Chapter 1562 Global Unrest

Name:The Bloodline System Author:
Chapter 1562 Global Unrest

Author's Note: Unedited Chapter


The golden barrier crafted by Dimension Six shimmered with a radiant light, encasing Planet Humbad in a protective glow. For a time, the Slarkovs maintained their unity, their shared purpose creating a sense of solidarity and hope. Fraumbultin the 87th worked tirelessly to ensure that this unity was preserved, knowing that the barrier's strength depended on it.


However, as the years passed, cracks began to form—not in the barrier, but in the unity of the Slarkovs themselves. The inaccessibility of Dimension Six became a source of contention. Factions formed, each with their own beliefs and agendas, and tensions began to rise.

One day, in the bustling central plaza of the capital city, a heated argument erupted between two groups. One group, led by an influential figure named Telmar, believed that Dimension Six should be reopened by any means necessary. "We cannot be left defenseless!" Telmar shouted, his voice carrying through the crowd. "We need the power of Dimension Six to protect us!"

Another group, led by a wise elder named Lyra, opposed this view. "Dimension Six has given us a final chance," she said calmly. "We must honor its will and maintain our unity. Using force to reopen it will only bring disaster."

The argument quickly escalated, and soon, shouts turned into physical confrontations. People pushed and shoved, their anger and fear driving them to violence. Fraumbultin the 87th, witnessing the chaos from the steps of the Great Hall, felt a deep sense of dread. "This is exactly what we must avoid," he thought, his heart heavy.

He stepped forward, his voice amplified by the public address system. "Stop this madness!" he called out, his tone authoritative yet pleading. "We cannot afford to fight among ourselves. Our unity is our strength. If we fall into discord, the barrier will fail, and we will all be lost."

The crowd hesitated, some looking ashamed, others defiant. Telmar, still fuming, pointed an accusatory finger at Fraumbultin. "You speak of unity, but what have you done to protect us? The ashy sand-like matter is coming, and we are left with no means to defend ourselves!"

Fraumbultin's expression softened with understanding. "I know you are afraid," he said. "We all are. But turning against each other will not save us. We must find strength in our unity. Dimension Six gave us this barrier as a testament to our collective will. We must honor that gift."

Lyra stepped forward, supporting the chief. "Fraumbultin is right. Our ancestors faced many challenges, and they overcame them through unity and cooperation. We must do the same."

The crowd began to disperse, but the tensions lingered. Fraumbultin the 87th knew that the unity of his people was fragile, and he worked tirelessly to mend the rifts that had formed. He held town hall meetings, encouraging open dialogue and mutual understanding. He visited communities, listening to their concerns and offering reassurances.

Despite his efforts, the discontent continued to simmer beneath the surface. Some Slarkovs were fearful about the ashy sand-like matter destroying the barrier, and they blamed Fraumbultin for not doing enough. Others were resentful of Dimension Six's inaccessibility, feeling abandoned and powerless.

In one scene, Gustav watched as a group of Slarkovs gathered in a dimly lit room, their faces filled with worry and anger. "We can't just sit and wait for our doom," one of them said, his voice trembling. "We need to take action."

One of the advisors, a seasoned leader named Seran, nodded. "We need to increase our efforts to promote understanding and cooperation. Perhaps more community initiatives and public forums could help."

Another advisor, a young and passionate leader named Elyn, looked worried. "We must also address the fear and uncertainty that many feel. They need reassurance that we are doing everything possible to protect them."

Fraumbultin sighed, feeling the weight of his responsibility. "We will do whatever it takes. Our survival depends on it."

Despite their efforts, the fractures within their society deepened. Fights broke out across the planet, with some Slarkovs attempting to force open Dimension Six, while others opposed them. The streets, once filled with harmony, now echoed with shouts and clashes.

In one scene, Gustav watched as a group of Slarkovs gathered at the sealed entrance to Dimension Six. Telmar, leading the charge, called out to the crowd. "We must reopen Dimension Six! It's our only hope of survival!"

Lyra and her followers stood in opposition, their faces resolute. "Using force will only bring disaster," she said. "We must trust in the unity of our people and the barrier that protects us."

The argument quickly escalated into violence, with both sides clashing fiercely. Gustav felt a deep sense of dread. "This discord will only weaken the barrier," he thought. "Their very survival is at risk."

Fraumbultin the 87th, witnessing the chaos, felt a profound sorrow. "We must find a way to heal these rifts," he thought. "Our unity is our only hope."

As the days turned into weeks, the ashy sand-like matter continued its relentless approach, pressing harder against the barrier. The dark force swirled and writhed, its malevolent presence growing stronger. The barrier flickered, its light dimming slightly under the strain.

One evening, Fraumbultin the 87th stood on the balcony of the Great Hall, looking out over the city. The stars above seemed to mock their plight, their distant light a reminder of the vast, uncaring universe. "We have come so far," he thought, "but


The unrests and disagreements that had spread across Planet Humbad were beginning to take a toll on the barrier. The once-impenetrable shield, powered by the unity of the Slarkovs, was now starting to crack. Small fissures appeared, and the golden light flickered ominously. The dark force of the ashy sand-like matter pressed harder against the weakening barrier, its malevolent presence growing ever stronger.

Fraumbultin the 87th stood in the command center, his eyes fixed on the holographic display of the barrier. He could see the cracks spreading, the integrity of the shield faltering. He turned to his advisors, his expression grim.

"This division among our people is weakening the barrier," he said, his voice filled with urgency. "We cannot allow this to continue. If we do not act, the barrier will fail, and our world will be destroyed."

Seran, the seasoned advisor, nodded. "We need to address the root of the unrest. The dissenters are causing unnecessary division and weakening our defenses."

Elyn, the young and passionate advisor, looked conflicted. "But purging our own people? Is that the right course of action? We risk alienating more of our society."

Fraumbultin's face hardened. "We have no choice. Our survival is at stake. We must take decisive action to restore unity and strengthen the barrier. Those who are leading dividing campaigns must be dealt with."