the peaceful and prosperous lives of the Slarkovs. The once-constant threat of annihilation had been mitigated by their ingenuity, allowing them to focus on growth and exploration.

"They were safe," Gustav thought, feeling a sense of relief. "Their brilliance had given them a chance to flourish, to live without fear."

But then the scenes began to shift, showing a darker time in Humbad's history. A time when the peace they had worked so hard to achieve was shattered in an instant.

The playback depicted a colossal battle between deities, closer than any before. The sheer force of their clash sent shockwaves through the cosmos, their energies colliding with a power that defied comprehension. Despite the protective protocols in place, the proximity of the battle overwhelmed the defenses.

Gustav's heart sank as he saw the barriers falter and fail. The towers that had once stood as sentinels of safety now crumbled under the onslaught of residual energy. Buildings shattered, and the ground split open, fire and molten rock spewing forth from the wounds inflicted on the planet's surface.

"Oh no," Gustav whispered, his voice filled with despair. "The protective protocols weren't enough. They were overwhelmed."

The holographic playback showed the chaos that ensued. The skies darkened with ash and smoke, and the air was filled with the screams of the dying and the roar of the planet's agony. Millions of Slarkovs lost their lives in the devastation, their once-vibrant city now a landscape of ruin and despair.

"They fought so hard to protect themselves," Gustav thought, tears welling in his eyes. "But it wasn't enough. They couldn't escape the wrath of the deities."

In the midst of this cataclysmic event, the playback highlighted a moment that would change everything. As the deities clashed, a single drop of blood, golden in color, fell from one of the titans. This drop of blood was unlike any other, imbued with unimaginable power.


Gustav watched in awe as the golden drop descended through the atmosphere, glowing with an intense, radiant light. It struck the surface of Humbad with a force that defied belief, burrowing deep into the planet's crust. The ground trembled and shook as the blood continued to bore its way toward the core.

"What is this?" Gustav wondered aloud, his eyes fixed on the scene. "This blood... it's doing something to the planet."

The playback zoomed in, following the path of the golden blood as it journeyed deeper into Humbad. It finally reached the core, and there, something extraordinary happened. The core began to shift and change, infused with the divine energy of the deity's blood.

From this convergence of energies, Dimension Six was formed. The playback showed the core transforming into a nexus of incredible power, a place where the boundaries of reality were fluid and the impossible became possible.

Gustav's mind raced as he tried to comprehend what he was seeing. "Dimension Six... it was born from the blood of a deity. That's why it's so powerful, so unique."

The holographic images shifted again, showing the aftermath of the battle. The Slarkovs, resilient as ever, began to rebuild. They discovered Dimension Six and realized the potential it held. They studied it, harnessed its power, and used it to aid in their recovery and advancement.

"This is incredible," Gustav thought, his heart filled with awe and wonder. "Dimension Six became a source of strength for them, a beacon of hope in their darkest hour."

The holographic playback showed the immediate aftermath of the transformation. The Slarkovs began to exhibit supernatural abilities. Some could manipulate the elements, conjuring fire, water, and lightning with a mere thought. Others could move objects with their minds, heal injuries with a touch, or even see glimpses of the future.

"This is incredible," Gustav whispered, watching a Slarkov woman create a swirling vortex of water with a wave of her hand. "They've become something more than they were, something extraordinary."

The scenes shifted to show the Slarkovs exploring their newfound powers. Children played in the streets, creating sparks of light and miniature whirlwinds. Scholars and scientists studied their abilities, seeking to understand the extent of their transformation. There was a sense of wonder and excitement, a feeling that they had been given a gift.

Gustav walked through the holographic city, feeling as if he were truly there. He watched as a group of Slarkov men practiced their abilities, lifting massive boulders with their minds and creating barriers of pure energy. The air hummed with the power they wielded, a tangible force that seemed to resonate with the very fabric of reality.

"These abilities," Gustav thought, "they're amazing. The Slarkovs have been given a chance to reach new heights, to achieve things they never thought possible."

But as time passed, the playback began to show the darker side of their transformation. The initial excitement gave way to fear and tension as the Slarkovs struggled to control their new powers. Conflicts arose, fueled by jealousy and ambition. Accidents happened, and lives were lost in the chaos.

The holographic images showed a marketplace in ruins, the result of a battle between two Slarkovs who had let their powers spiral out of control. Buildings were reduced to rubble, and fires raged, casting an eerie glow over the scene.

"This is terrible," Gustav thought, his heart heavy with sorrow. "Their powers are tearing them apart. What was meant to be a gift has become a curse."


He saw the expressions of fear and desperation on the faces of the survivors. The once-thriving city was now marred by destruction and division. The Slarkovs, who had once been united in their pursuit of knowledge and progress, were now divided by the very powers that had set them apart.

The playback shifted to show the Slarkov leaders gathering in a grand hall, their faces etched with worry. Gustav could almost hear their voices, filled with tension and concern, as they debated how to address the growing crisis.

"We cannot continue like this," one of the leaders said, her voice trembling. "Our powers were meant to elevate us, but they are tearing us apart."

"We must find a way to control them," another leader added, his expression grim. "If we do not, our civilization will be destroyed from within."

Gustav felt a pang of empathy for the Slarkovs. They had been given a gift that was beyond their understanding, and now they were grappling with the consequences. "They need guidance," he thought. "They need to find a way to harness their powers without losing themselves."

The holographic images showed the Slarkovs working tirelessly to find a solution. They developed new technologies and techniques to help control their abilities, creating training centers and academies where individuals could learn to master their powers. But the road was fraught with challenges, and progress was slow.

Gustav watched as a young Slarkov boy struggled to control his ability to manipulate fire. Flames danced around him, threatening to engulf everything in their path. A mentor stood nearby, guiding him with calm, steady instructions.

"Focus, Joran," the mentor said. "Feel the fire within you, but do not let it consume you. You must learn to control it, to direct it with intention."

The boy's expression was one of intense concentration. Slowly, the flames began to subside, coalescing into a small, controlled ball of fire in his hand. The mentor smiled, pride and relief evident in his eyes.

"Well done, Joran," he said. "You are learning. With time and practice, you will master your abilities."

Gustav felt a glimmer of hope as he watched the scene. "They can do it," he thought. "They can learn to control their powers and use them for good. They just need time and guidance."

The playback continued to show the efforts of the Slarkovs to regain control of their society. They established laws and regulations to govern the use of their abilities, creating a framework that would allow them to live in harmony. But the scars of their initial struggles remained, a reminder of the price they had paid for their transformation.