Chapter 295

"I'm tired of I just don't know what's bothering me. " I can't tell Sheng Peng.

"You are insane!"

"Maybe!" I fell on the bed, puffing up the smoke ring, circle by circle, slowly rising, slowly dispersing. If only the worries could disappear like smoke?

"I'm pregnant!"

"What?" I jumped up, "aren't you? You didn't take safety measures? "

"Everybody's a man. You ask that." Sheng Peng despised me. "Sometimes I can't help it. Can't you carry a condom with you outside or in the car?"

"Ha ha, a people's policeman, playing car shock with you?" I snicker.

"The police are not people?" Sheng Peng still despises me.

"What are you going to do?"

"What do you say? Let her kill it? It hurts your body, OK? The main thing is, if you kill How to take a ten day and a half month rest? What should * * do? Asking for leave? Her father doesn't know yet? Do you know you can't kill me? " Sheng Peng sighed, "even if These problems do not exist, I can not be so heartless, right? What can you do? "

"Seriously, have you met her family?" I am more concerned about this issue, because last time I went to director Ding, director Ding felt that he did not know the existence of Sheng Peng. It has been so long. He should take action and let * * take Sheng Peng to show him?

"Yes, I've seen her mother many times, her father Only last week. "

"How's it going?"

"It's OK, but I don't seem to like it very much."

"How can it be? He's easy to get along with I think director Ding is a good person. He is very talkative, reasonable and has a good personality **Kind of like him. And Sheng Peng, young What is the possibility that director Ding does not like Sheng Peng?

"People are popular. It's hard to say this kind of thing. Sister Feng is not like a lot of people. Do you want to send it to you?"

"I look sick." I put out my cigarette and said seriously, "seriously, what are you going to do? Married? "

"Yes, the problem is My dad

"Your mother agrees, and aunt Bing agrees. You can go back and discuss with your father."

"My father doesn't agree. It's no use who agrees." Sheng Peng also put out the cigarette and stood up, "don't talk about it. It's boring enough to say these things. Sleep!"

Sheng Peng left my room.

In the past, I didn't understand why Sheng Peng's father didn't like * *, now I see. Soldiers and thieves. I even wonder if Sheng Peng's father ever had a fight with her father. People have hatred and so on. Ah, if that's true, it's really hard for the offspring, and It's a coincidence. Why do the descendants of both sides come together? The plot of a TV play?

I went to bed, although I couldn't sleep, I was so helpless.

I stayed in the company for two hours. In fact, I didn't do anything. I was thinking about a lot of problems in my mind. The more I thought about it, the more irritable I became. I couldn't think about it. It's not within my ability. What can I do if I can't get a Feiya from the devil? I don't think the way Zhou Qi told me or provided me is useful at all, unless I have a more direct interest relationship with Sheng Pengjia.

At noon, I drove to the airport to pick up sun's magic girl, her noon plane. I don't plan to go back to the company this afternoon. I have to have an in-depth talk with magic girl sun. I want to know how many things she keeps from me?

I heard the broadcast. The flight that demon Sun took landed. I saw her at the exit a few minutes later.

"Witch, I waved to witch sun." It seems that sun is a little thin and a little dark, but she is in a good mood. It should be that the things she wants to do are well done and the harvest is great. Otherwise, she will have to keep a straight face. Of course Now the witch is not the same as in the past. She doesn't have the same face every day as in the past, but when she is worried, she will do it occasionally.

"I don't think so?" Granddaughter came to me, want to hold me, but looked at both sides of a lot of people, she did not hold, instead of the luggage to me, "tired to death, go home."

All of a sudden, I didn't know what to say to sun, only nodded.

The granddaughter took my arm. We left the airport, but before we got to the parking lot, an Audi A8 next to us honked its horn. I took a look inside. Damn, it was Ye Jiacheng. I wanted to beat him.

Ye Jiacheng rolled down the window and looked at sun.

I caught sun and looked her in the eye, because I found that sun wanted to talk to Ye Jiacheng.

"I'll have a word with him. You wait for me in the car and say a few words!" Sun said, pushing me to the parking position of my car.

