Chapter 257

The granddaughter didn't speak, and even her expression and movement didn't change at all.

"I I didn't know you were in Thailand. I had no place to go. That day All of a sudden, I have a name. I remember you told me before, so... " What the hell am I doing? It's a mess. It's completely disorganized. I've got water in my head?

The granddaughter still didn't speak, but her expression changed. She frowned and began to be unhappy.

Silence, a few minutes of silence.

"I'm sorry!" I said, I really don't know what to say!

"I'm sorry what, I'm sorry, I'm sorry for everything. Would you say anything else except these three words?" The granddaughter turned around, faced me and glared at me, "what are you doing in Thailand? Who asked you to come? What are you doing here? Are you bored? You come to Thailand if you don't come back home for the new year. "

I feel puzzled and a little dazed.

"I'm sorry!" I said.

"You said it." Sun's eyes were wide open and she was biting her teeth.

"I'm sorry." I think I must be crazy, but I don't think I said anything wrong. I made her angry. Shouldn't I say I'm sorry? And I didn't mean to say sorry as if it was a conditioned response.

The granddaughter got angry. She picked up the carton on the table and hit me. Then she took the ashtray and felt that the weight was not suitable. She immediately put it down. Then she took the phone and the connection was broken. But the phone didn't hit me. The granddaughter didn't get rid of her hatred. She climbed to another table and took those snacks, bags of specialties, more than ten bags, bags of leaves sugar and coconut bars , everything, hit me, and ended up on the floor.

Does it hurt? Pain, but I'm not qualified to dodge.

There was nothing to smash. Sun stopped and glared at me.

"Why don't you talk? Don't you feel bad about being bullied? " Sun said in a strange tone.

"I bullied you first, didn't I?" I don't dare to say. There's nothing near the devil sun. It's all smashed up. There's only one stool she's sitting on. If you hit me with a stool, I'll hang up.

"Get out of my sight." Sun said, gritting her teeth, "go away, now."

I turned around and left, but I couldn't walk for two steps. I asked myself, do I really want to go? After running so many streets, it took so much effort to find the devil sun. What am I going to do? It's not at home. But if I don't get out of here, what am I going to do? Continue to make the witch angry?

All of a sudden, I miss the first time I went to France. At that time, I suddenly saw my granddaughter in the street. I went to chase her, but I couldn't catch her. I was desperate. Beside the fountain in the square, my face was full of tears. Then she appeared and found me. The feeling of that moment, the surprise in despair, was deeply imprinted on my heart. I remember A word I said to her, I said I would never let her leave me again

But now?

Everything has changed. Why is it like this?

I'm heartbroken. I can't walk. I don't know where I can go. Can I go back to the hotel?

"Go away, why not?" "The granddaughter scolded me," you don't influence me here, you bastard. I'm angry when I see you. "

"What are you angry about?" I turned around. "Why are you angry?"

"I don't know, I don't want to see you!"

"That's because..."

"Go away, now." She went into the bathroom and said to me, "I'm going to take a bath. Before I come out, you have to go away."

"I'm sorry!" I didn't want to say these three words, but I said it, next to the bathroom door, and left the room.

I didn't leave immediately. I stood outside the room, leaning against the soft bag wall, and lit a cigarette for myself.

Do I regret it? Regret to see the sun witch regret to chase her regret to find the hotel? No regrets. What do I regret? The relationship between us has been very bad, it's not the same now? I just Regret affected her mood, this big new year's day, Sun Demon girl estimated to come to Thailand to relax, what good mood is there for me?

I was about to finish smoking before I went to the elevator.

When the elevator arrived and walked in, there was a woman who was supposed to be the resident upstairs. She was a European woman. She couldn't see her age, but she was very beautiful and polite. She laughed at me and asked me in English how many floors I went to. I said that she went to the first floor, so she didn't have to press.

When the elevator went down to the tenth floor, the lights went out and the elevator stopped. With a bang, the European woman immediately screamed, jumped up to me and grabbed my arm. I told her in English not to be afraid. Then I pulled out my arm, took out my mobile phone from my pocket, and looked for the help button on the control panel with the help of the bright light on the screen. However, there was no response. There was no response after pressing.

What the hell is going on? Is there a blackout in the whole hotel?

No way. Even if there is a power failure, such a big hotel should have its own power generation system.

No way, we have to wait!!!

