Chapter 434

"I believe you can do it."

"That's OK. I believe you can do it. The road is your choice. You can do it by yourself. Of course, you can go abroad and find a place to hide, but I'll always chase you. If you don't mind living in fear, I'm willing to throw millions out and let those people under me go all over the world to find you."

Nico was scared. I believe he didn't dare to run. Even if I would let him go, sister Hua would not let him go.

"Well, I promise you."

"OK, I'll wait for your good news. You can go!"

I succeeded in controlling the nigger. I have a video of him killing people. He can't run away, he can only help me, and he has to work hard to help me, because he has only one way to go, that is to kill Ye Jiacheng. If he doesn't work hard, he will die, and finally Ye Jiacheng will eat him, so he should be more nervous than me. Let him be a spy and worry about him to death. I'll see what he does with Ye Jiacheng tomorrow. Anyway, it's not my power. I just watch the fun. Even if I fail, I won't suffer.

After Chen Jia and Ma Ruoyun's bodyguards sent Mr. Zhong back, the bodyguards returned to Ma Ruoyun and left the private room. Chen Jia sat next to me.

"Sister Hua." I said to sister Hua, "as you can see, this incident is a conspiracy. Now it's not the worst. The worse is still to come. Maybe we will lose more, but it doesn't matter. The loss is to let it lose. The most important thing is to preserve our strength. We can't rely on violence to solve the problem. Maybe the Ye family can achieve something like this. We should fight with him."

"I don't need you to teach me." Sister Hua is very depressed, she is my teacher, listen to me say these words, feel wrong!

"So, what do you mean..."

"Whatever you like."

"All right." I turned to Huotan, "and you?"

"I don't mind."

Sister Hua and Huotan leave. Ma Ruoyun, bodyguard and Chen Jia are left in the private room.

"Are you all right, Auntie?"

"It's OK, little injury."

"Auntie, I don't understand. Why didn't you tell me earlier? What if something happens to you? Sometimes it doesn't have to be violent to solve problems. " I'm really convinced that Ma Ruoyun actually took Ye Jiacheng's plan and sent someone to kill Sheng Peng's father. If she succeeds, sister Hua will fight with her regardless of the cost. If the nigger makes such a fuss again, she will die. At that time, ye Jiacheng will be the one in the world!

Ma Ruoyun is silent.

"Of course, I understand you. It's not a common hatred after all." His husband was killed by others. He didn't know who was the murderer. Suddenly he knew that his anger must be blinded. The Ye family achieved Ma Ruoyun's point. "But in order to get revenge, do you think it's worth taking revenge?"

"No more of that!" Ma Ruoyun is very depressed, "tell me what you plan to do, are you sure to deal with Ye Jiacheng?"

"It depends on you. How dare you lend me all your strength?"

"What do I dare not? If you wanted to hurt me, you would have done it! "

"Auntie." I changed a very gentle tone and said, "you'd better go after this matter is over. You've earned enough money. This time there's so much trouble. I'm afraid you can't even leave if you want to leave!"

"I'm curious." Ma Ruoyun said with a smile, "why do you care about me so much? Do you have nothing to do with Xiaoying? "

"I don't know. I always feel like I really treat you as my aunt. Maybe you used to treat me Not so good, help me with conditions, and calculate me, but you still help me when I need help most, I will never forget. As I said, I will not harm you, and I will not let others harm you. What I said will count, right? Do you wish I didn't mean what I said? "

"If I leave, you can Take over my power? "

"Auntie, what do you think is the difference between your power and that of the Sheng family? I don't even want the power of Sheng family. I will want you? Of course, if you give it to me, I won't refuse, but I really don't want you to have anything to do with it. "

"I believe you, thank you!"

"Well, I'm leaving. Remember what you just said. You can tell your staff, or you can give me a person. This person should be able to mobilize all your strength. Oh, by the way, last question, who is Mr. Zhong? Why do you all respect him so much? "

Ma Ruoyun looked at me in doubt.

"Auntie, I'm serious."

"Mr. Zhong also belongs to this organization. He is the strongest neutral force. Before the division, he was in charge of Finance and had a good relationship with others. Ye Jiacheng did not dare to move him." Ma Ruoyun looked at me again with a strange look. "I didn't expect that he would help you. In fact, he had a bad relationship with old man Sheng. Now it seems that they are all illusions."

I see. No wonder when I saw Mr. Zhong, the niggers, sister Hua and Huotan all looked at me strangely.

Chen Jia and I left the restaurant.

"You have changed!" After getting on the bus, Chen Jia said, "it's becoming vicious!"

