Chapter 332

I left, I am also very sad, I cry, but this is a fact that must be accepted, Zhou Tianming can not survive, in addition to accept what I can do?

The next day was Wednesday. I didn't go to class. I knew I couldn't listen to it. Maybe they wanted to train my psychological quality in adversity. I was an individual and emotional person. For the first time when I grew up, two people died in front of me in a row. It's hard for me to adjust. I don't want to adjust in a cold-blooded way. It's human life. It's death indirectly caused by me. I hate myself.

In the evening, Sheng Peng's father called me and asked me to go out to the emperor hotel.

I went to see Sheng Peng's father in a big office on the top floor.

"Didn't go to class today?" Sheng Peng's father frowned, "do you know that a class costs me 200000 yuan? Three halls a day, 600000. Can you make 600000 a day? "

"I'm sorry!" I really don't know what to say.

"Why don't you go to class?" Sheng Peng's father asked clearly.

"I'm in a bad mood. I can't listen, so..."

"Why are you in a bad mood?" Sheng Peng's father continued to ask, "is it because there is a dead man in front of you?"

I didn't say anything. I acquiesced. It was.

"Is that what you can bear?" Sheng Peng's father shook his head. "Every day there are dead people, some strangers, some people you know well. Is death the end of the world?"

I kept silent.

Sheng Peng's father lit a cigarette for himself, stood up and walked twice. Then he went to a goldfish tank and pulled out the oxygen pipes and some messy things. Then he filled the tank with water and waved to me.

"Come here!"

I hesitated a little, but I walked over obediently.

"See the water? I didn't see you. I want to see you clearly Sheng Peng's father suddenly pressed my head and pressed it under the fish tank. He said something while pressing it. I couldn't breathe. Water came in from my nose. It was very uncomfortable. I struggled and struggled. What was depressing was that I couldn't earn Sheng Peng's father's control. Finally, he let me go and threw me to the ground. "What do you look like? A loser, like a loser. "

I keep coughing, saliva and nose all flow out, embarrassed. My head is still wrapped with gauze, wet water pain to death, thanks to Sheng Peng his father hard under the heart.

"Dead man, how could you react like that? You think you've hurt Zhou Tianming? Why don't you look and look for the person behind it? Do you think the person behind is too strong and you are not an opponent? Or do you think Zhou Tianming can survive? Maybe you can feel better yourself? " Sheng Peng's father scolded me, not very loud, but every sentence clearly got into my ears, "you are too weak, too soft, you are the damned one."

"I'm just an ordinary person. I'm not as cold-blooded as you are!" I said, I don't want to say that, but I said it out.

"Cold blooded? Ordinary people? " Sheng Peng's father ignited the fire. "Ordinary people, what did you say to me at the beginning? You said you could replace Ye Jiacheng. Who is Ye Jiacheng? Is it like your psychological quality is so bad? How can you replace him? I didn't force you to say it. You said it yourself. You said you could replace Ye Jiacheng. You said you could be the eldest brother. You said you could be more cruel than anyone. What happened? As a result, you will be disappointed. If you do a little thing, you will be in chaos. You will only hide and dare not face it. "

I have nothing to say. Sheng Peng's father has not wronged me. It's my problem.

"You are weak. Keep on being weak. You will encounter a lot of such things." Sheng Peng's father sneered, "if you continue to be like this, you will only be a businessman, forever."

I didn't speak. I was thinking. Actually, I knew Sheng Peng's father was right. I also understood what he meant. I could be weak, but I could only be soft in my heart. I couldn't show it to the whole world. I understood, but it was really difficult to do it.

"You may go!" Sheng Peng's father waved his hand, "go back and think about it carefully, and think about how to be a person with a big scene."

I left the Emperor Hotel, got into the car, dried my head with a paper towel, and drove

I must admit that Sheng Peng's father is right and correct. He taught me a lesson, a good lesson in my life. I must always remember that I should be calm in everything at any time. If I don't be calm, I will lose. I always lose because I'm not calm enough. I'm weak in tolerance and I'm always seen through.

I went home and went to sleep. Before I went to sleep, I told myself that after I woke up, I would close my sadness to the bottom of my heart.

When I woke up the next day, I called Sheng Peng for the first time and asked him about his situation in Hong Kong.

