Chapter 60

"And then?" I feel my voice is very bitter, because I suddenly have a very ridiculous idea, want to protect the granddaughter for life, but Who am I? I'm nothing.

"And then? Ha ha, and then... " The granddaughter suddenly looked up at the sky and laughed wildly, "there is a boy who smokes. Others don't know, but I have seen him once. I also know where he hides his cigarettes. One night, while everyone was asleep, I quietly took out the prepared paper from under my pillow and lit a cigarette with the boy's lighter... "

"And then?" I had a bad feeling in my mind.

"Then there was a strong wind that night, and the house we lived in was very dilapidated, with many holes. When the wind blew, the sparks immediately set the wardrobe on fire. Then the mosquito net A lot of things started to burn I was so scared that I just wanted to burn their shoes... " At this point, sun did not go on, with a real sadness in her eyes.

"Mr. Sun, I'm sorry. I always thought you were a cold-blooded and ruthless person and a bad person." When I first entered Feiya, I really thought that sun was very bad, so I did not less curse her, did not less curse her ancestors 18 generations, now think about it, in fact, my curse is groundless.

"I'm a bad man I burned him to death


"The only one who cares about me, I saw with my own eyes a piece of red wood pressing on him." A tear slipped from the corner of sun's eye. "I killed him."

I don't know if I should comfort sun. Maybe this kind of thing can't be comforted. I said to her: it's the will of heaven. Is it irreversible? Or: that ya deserves to die. Damn, it's the devil's son who poked the basket. Maybe the devil's daughter has her grievances, but there's no denying that she set the fire.

"For a while later, I had the same dream almost every day, the scene that he was killed. You don't know how painful it is. I almost admitted it! But I know in my heart that once I admit it, everyone will hate me. I can't admit it. I can only keep it in mind all the time and try my best to make up for it. But I can't make up for it any more. I can only do it for the orphanage. "

"Mr. Sun, it's good that you have this kind of consciousness." There is no great way to correct mistakes.

Sun Demon girl smiles bitterly!!!

"I believe that his spirit in heaven will be glad to see the face of the orphanage now."

"People are dead. What's the use of gratification?"

"But a lot of people are still living in dire straits. You've helped them."

"I understand the sufferings of those people, they need help, besides I just want to make up for it

"Even so, you are great." Everyone has kindness more or less, but not everyone can turn his kindness into practical action, use his kindness to repay the world and contribute to the society. Sun did, although it is because of guilt and the idea of making up to do these things, but objectively speaking, sun did!!!

"Great?" The granddaughter sneered, "you mean great? There are many great people in our ancestors, such as king Qinshi, Xiang Yu, Liu Bang, Zhao Kuangyin, Genghis Khan and Zhu Yuanzhang. But what is behind the greatness? In the end, who succeeded and who failed? In fact, this is not the case at all. Any acquisition must pay a price, which is often unknown and harmful to people's hearts and humanity. There is a saying that makes a very helpless explanation: one will be successful, ten thousand bones wither. "

"Hehe, maybe!"

"Don't be surprised. I often read these books and learn to plot, deal with people and protect myself."

"Don't you feel tired?"

"It's tired enough to be alive. How about a little more?"

I'm speechless. It seems that there's some truth in sun's words, but it seems that it doesn't make sense Oh, I think of a word: non mainstream.

"It's meaningless not to say that."

I shook it. It's really meaningless to go on. It only adds sadness

As the night grew deeper and deeper, the air became colder and colder. We went back to the car. I sat in the front row, and sun was in the back row. The granddaughter seems very quiet. This kind of quiet is different from that in the past. As usual, even if it is quiet, the feeling of granddaughter is always thinking. And now it's quiet It is lovable, pasted on the window, looking at the starry sky outside, with blinking eyes. Such a granddaughter, frankly speaking, is more charming than ever

"Have you seen enough?" The granddaughter said suddenly.

"Ah? No No, I didn't see you... "

"Do I look good?"

"Ah I couldn't react. I didn't expect that sun would ask such a question.

"Do I look good?" The granddaughter said it again.


"Good?" Sun Demon girl sneered and pointed to her face, "the more beautiful, the more poisonous. Remember!"

Damn, generally, girls ask you "am I good-looking?" most of them blush. Even if they don't blush at that time, they blush later. It seems that it's rare for sun to sneer so coldly. Yes, I've read Zhang Su Su Su's saying in the story of killing the Dragon by relying on heaven: the more beautiful a woman is, the worse her heart is. But that's different"Mr. Sun, why don't you sleep first."