Idle boring, I talked to that European woman, my English before very bad, but I am very hard to cram, now It's also very bad, but it's much better than when I first went to France. Some simple exchanges can be completed. As long as the sentences are not too long and don't speak too fast, I can understand more than half of them.This woman is a Scotsman. When she came to Thailand for tourism, I asked her why she went down so late. She said that she was hungry and couldn't get through to the front desk. She had to go down by herself. She also said that the service of the hotel was rubbish, not as good as her country or Europe.

Chatting for more than ten minutes In fact, after just a few words, the elevator didn't return to normal in more than ten minutes, and no one helped us. I started to be a little impatient, and so did the Scottish woman, because It's very stuffy in the elevator. There's no air conditioner coming in. The air doesn't circulate. I'm already sweating. Scottish women think so. I breathe heavily.

Damn, you have to find a way, or you'll suffocate.

Using my mobile phone photo, I saw a small stainless steel object similar to a shovel in a wall at the top of the control panel. I opened the small glass door of the partition and took out the shovel like thing. I guess it was used to pry the elevator door.

I handed the phone to the Scottish woman and let her take care of it. I tried to pry the elevator.

Damn, it's very hard to pry. If it's an ordinary woman, it's estimated that it will take more than two forces to pry it off smoothly. Of course, I'm not a woman. I'm a man. Although I had a lot of effort and a lot of work, I finally pried myself out. We finally got some fresh air. What's depressing is When the door opened, there was a hard concrete wall outside. There was only a 20 cm opening at the top. The outside was also dark. It was estimated that it was the elevator exit on the 10th floor. Now we are located between the 9th floor and the 10th floor.

Well, we don't have to suffocate, but we still can't get out.

Bad luck. What should I do?

The Scottish woman tried to shout for help at the opening. After a few minutes, no one even cared about us. We heard someone running by in a hurry.

Damn, I'm stupid. I have a cell phone. Why don't I call for help?

By the way, what's the number for help?

I press the control panel. There's a number on it, but I can't get through. It's busy. I can't help it. I can only call the granddaughter. I'm going to ask her to inform the front desk, but no one answers the phone all the time. The granddaughter doesn't answer my phone. At this critical moment The granddaughter didn't answer my phone. Of course, I don't know yet Before I called, sun had passed out. I don't know We're going to go through such a terrible thing.

All of a sudden, I heard the sound of an alarm outside. It was not very loud. It was vague. I didn't know if it was the cause of our environment. It was only passed down a little by mouth. I thought I heard it wrong. When I asked the Scottish woman, she said that the voice had been heard a long time ago. When I didn't pry the door, she heard it faintly. She thought I knew it, so she didn't tell me.

I got nervous immediately. What's the meaning of the alarm? A fire or something more terrible? Shit, it's not that bad, is it?

There was another person running outside. The Scottish woman and I called for help at the same time, but no one cared about us.

I became more and more anxious. I continued to call the granddaughter. After five or six damn calls, the granddaughter still didn't answer. Then the mobile phone simply beeped twice and turned off without power I tried it twice and it turned on, but it turned off a few seconds later.

Damn, how do you escape from the elevator?

I'm thinking and searching my memory. It seems that I don't have any. I never read the propaganda in this aspect, except to pry the elevator door It's the only way the government can offer, but I watch movies, and it seems that I can get out from the top.

I looked at the top of my head. There was a piece of black paint. I couldn't see anything. My cell phone was dead, and the Scottish woman didn't have a cell phone. I felt out my lighter and started a fire, but I still couldn't shine so high and couldn't see clearly. I looked at the handrails on both sides. I can step on them, but the distance between the two sides is too wide. If I want to climb up, at least there must be another borrowing point in the middle.

Scottish woman is very smart. She guessed what I was thinking. She stood in the middle and made a gesture of supporting me with her hand. Then she patted her shoulder. I asked her if she could. She said she could try it and let me hurry up.

I didn't have any hesitation. I acted immediately. After all, it was an escape!

One of my feet collapsed onto the handrail and slowly climbed up. The other foot was off the ground and was just high enough to be carried by a Scottish woman. I saw the skylight, but it didn't seem to move, and the lighter was very hot. I had to put out the fire first, blow the lighter cool, and then take out the small shovel from my pocket to pry it. Just after prying it a few times, the Scottish woman couldn't support it. Let me hurry down.

I went down, the Scottish woman was panting, squatting on the ground, very tired.

After a rest, the Scottish woman said to go on. She helped me climb up again. After more than a minute, I managed to pry the skylight open. The smoke billowed outside. As soon as I opened it, the smoke came in through the window.