Sheng Peng hasn't found * * yet. Aunt Bing also helps to find * * in vain. I didn't tell Sheng Peng what happened here. He has enough troubles. I have no reason to add some new troubles to him. Just hang up the phone, Yuan Lin's number called in, I promised to find someone for her within five days, five days have passed, people did not find, I did not go back, Sheng Peng play missing, Yuan Lin can't stand, I can't help it, I broke my words, I didn't let her give me time this time, just persuade her.In the afternoon, I took time to go to the hospital to change my dressing and inquire about Zhou Tianming. I got a message, or I bought a message with 2000 yuan. Zhou Tianming has been sent to the funeral home and will go to the funeral tomorrow. I think very clearly. Anyway, I have to go to Shangxiang. Zhou Qi scolds me or beats me. I don't have any complaints. I owe her, and I owe Zhou Tianming more.

It's daybreak, thunder and heavy rain. What does rain mean on this day of Zhou Tianming's funeral? Is it wrong? I don't know. Maybe it is. What I can think of is that I want to get justice back to him. Maybe I can't do it for the time being. I swear that I will do it no matter what the cost is. When the war starts, I can't avoid it. Then fight back and be fierce.

I'm not in a hurry to go to the funeral home. I have time. I have to go to class first.

In that old summer, I lit a cigarette for myself. After smoking, I adjusted my mood and went in. I looked very calm, at least on the surface.

"You didn't come the day before yesterday. Do you know you are wasting our precious time?" Nico said, he opened the door for me, he always smile to me, that cold smile.

"I'm sorry!"

The nigger gave me a lesson first. I didn't have an hour or more. Then he went to Fo Tan. He didn't even give me one more minute. He didn't even tell me anything other than the topic. He told me to go out immediately after the meeting. I didn't expect that, in the end, it gave me the first impression. Sister Hua, who was very indifferent, cared about me. She knew quite a lot. She knew Zhou Tianming, and she was quite familiar with me.

More than three hours later, I left Daxia and went to the funeral home.

I arrived, dressed in a black suit, and entered the hall where Zhou Tianming was. There are not many people inside. There are only 20 or 30 people standing in two rows on both sides. They should be some friends and relatives of Zhou Tianming. I saw Linlin, and Linlin was there. She saw me first, and then she came to Zhou Qi, who knelt beside me. They all knelt there, next to the altar, wearing hemp and filial piety, crying silently

"What are you doing here?" Zhou Qi said that her voice was not big, but all the people present could hear her. They all put their eyes on me, an uninvited guest who was not welcome by Zhou Qi.

"I'll serve the incense." I didn't stop and went on.

"You are not welcome here."

"I'll go as soon as I'm done. One minute."

What else did Zhou Qi want to say? Linlin pulled her, and then she was silent.

I stepped forward and someone immediately handed me incense. When I finished bowing, I said a word of mercy to Zhou Qi. Then I turned around and left. I didn't expect that I met Ye Jiacheng at the door, and he also came. This son of a bitch, he really wanted to come? At that moment, I forgot peace, patience and everything. I grabbed Ye Jiacheng's skirt

"Want to fight?" Ye Jiacheng sneered at me and whispered in my ear, "you are not my opponent, and you have lost. You will never get Feiya, and you will lose your witch. Say you don't like to hear, I have been just using her, I don't love her at all, I can't get it, you don't want to get it. Moreover, this is just the beginning. Down, we have a good time. Don't you have the support of Sheng family? What you don't like to hear is that Sheng Peng is nothing. It won't be long. "

After listening to such words, I didn't punch down. Instead, I calmed down. I think it's amazing, but it's true.

"Ye Jiacheng, you will pay for everything you do." With these words, I left the funeral home.

Five days later, I heard a news that Zhou Qi sold Feiya to Ye Jiacheng. I expect that because of what ye Jiacheng said, and because he appeared in the funeral home. In fact, I've been working hard these two days, but nothing has been achieved. I can't save this situation. Zhou Qi hates me and thinks that I killed Zhou Tianming. I'm not qualified to ask her not to sell Feiya to Ye Jiacheng. I'm very depressed. I'm responsible for Zhou Tianming's death, but What about ye Jiacheng?

The Ye family is too clever. Zhou Qi is too stupid. His anger blinds his eyes. Sheng Peng's father doesn't want to help me.

I sent a short message to sun, three words: sorry.

The granddaughter replied to me in less than a minute, with the same three words: This is fate.

Feiya no longer exists, Feiya becomes Ye's group, and Zhou Qi gets a lot of money.

Blue cat, sun mengnu quit blue cat. No, it should not be said that she quit blue cat, but split blue cat. All shareholders who hold shares get a sum of money, which corresponds to the share price. The last time I saw sun magic girl in Daxia, where Aunt Bing's company is located, she actually went to borrow money to buy shares. After that, sun magic girl drove them out. Chen Jia, Ji Ruolan, Lu Meimei, Lian Chang, cousin, Huangshan Mountain, Ding Ling, all the people who had relations with me drove out blue cat.