"Yes? I don't think so Am I vicious? Compared with Ye Jiacheng? Damn, I'm still vicious. People bully me home. Aunt Bing is still in the hospital. Chen Jia doesn't know. I'm vicious. I really don't. There are more vicious ones below. Yuan Lin's uncle has come. How can I give a gift to Ye Jiacheng? Otherwise, I'm sorry for myself and aunt Bing."If it goes on like this, it will get out of hand. You are a businessman, not a underworld."

"Chen Jia, I can't help myself. If I didn't rely on these black forces, I might have been eaten by others long ago!"

Chen Jia stopped talking!

I directly took Chen Jiazai back to * *'s home, and then I went to the tea house to find Ding Shaoyang.

When I got to the teahouse, I didn't see Ding Shaoyang. The people inside said he was outside. I called him and he said he would come back immediately.

"Let's go, eat and talk." After Ding Shaoyang came back, I said, it's dark, I'm hungry!

I found a restaurant nearby, just me and Ding Shaoyang.

"It should have cost a lot of money to find those who are full of scenes today, right? You take back my share. " After ordering, I said, "I also want you to do something for me. I'll give you people and resources. You can make arrangements. Someone will attack Ye Jiacheng's site tomorrow. Before they attack, you ambush around. After they attack, you immediately attack again to make it bigger."

Ding Shaoyang readily agreed. This guy is good. His brain is much more flexible than in the past. It should be because of his continuous learning recently. I forced him to go. I need talents and help. Just like what I'm telling him now, it's not convenient for me to do it myself. I can let him do it. He's Ma Ruoyun's man, and Ding Shaoyang is the leader, which has nothing to do with me. Anyway, I want Ye Jiacheng to suffer losses. He likes smashing other people's company so much. I won't give him face if I don't pay him back! Chaos on chaos, let tomorrow more chaos, chaos more violent.

After dinner, I talked with Ding Shaoyang about the specific details and gave Ding Shaoyang the mobile phone number that Ma Ruoyun gave me who could mobilize all her strength. After that, I left and rushed to the hotel where Yuan Lin's uncle stayed. He just called me and asked me to come over and talk to me about something.

I rushed to the hotel in a hurry. In the room where Yuan Lin's uncle lived, I saw not only Yuan Lin's uncle, but also a familiar person, Mr. Zhong. Damn it, how did he know Yuan Lin's uncle?

I'm surprised. Mr. Zhong is also surprised. We look at each other.

"Do you know each other?" Yuan Lin's uncle asked, asked me, and asked Mr. Zhong.

I didn't speak. It's not convenient for me to speak. Let Mr. Zhong speak for himself.

"It's recognition." Mr. Zhong said to Yuan Lin's uncle, "I'm surprised that he is your nephew. Ha ha, that's good." Then Mr. Zhong stood up, "I don't think I'll disturb you. Goodbye!"

Mr. Zhong has gone

"You can make so much noise today." Yuan Lin's uncle said, "if I don't come here, I really don't know about you. OK, you're really good."

I didn't speak for fear of making a mistake.

"You've become a gangster! I said, "why is it so strange that someone is playing tricks on you behind your back? It turns out that you are playing tricks on you, and Yuan Lin is the victim." Yuan Lin's uncle lit a cigarette and smoked. His eyes wandered around me. Then he said slowly, "your city is about to be cleaned up. I know you're not deep. Take it out as soon as possible."

"Thank you for telling me the news, but..."

"No, but unless you want to go to jail, do you want to go to jail?" Yuan Lin's uncle was a little angry, "forget it, I have nothing to say to you, it's not convenient, you go back to think clearly, the road is your own, you decide how to go."

"Maybe not very suitable, but I still want to ask, what will ye Jiacheng do in the end?"

Yuan Lin's uncle didn't answer my question. His mobile phone rang, looked at the number and waved me to leave.

On the way back, I've been thinking about it. Shall I do it tomorrow? Damn, they've all been deployed. With the dead nigger as a substitute, suddenly changing his mind is not to waste such a good opportunity? But if I do, I won't listen to any of the warnings from Yuan Lin's uncle and Sheng Peng's father? I'm going to do something against the law?

When I got to Chen Jia's house, I didn't make a final decision. I stopped the car and smoked in it.

Two roots, just want to get off, mobile phone rings, is Ye Jiacheng.

"Mr. Li, are you busy?" Ye Jiacheng's annoying voice came from the other end of the phone. "If you need any help, just open your mouth. We are old acquaintances. I will help you for sure."

"Thank you. I don't need your help at the moment. You'd better take care of yourself. I think you've been in a lot of trouble recently."

"It's quite a lot. There are many companies making money for no reason." Ye Jiacheng breathed a sigh of relief, "but fortunately, I hired a good helper and a good military adviser. She can give me advice on any big or small affairs. Her ideas are very useful and accurate in all aspects. If only you had such a military adviser. Maybe you could beat me. At least you could guarantee that you would not lose miserably. "