Chapter 241

"I'll be back when I come back. What are you doing with all these things? It's a waste of money." Dad took the things from my sister and put them aside. I put them in my hand by myself. Dad looked at me. "Who's in the back? I don't want to introduce it. "

"Oh, Ma Xiaoying." I'm nervous. When I see my dad frowning, I scream, "bad.".

"Hello, uncle and aunt." Ma Xiaoying showed a sweet smile, but she didn't smile to the best state. She was a little flustered. She was also very nervous, very nervous. I stood next door, as if I could hear her disorderly heartbeat. It's really hard for her. It's all suggestions from * *.

"Oh, Xiaoying, hello." My mother put down the kitchen knife, turned back and pulled my father, who frowned more severely. Then she came to pull Ma Xiaoying to sit in the chair, and asked my sister to pour tea. Then she said to Ma Xiaoying, "it's hard on the road, and I still buy so many things."

"It's not hard."

"You talk, I'll cook." Dad came into the kitchen with a kitchen knife.

Mother and Ma Xiaoying chatting, old sister took the opportunity to rudely pull me out of the door.

"What for?" I got rid of my sister.

"Brother, what's the matter with you? You're not with Are you with sister sun? " The old sister asked me, "how can you think differently?"

"What's the difference? I was... " What is it? I don't know myself. I have no choice? Excuse? It's worse to say than not, so I didn't go on.

"No more words?" The old sister pouted, "brother, how can you do this?"

"These things are more complicated to say, and your brother is not like that. Life is not everything you want. You will know when you grow up!"

"Sophistry." Old sister despised me, "whatever you want, don't want to talk to you, ungrateful man."

My sister ignored me and went back to the house by herself.

Ah, ungrateful man, am I like this? How did I change like this? Actually, I didn't.

I feel wronged, but the truth is in front of my sister's eyes, just look at the surface is really like that, I have nothing to say. As for the explanation, I can't explain it clearly for a while, but if I don't explain it, the misunderstanding gets deeper and deeper. It doesn't matter if I misunderstand it. It's always my brother and sister. However, according to my sister's character, I don't think it will give Ma Xiaoying any good looks or do evil

After a cigarette, go back to the house.

Old sister is not in, should be back to the room!

Ma Xiaoying's mother had a good conversation with her. The atmosphere was harmonious. Ma Xiaoying's expression was relaxed and not so nervous!

I went into the kitchen, I have to deal with Dad, sooner or later to face the problem, sooner or later to solve, sooner or later at ease. I know my father is not happy, I take Ma Xiaoying home, he can see, see this expression, for the sun witch hate me. Besides, when did you see Dad cooking? It's just a few times in a year, and suddenly it's so active, isn't it angry?

Dad is cutting things, I see meat, chicken, fish and some miscellaneous mushrooms and vegetables, making hot pot! My sister called to inform me that my parents knew we were back today, so they prepared so many delicious things.

I called out Dad, my voice was stiff, I was nervous.

"What's going on out there? You explain it to me Dad's voice was fiery.

"It's nothing. It's hard to explain in a few words. Anyway It's not what you think. "

"I didn't think much, I just looked at the facts." Dad turned around, holding a knife and staring at me, "tell me, what's going on? Are you ungrateful? What about your boss? Xiaoyun said you were together, now you suddenly bring another woman back, what do you mean? Are you sincere with me? " No wonder my father's anger is beyond estimation. It's due to my sister.

"Dad, why do you think that I'm ungrateful with Xiao Yun? What kind of person am I? I'm still angry with you? "

"You're not. What you do is." Dad was very positive, and then suddenly became friendly, "dad doesn't ask you to be kind, but you should be kind, know your kindness and repay your kindness. There is cause and effect. What bad things you do, you will suffer when you get old. Everyone's life is not easy. If you don't repay others for their kindness, what do you think you are now? You're the only one who's not pretty. "

"Dad, it's not as serious as you said. I know who is good to me and who is bad to me, but In addition to life is not easy, but also very helpless, you do not want that, just like that, I am very passive

"Do you mean people are not good to you, or is the one outside better for you?"

"That's not what I mean." Well, I really don't know how to explain. I have no reason to quarrel with my father, do I? So Ma Xiaoying is more embarrassed.

