Chapter 490

Damn it, isn't it? Is it true that some people dare to fight even if they are guarding them?

Hang up the phone, I immediately go to wake up Huang Qiong, and then go back to the room to get dressed. I got the clothes from the hotel half an hour ago. When I got dressed, I immediately knocked on the bathroom door and told Sheng Peng. Sheng Peng ran out in his underpants. When I told him that something had happened, he immediately ran back to put on his clothes. I didn't have time to wait for him. I went with Huang Qiong first! Rushed to the elevator, found the elevator in the upstairs, rising, both, we had to run stairs.

Out of the hotel, Huang Qiong and I ran all the way to the hospital.

Running to the opposite side of the hospital gate, we saw a black van rushing out of the hospital. The tall and thin guy chased out with his men, shouting "stop it" while chasing. There were two men at the door. They quickly took out the folding stick and smashed the glass of the cab door. They reached in and grabbed it, but they didn't stop it. On the contrary, one of them was knocked down and rolled on the ground. They got up and fell down again. Maybe they were dizzy

"Huang Qiong, come on." I quickly said to Huang Qiong, "try to stop it."

Huang Qiong immediately went to chase the van. Because the corner was a corner and the speed was not fast, Huang Qiong succeeded in catching the van and climbed to the top of the car several times. I also went after the tall and thin guy, as well as five men, and then Sheng Peng, who just came here, we tried our best to catch up.

After turning the street, it was a road. It was quiet. There were no pedestrians. Only a few vehicles sped by. Because the street lights were very bright, we could clearly see the black van and Huang Qiong lying on the roof.

Fortunately, Huang Qiong didn't get out of the car. This guy is still very stable and slowly slides to the front of the car. He is very sensitive. He jumps in through the broken window and uses the method of Chuai to get in first.

Then, the van lost control. Maybe Huang Qiong got the driver, but he couldn't get in and control the car immediately. So the car hit the sidewalk, overturned a garbage can and hit a big tree. With a bang, the tail of the car quickly threw up and fell down!

Before we caught up with the van, the driver jumped out of the driver's seat, stumbled open the side door of the van, and then four men jumped out. Huang Qiong then jumped out. He probably wanted to take care of those guys. Suddenly one of them pulled out something and threw it into the car. After throwing it, he ran away.

I knew what it was, probably a bomb, because it would smoke, and because Huang Qiong didn't go after people, she couldn't wait to jump on the car to look for it.

My heart has been sinking. What will happen if the car explodes?

Is the granddaughter dead? Is Huang Qiong going to die, too?

But I couldn't stop. I knew it would be dangerous to run. Sheng Peng was also aware of the danger. He reached for me and was finally thrown away by me. I ran more than ten meters and saw Huang Qiong jump out of the car. He had a thing in his hand and looked around. Then he chose a direction to throw it

I didn't hear the expected explosion until I rushed into the car. There was so much smoke in the car that I coughed. However, I covered my nose and went up to find the enchantress sun. I took her down and Sheng Peng rushed to the car. I told him to find a car quickly. One of the tall and thin guy's men said he would go.

I held her in my arms, took her to the grass by the side of the road, put her down, patted her face and called her, but she didn't respond to me. