Chapter 124

When I crossed the small park, a river appeared in front of me. It was about two meters wide. I estimated that I couldn't jump over it. Maybe I was afraid of an accident when I jumped. So I chose to go into the water. Fortunately, the water wasn't too deep. After getting half wet, I finally crossed safely and came to the main road outside. At this time, I had heard a very mixed quarrel in the hospital, as well as a sharp alarm. It should be driving towards the hospital.

I ran to the road, to the black place, this road is not the main road, there is no traffic, occasionally there are one or two passing by, I hid behind the tree before it came, several times there was no accident. However, I was a little slow to hide in a crosswalk, but it was those people who came to me. One or two VW cars rushed towards me. I dodged. The car hit a small tree on the side of the road and roared. Then three rotten kids jumped out of the car, each with a mountain knife and steel pipe.

My first reaction was to run into the woods. I didn't have to work hard. I couldn't afford to fight. People had knives in their hands. I know that I was very brave just now, and I brought down four rotten kids, but that's because I have no choice. I have to work hard unless I leave lumeimei alone? Is it possible? It's impossible. It's just a spell.

Now I have a choice, I have to run out, leave the city, I want to live.

The forest is very dark, which hinders running. I even tumbled several times and fell into the sky, but I have to insist.

After running for a while, I found that I couldn't run away. I really couldn't run away because the other side had a flashlight. They could see the road clearly. They ran faster than me, and they soon got close. I was worried because I didn't run fast enough. Another reason was that I heard the noise coming from their walkie talkie, or the signal to find my whereabouts.

I fell down again. I fell to my left arm and felt a pain. Before I got up, a rotten boy had already come to me and raised his knife to cut me off. I used my own bag to block it, and the strength was removed. The bag was cracked. I took the opportunity to rub my foot against his crotch, and he bowed in pain. I put my knee on his face, and he fainted immediately. I quickly picked up the knife on the ground, but I didn't look at it, so I threw it directly behind. Then I stood up, picked up the flashlight and continued to run.

There's a lot of yelling and scolding behind you. Don't run and so on Then, ha ha, the value of my life is 500000 yuan after killing me.

Damn it, is my life worth only 500000???

I struggled to run and chase after. Suddenly, I was hit by something on my back and didn't hit my mouth to spit blood. But the powerful force led me directly into a tree and hit my chest. I felt stuffy and almost didn't faint. I bit my tongue hard. The strong pain made me wake up a lot. I quickly put out the flashlight, took out the screwdriver and held it in my hand. Then I touched a piece of wood and squatted beside the tree.

Immediately, I saw a rotten boy running over. I aimed at the wood in my hand and smashed it out. It hit the guy's chest. He stepped back and I jumped out. Without hesitation, the screwdriver inserted into his thigh and pulled it out.

There was a howl in the still night.

Suddenly, a beam of light fell on me, and I immediately ran to the left side of a trail.

After running for tens of meters, two rotten boys suddenly appeared in front of me. They took a knife and slashed at me at the same time. I slipped over and slashed the blade on my chest. I resisted one of them 'arm. The screwdriver was inserted into his thigh. Then he grasped his hand and rotated it. The knife slashed at his accomplice, the forearm and the forearm. The rotten boy screamed loudly. I gave him a kick and continued Run.

Am I a strong fighter? no

Did the scene look good? no

I'm just running for my life. Either they die or I die. I have to try my best to solve the battle as soon as possible.

In fact, I'm in a mess. I'm really in a mess. I haven't tried it when I grow up. It's like this moment. If a lost dog is chased, I don't even know how many people there are, let alone how many times I can fight. Now, my lungs are burning up because of continuous fast running. I'm not breathing enough. I'm very tired and uncomfortable. I want to sit down and have a rest, smoke and drink water. But I don't have this condition. Even beggars have the right. I've lost it. It's very sad.

There was a moment when I almost wanted to give up, but I knew that once I gave up, I would die. I was so young, I couldn't die And my family? What do they do when I'm dead? And it's too stupid to die like this. I can't die.

I ran to the outside of the main road, ran out from the dark environment, and could not stand the strong light. I hesitated for a moment, and then I was slashed in the back, with a burning pain. I felt that I was bleeding. I held back and flashed to one side. I saw a knife chasing me to chop. I flashed to the back of the lamppost of the street lamp. The knife was slashed in the lamppost, and the stars were flashing. I took advantage of this gap to go around behind him, and the screwdriver was inserted into his lute bone Pull it out, plug it in again, several times in a row.