"Not sleepy."

"Don't worry about sleeping, I'll watch."

"It's because you can't sleep at ease."

I was speechless again, and this strange woman, who had just established a little favor for her, was destroyed by her own hands.

I don't know how long she has been silent, but she seems to have fallen asleep, breathing steadily and evenly.

After making sure the doors were closed, I closed my eyes. I'm just talking about the night watch. What's the need for night watch in this country? What's more, I'm sleepy to death. I've left the bed early in the morning. I've been running around all day. I'm not an iron man. Besides, I'm afraid?

I didn't know how long I had been sleeping, but suddenly I was knocked on my head and woke up with pain.


"Vigil." "Sun Yinyang strange," keep good

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm so tired!"

The granddaughter was speechless.

After a look outside, the sky began to turn white, but It looks like rain. I took out my cigarette and just wanted to light it. I saw sun's eyes in the mirror. Shit, I didn't plan to die early, so I had to get off the car and smoke. But I just got off the car and had two puffs. Suddenly, it rained heavily. I quickly threw away my cigarette ends and got into the car. I closed the door and yelled bad luck in my heart

I look at the time, the rain for more than two hours, but did not stop the trend.

"Take the gum." Sun said, with a murmur.


The granddaughter took the gum and did not speak. Her stomach muttered again.

It rained for more than an hour, until the whole mud road began to soak, the rain was so small!!!

All of a sudden, I was startled to see her face pale and want to die in the mirror.

"Mr. Sun, are you ok?"


"What should I do? Do you have stomach medicine in your car?"

"No It's hard for the granddaughter to talk.

Dead dead, can stomachache ache die?

I tried to start the car, but still can't start it!!!

Walking? Shit, the road is still wet.

Looking around, I saw a yellow mud hill on the left. There was a broken cottage on the top of the hill. No one lived there. My eyes stayed on a raised space on the right side of the thatched cottage. I vaguely saw the leaves of some familiar plants, but I didn't know if it was Anyway, I have to take a look.

"Mr. Sun, is there an umbrella in the car?"

Granddaughter shakes her head!!!

I took out my lighter, put it into the cigarette case, closed it, carefully wrapped many layers on the edge of the cigarette with a paper towel, and put it in my pocket until I felt safe. I got out of the car, took out a bottle of mineral water from the trunk, and prepared to sprint to the top of the hill

"Li Qiang, are you crazy?" The granddaughter opened the door and looked at me suspiciously.

"Stay in the car, woman."

Rush to the top of the hill, the coat has been all wet, trousers thigh down also can't escape. Fortunately, the leaves I saw were really what I was looking for Sweet potato. I felt a sharp stone on the ground and began to dig sweet potatoes. However, it's not the season yet. The sweet potatoes are obviously not developing normally, only a little bigger than my thumb.

I planed twenty or thirty at a time, found a low-lying place with water to wash, and then rushed into the thatched cottage.

The thatched cottage is very dilapidated and leaking everywhere. Only one corner is relatively dry. I dug a small hole in the driest part of the land. Then I demolished some hay on the side of the house and spread it on it. Then I put sweet potatoes in it. Then I took down a simple door of the thatched cottage and cut off all the wood. Then I spread it on the top to make a fire

Yes, I'm baking sweet potatoes. I believe I've lived in the countryside.

Watching the star fire finally turn into a raging fire, I take off my coat and bake it, then I just take off my pants.

Searching around naked pants, I was lucky to find a tile plate, but it was broken on one side and very dirty. After thinking about it, put the broken tile plate outside to let the rain water drip in. When it is full, take it back and wipe it clean. Then wash it with the mineral water you brought. After confirming that it is clean, pour the remaining mineral water in, build a shelf on the fire and start to burn.

Drinking hot water is helpful for stomachache. This is the only way I can do it. Anyway, sun can't see her.

After smoking a few cigarettes, the clothes dried and put on again. Then wait, wait for the water to boil, bring it down, feel cool and slowly pour it into the mineral water bottle. Unfortunately, my estimation is wrong. As soon as the water is poured in, the bottle immediately deforms. It seems that there is a slight smell of plastic, cold sweat.

When the fire goes out, dig up some soil to bury the fire, and then continue to wait.

After about half an hour, I dug up the soil and dug out the sweet potatoes buried before. Good smell But I overlooked a very important thing, I was not ready to put the sweet potato back to the tool. Can you put it in your pocket? Shit. I can't help it. I can only take off my coat and wrap the sweet potato and the mineral water bottle together. I rush under the mountain in the rain.