I hate it, but But I didn't lose my temper and said no, I held back

I went back to the car, my own car, and sun jinnu got into Ye Jiacheng's car. The window is not transparent. I can't see the situation inside, but I'm still staring at it. I wonder what ye Jiacheng means. He happened to be at the airport, or did he know that sun mengnu is back today? Even if it is, what does it matter to him? What is he doing here? You mean to piss me off?Five minutes later, sun got out of the car and came back. She opened the door and sat in the co driver's seat. I looked at Ye Jiacheng's car. He didn't drive away and still stopped there.

"Can you go back first?" Sun said that she thought for a long time before saying, "I'm with Ye Jiacheng I'm going to do something. "

"What do you mean?" I was angry. I was very angry, but I was depressed. "You just came back from France. What do you do? I'll pick you up. You don't want to take my car. You want to take that bastard's car? "

"I'm not going to take his car, but There's something to do. It's urgent. "

"Urgent? What's the rush? What do you do? You can't do it with me. You have to do it with him? "

"What's the matter with you? What's your temper Sun also became angry, but she quickly controlled her anger and said softly, "you don't know Now we are cooperating. There are many things that are not what you think. You go home and wait for me. I'll be back in a moment. "

I don't speak, I don't want to say, I'm very angry, I want to pull the handbrake, start, refuel, hit Ye Jiacheng's car, hit and kill this son of a bitch, wolf in sheep's clothing.

"You go home first. I'll come back to you later." Sun said, ready to open the door and get off.

"Witch, do you have to go? Regardless of my feelings? "

"No, but the facts are urgent."

"Urgent? Hurry, OK, hurry. " I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself, "witch, I ask you a question, you honestly answer me, what's the relationship between you and ye Jiacheng? What are you hiding from me I asked. I was very nervous. I was afraid that the granddaughter would tell me a lie. If so I really don't know how to face it.

"There is no substantive relationship. I have something to hide from you. That's for sure. Everyone has secrets." Fortunately, I didn't cheat, but There is no difference between answering and not answering.

"Is that the answer?"

"No? What answer do you want? "

"Do you have to tell me?"

The granddaughter looked at me and didn't speak. Her eyes were a little flickering. She could see that I knew something.

"If Feiya finally falls into Ye Jiacheng's hands. Shall we make a clean break? " I said, ha ha, I actually said it here and said it in this way. I feel very uncomfortable, really uncomfortable.

"It's not like that. I'll go back and tell you that I don't have time now. I'll call you soon after I'm busy." Sun said, open the door and get off.

I made a Leng, heartache can't, sun witch this strange move let me heartache can't.

Sun gets into Ye Jiacheng's car. The car starts up and drives out. An idea flashed through my mind, following their idea, but In the end, I didn't implement it. The granddaughter has already got into his car. What's the use of following me? You're looking for yourself? Do what you love!!!

I went back to the company and shut myself in the office. The secretary came in twice and told me something about my work, so I would deal with it. She probably found that I was not in the state, so she backed out. Not long later, Sheng Peng came in.

"What's the matter?" Sheng Peng sits opposite me and looks at me.

"It's OK. I'm in a bad mood."

"Where have you been? Didn't you tell your secretary you won't be back this afternoon? Why are you back? "

"Not anywhere." I stood up, "home, tired."


I left. I left the company.

Actually I don't know where to go, go back to my own home? What are you doing back there? Sleep? Or go back to sun's home? No, I think she should call me. She said very soon. Now it's more than four hours and she hasn't called me yet. Is this also called very soon?

Damn, it seems that I'm really simple. I believe what the granddaughter says.

I was irritable, smoking and driving around on the road.

After an open-air cafe, I suddenly saw a familiar figure, is Linlin. There is also a man, an old man, who is careless with Linlin. Linlin holds a document and hands it to the old man. The old man pushes away the document and touches Linlin's thigh. Linlin continues to pass the document to stop him. Later, the old man tries to hold Linlin's shoulder.

Damn it, what kind of a man is so rampant in broad daylight?

I stopped and walked over.

"Mr. Ye, take a look first." Linlin still handed the document to the old man.

"Don't worry. I'll take my time." The old man said and touched Linlin's face, "everyone is familiar, things are easy to discuss."

Damn, another ye, how can he be as cheap as ye Jiacheng?

I went over and pulled the guy out by the back collar. Then I hit him in the face with a fist, and hit him staggering. After knocking over several chairs, I fell into shit.

"What are you doing?" Linlin saw me. She wanted to help the old man. She was held by me.

"Damn, who attacked me?" The old man stood up, touched half of his face and looked at me.