Another terrible scream.

Am I cruel?

I'm not cruel. I just want to protect myself. I just want to run away. I don't want to work hard. They force me.

I regret, really, although I know that regret is useless, I regret entering Feiya, knowing Zhou Qi, knowing sun mengnu, and getting involved in these fights that have nothing to do with me. If I can't avoid this disaster, I have to harass Zhou Qi every day as a ghost. I swear, curse, I will die with this anger and curse.Sitting on the ground gasping for breath, I heard footsteps coming from the woods. I immediately went into another forest.

My back is bleeding, I don't have time to deal with it. Fortunately, I don't cut deep and flow much. What I'm worried about now is that I can't run out. If I don't deal with it in time, my physical strength will drop sharply. In the end, I don't need to be chased by others. I can't run any more by myself!!!

I didn't dare to turn on the flashlight, so I ran a little slowly. I could see and hear the light coming in from behind. But I didn't dare to turn back. I ran all the way through the woods and ran to another road. There happened to be a big truck driving by. I directly hit it and then fell back.

For a moment, I couldn't get up, but the people who were chasing me got closer and closer. Then a rotten boy jumped out first and saw me lying on the ground, but he was stunned for a moment. After several seconds, he reacted and raised his knife to cut my foot. I rolled with all my strength. His knife fell on the ground, and I turned back to press his knife as fast as I could, A screwdriver was in the back of his foot. I gasped, bit my tongue hard, pulled out the screwdriver, stood up slowly, and gasped against the lamp post.

I don't want to run. I was badly hit when I hit the truck. My left arm was numb with pain. The damn truck stopped and stopped not far away. There was another person in the car who watched us fight from a distance.

Soon, two rotten kids jumped out of the woods

"Come on, you want to kill me, don't you? I'll wait here. " I burst out laughing, crazy like laughter in the night was extremely sad, scared the two guys.

"In fact, half a million people killed him." One of them gave encouragement to himself and his companions.

"Come on, five hundred thousand." I'm getting a little angry. I plan to kill these two rotten boys before I leave. Because I'm very angry, I take the initiative to attack and approach them step by step

The two rotten boys hesitated, maybe because of my bad looks, and they retreated a few steps. I took this short opportunity to pick up a knife on the ground and use my numb arm. At this time, the two bad guys decided to fight with me, probably because they heard the cry in the woods. Someone came.

Yes, someone came. I couldn't wait any longer. I rushed over. One of the rotten boys cut him down with a knife. I blocked him with a knife and almost got rid of the shock. I held it tightly, kicked out with one foot and hit the other rotten boy's abdomen who didn't have time to raise the knife. Then my knife kept cutting down and cut off my rotten boy's finger. He fell to the ground and cried out in a terrible voice.

The rotten boy who was kicked in the middle abdomen by me didn't fall down. He just stepped back, stood firm, raised his knife and cut again. I didn't have time to block it with a knife. His knife finally cut into my shoulder, and a blood arrow shot out on my face. I almost fell, knife also fell to the ground, my other hand's screwdriver was inserted into the rotten boy's stomach.

I couldn't stand steadily, fell to the ground, my eyes flickered, and I wanted to faint. Then I saw a man rushing towards me. I thought I was going to die. I couldn't run any more, and I didn't have the strength to fight any more.

Ha ha, just die, that's enough!!!

As the figure came closer, I even closed my eyes.

"Li Qiang, let's go, get up, let's go."

When I heard someone calling my name, I opened my eyes and saw a familiar face.

Yang Hua, a friend of Ye Jiacheng, is also my friend.

Yang Hua helped me up and carried me all the way to the two trucks. When I got there, he put me in the co driver's seat of the truck. It took almost a minute because it was too high.

Yang Hua was a truck driver. On that day, I really didn't believe it, even if what they said was the same.

Ye Jiacheng is such a cow. Could his friend be a truck driver? But now I have to believe it.

Yang Hua got into the driver's seat, sat down, put in gear, and roared on the accelerator. The truck ran out like a monster and ran on the road. The speed was very fast. I was like driving through the clouds. At last, I tilted my seat. My last word was: don't drive downtown.

I don't know how long I fainted. When I woke up, I found someone moving me. I subconsciously grasped that person and pinched him. Although I didn't have much strength, I insisted on pinching him.

"Yes I... " Yang Hua's voice.

I immediately let go and gasp for breath!!!

Yang Hua treated my wound. The car had stopped and stopped at the roadside, a strange place. The whole road was dark.