Chapter 1565 The Grueling Stalemate

Name:The Bloodline System Author:
Chapter 1565 The Grueling Stalemate

Author's Note: Unedited Chapter


The situation on Planet Humbad had reached a critical juncture. Despite Fraumbultin the 88th's best efforts to heal the divisions within Slarkov society, the unrest continued to rise at an alarming rate. The barrier, weakened by the lack of unity, began to falter more visibly. It's light flickered under the relentless pressure of the ashy sand-like matter.

Fraumbultin stood in the command center, his expression grave as he observed the holographic display of the barrier. The cracks were spreading faster now, and the dark force outside seemed more determined than ever to consume their world. He knew that if they did not find a solution soon, the end of their species was inevitable.

He gathered his advisors for an emergency meeting in the Great Hall. The atmosphere was tense, the weight of their dire situation pressing heavily on everyone present.

"My friends," Fraumbultin began, his voice steady but filled with urgency, "we are facing an existential threat unlike any we have encountered before. The barrier is failing, and the unrest among our people is tearing us apart. We must find a way forward, or we will be consumed along with our planet."

Seran, the seasoned advisor, spoke up. "Chief Fraumbultin, we need to consider all options. If we cannot restore unity and strengthen the barrier, we may need to evacuate the planet."

Elyn, the young and passionate advisor, looked conflicted. "But where would we go? This has been our home for millennia. Leaving would be an admission of defeat."

Fraumbultin nodded, his expression resolute. "I understand your concerns, Elyn. But we must prioritize the survival of our species. I have made a difficult decision. We will prepare to evacuate the planet."

The advisors exchanged uneasy glances, but they knew that their leader was right. The unrest was too deep-rooted, the divisions too entrenched. Staying on Humbad would only lead to their extinction. Findd new stories at novelhall.combultin addressed the people of Humbad in a broadcast from the Great Hall. His voice echoed through the city, reaching every corner of their world.

"My fellow Slarkovs, we face a grave threat. The barrier that protects us is failing, and our unity is crumbling. We have tried to heal our divisions, but the unrest continues to rise. For the survival of our species, we must make a difficult decision. We must prepare to leave our beloved planet."

The announcement sent shockwaves through Slarkov society. Families gathered around screens, their faces filled with a mix of fear and determination. Gustav watched as the playback showed scenes of the reactions across Humbad.

In one scene, a group of Slarkovs gathered in a public square, their expressions a blend of anxiety and hope. "Leaving our home," one of them said, their voice trembling. "It feels like giving up."

Another Slarkov, an elder with wise eyes, placed a reassuring hand on their shoulder. "It is not giving up," they said gently. "It is choosing to survive. We carry the spirit of Humbad within us, wherever we go."

However, the decision to evacuate was not universally accepted. The Slarkovs had divided into two factions: one faction, led by Chief Fraumbultin the 88th, agreed with the decision to leave the planet for their betterment. The other faction, led by Telmar and his followers, believed that they should stay behind and force Dimension Six open, hoping to employ its power once more.

In a heated debate in the Great Hall, representatives from both factions argued passionately.

In one touching scene, Gustav watched as a young child clutched a small, cherished toy, their eyes filled with tears. "Will we be okay, Mama?" the child asked, their voice trembling.

The mother knelt down, her expression gentle and reassuring. "Yes, my love. We will be okay. We have each other, and we will find a new home together."

As the evacuation continued, Fraumbultin the 88th remained steadfast in his commitment to his people. He knew that the journey ahead would be fraught with challenges, but he also knew that their survival depended on their unity and resilience.

In one final scene, Gustav watched as the last ship prepared to leave Humbad. The barrier, weakened and flickering, held just long enough for the final evacuation. The ashy sand-like matter pressed against it, the dark force swirling and writhing, seeking a way through.

Fraumbultin the 88th stood on the bridge of the lead ship, his expression resolute. "We have left our home behind," he thought, "but we carry its spirit within us. Together, we will find a new home and ensure the survival of our species."

As the ship ascended into the stars, leaving the flickering barrier and the malevolent force behind, Gustav felt a deep sense of admiration for the Slarkovs and their unwavering spirit. "Their unity is their greatest strength," he thought. "They have faced so many challenges, but they have always found a way to rise above them."

The playback ended, leaving Gustav with a profound sense of awe and respect for the Slarkovs and their journey. He knew that their story was one of resilience, determination, and the unbreakable spirit of unity.


Chief Fraumbultin the 88th faced an almost insurmountable challenge. Finding a new home for the Slarkovs, especially given the unique and precarious position of their planet, was a monumental task. Planet Humbad, located at the center of the universe, existed in a state that was both in and out of existence, making the logistics of evacuation extraordinarily complex.

In the command center, Fraumbultin pored over holographic maps and data streams, his advisors by his side. The atmosphere was thick with tension and urgency. The ashy sand-like matter continued its relentless assault on the barrier, and time was running out.

"Chief Fraumbultin," Seran began, pointing to a series of coordinates on a holographic map, "these are the nearest habitable planets within our current range. However, due to our unique position, navigating to these locations will be incredibly difficult."

Fraumbultin nodded, his expression determined. "We must find a way. Our people are depending on us. We cannot afford to fail."

Elyn, her voice filled with concern, added, "The center of the universe is a chaotic space. Our planet's unique state means that conventional travel methods may not work. We need to think outside the box."

Fraumbultin looked at the data, his mind racing. "What about utilizing the energy from Dimension Six? Could we use it to create a stable pathway out of this chaotic space?"

Seran shook his head. "Dimension Six has locked itself away, Chief. We have no access to its power."

The chief sighed, frustration evident in his eyes. "There must be another way. We cannot remain here and wait for our doom."

The playback shifted to show Fraumbultin addressing his people once more from the Great Hall. His voice was steady but filled with urgency. "My fellow Slarkovs, we face a critical moment in our history. Our planet, located at the center of the universe, exists in a state that makes conventional evacuation nearly impossible. But we must find a way to leave and ensure our survival."

The crowd listened, their faces a mix of fear and determination. Gustav watched as the chief continued, his heart heavy with the weight of their situation.

"We must harness all of our knowledge, all of our ingenuity, to find a solution. We will explore every possibility, every avenue, to create a path to a new home. Together, we will overcome this challenge."