"You don't mean that. What do you mean?" Dad got angry. "You're not covering yourself up with a lot of excuses. What is it? How come you are such a man in our family. What did I teach you when I was a kid? Don't you even have the most basic moral concepts and sense of responsibility? How do you live? Who looks up to you? You see, when you bring a woman back, the whole village knows. This time you bring another one or the whole village knows. What do others think of you? "

I don't speak. Let my father scold me. Let's talk after scolding. Anyway, what I say now is an excuse and a cover up, which is worse than nothing."You think clearly, I'm not angry with her, I'm angry with you, but I won't admit her."

Oh, trouble, I'm afraid it's going to be a killer!!!

"Speak, dumb?" Dad shook the knife in his hand. It was probably unintentional, but it almost reached me.

"Dad, be careful."

Dad put down his knife, washed his hands and lit a cigarette.

"Dad, let me ask you a question. Do you have to be responsible under any circumstances?" Looking at Dad nodding, I continued, "now, what do you think I'll do with the baby who's pregnant with me outside? Abandon her? And she's really nice to me. We treat everything equally. She can be generous enough to hurt herself. For my sake, Dad, you taught me to be open and aboveboard, to be patient in everything, and to repay my kindness. Don't steal, abduct, do evil, harm others, and ignore the consequences. I know, I understand, and I understand. I try to follow your instructions It's hard to be a man, but sometimes It's not that you are good to others. Society is complicated. I can't help myself. I should be responsible. Anyway, I won't abandon her. It's not in line with what you taught me. I can't be such a heartless person. "

Dad has nothing to say. He's in a daze.

"I'm sorry, Dad. I know that some of my actions have made you feel bad, but I didn't mean to. I can't explain, but Even if how to explain the result is still the same, I have to shoulder the responsibility, whether it is wrong or right! "

"Forget it, you have grown up so big, you have your own ideas, life is your own, you grasp it well, don't make the decision you regret, since the decision has been made, you must stick to it." Dad sighed, his eyes softened and his voice softened, "son How long has it been? "

"A month or two!" Khan, in fact, I am not very clear, Ma Xiaoying did not tell me the specific time.

"It's done. Let's get married before we see our stomachs." Dad thought about it and continued, "the new year is coming. There are only ten days left. Let's finish the new year. Our pigs have been sold for a sum of money. It's no problem to set up dozens of tables." See, it's not easy to move out a trump card to get dad to say it right, and another trouble comes. This is just the realization of that sentence: everything has its advantages, there are its disadvantages.

"Count again!"

"What is recalculation? This kind of thing can't be delayed, other girls are waiting for you? How do people meet in the future? Are you going to let people live? " Dad glared, "it's settled. After the new year, I'll go to the next village to ask Uncle Wang for a good day."

I am speechless!!!

Ah, I just know now that this is probably the purpose of * *. Sheng Peng told * * about Ma Xiaoying's pregnancy, or * * forced Sheng Peng to say that * * just knows.

Dad's done. Mom's with dad. There's no need to explain. Dad will explain himself. Besides, mom is kind and loves me. Now, there's still my sister left. I have to go and get rid of her, or it will be very troublesome

After entering the room, I didn't see my sister. After asking my mother, I found out that my sister had gone to my uncle's house and asked my uncle's family to have dinner together. In the gift Ma Xiaoying bought, I turned over a cigarette, a bottle of wine and half a bag of fruit and went to my uncle's house.

As expected, my sister was at my uncle's house, chatting with my aunt, while my uncle was sawing wood nearby. Uncle is half a carpenter, or maybe my grandfather is a carpenter. My father didn't learn much. Uncle learned a little bit. Anyway, when I was a child, I used tables, beds, wardrobes and so on. Now, my uncle is making a small desk for my cousin. I've already made half of it with drawers. It's very delicate and beautiful.

"Uncle, aunt." I put the wine, tobacco and fruit on the table, pinched my cousin's face, and then found a seat.

"It seems that I've lost weight, and the dark circles are still so big." Aunt said, "pay attention to rest."

"All the people in the city have this problem. They have rich nightlife." Uncle said, he put down the work, quit, "your cousin don't come back together?"

"He's busy!" Before I came back, I called my cousin. He said he was busy and the production base was about to open. Besides, he just came back for a short time and said he didn't want to run!

"Ha, listen to him say that the factory is not bad. It's very big and there are many things to learn." Uncle sat next to me, patted me on the shoulder, "I see you are more promising than your cousin, big leader, echoed, your cousin is a small soldier, I saw it when I was a child, wild temperament is not good, I'm afraid no girl likes it, that's like you."