Chapter 1575 Serial Felon

Name:The Bloodline System Author:
Chapter 1575 Serial Felon

Author's Note: Unedited Chapter


Miss Aimee's projection seemed to pause, as if considering her words carefully. "I am right where I need to be, Gustav. My journey has led me to a place where I can best assist you from afar. We will see each other soon."

Gustav's brow furrowed in concern. "But why the secrecy? What's happening?"

Miss Aimee's eyes softened. "There are forces at play that require careful navigation. You must trust me, as you always have. Remain focused."

Gustav nodded reluctantly. "Alright, Miss Aimee. I just wish I knew more."

Miss Aimee's projection began to fade slightly, her form becoming more ethereal. "You will, in time. For now, rest and regain your strength. You're almost there."

Gustav watched as her projection vanished, leaving him alone in the chamber. He took a deep breath, the weight of her words settling over him.

Despite her assurance he still felt unease,.

He exited the chamber and made his way to the adjacent quarters where Stark was resting. The spacious room was filled with an array of food and comfortable seating areas. Stark looked up as Gustav entered, a concerned expression on his face.

"How did it go?" Stark asked, setting aside a plate of fruit.

Gustav sighed, collapsing into a chair. "I'm getting closer. Miss Aimee says I will be ready once I am able to maintain it for up to thirty minutes."

Stark nodded. "You'll get there."

Gustav leaned back, closing his eyes for a moment. "Thanks, Stark. I appreciate the support. But there's something else bothering me. Miss Aimee won't tell me where she is or why she's hiding."

Stark frowned. "I noticed that as well. Do you think something is up?"

Gustav eyes narrowed. "I am hundred percent sure something is up but she doesn't want me to know. She did say we'll see each other soon and that I just have to trust her."

Stark leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. "Maybe you do. I mean, she is the most powerful person we know, right?"

Gustav nodded while rubbing his temples. "That is true..."

The two friends settled into a companionable silence for a bit as Gustav closed his eyes.

He let his mind drift, focusing on the connection between his soul, mental form, and body. He could still feel the echo of the golden body within him.



The landing ramp lowered, and the trio stepped out into the bustling facility.

MBO officers and personnel moved about, their attention focused on their duties. Aildris and Falco walked confidently, while Endric did his best to blend in, his holographic disguise altering his appearance to that of an ordinary civilian.

"Welcome back to Earth," an officer greeted them, his tone professional but friendly. "Please follow the protocols, and you'll be cleared to enter the city."

They nodded and moved through the facility, following the necessary procedures. After a thorough check, they were given the green light to proceed. As they exited the facility, the city spread out before them.

"Now what?" Falco asked, glancing at Aildris.

"We need to regroup back at E.E's and figure out our next steps," Aildris replied. "We can't risk being seen too much, especially with Endric's situation."

Endric nodded in agreement. "Let's move quickly."


They navigated the vibrant, futuristic metropolis that thrived on the cutting edge of technology.

Hovercars zipped through the air on designated pathways, and the sidewalks were bustling with citizens as well as holographic circles.

Soon the trio finally arrived in front of a building.

As they approached E.E's apartment, which was perched on the 120th floor of a sleek, glass-walled building, he could already sense their approach.

E.E immediately welcomed them at the door with an expression of disbelief.

"Falco! You little son of a gun, come here!" E.E exclaimed, rushing forward to embrace his long-lost friend.

Falco grinned, hugging E.E tightly. "It's good to see you too, E.E. It's been way too long."

Aildris and Endric watched with smiles on their faces as they reunited.

Once inside, the group settled into the spacious living area, which boasted floor-to-ceiling windows offering a breathtaking view of Plankton City.

"Tell me everything," E.E said, his eyes filled with concern as he looked at all three of them. "Why are you back on Earth and without Gustav?"

Aildris nodded with a serious expression. "Ria's been captured by the Alliance Corps. They're using him as bait to lure Gustav out."

E.E's face fell. "I am aware of that and trying to do something about it." He took a deep breath. "You just missed Elevora. She left on an off-planet mission to find the true head of the Gustavo Alliance."

"Elevora's on a Gutavo alliance related mission?" Endric asked with an intrigued expression.

E.E nodded. "She's following a lead that took her to the outer rim. She believes the real leader of the Gustavo Alliance might be hiding there. It's risky, but were determined to find out the truth so we can finally clear Gustav of all charges."

Falco's brow furrowed. "But she might be a while and it's just a lead so it isn't guaranteed. We still need to figure out how to rescue Ria. A break-out might be our only option."

E.E sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. "Things are tense between the Alliance and Earth right now. The MBO wanted to move Ria to Earth, but the Alliance refused. There are even rumors that the MBO might try to take Ria by force."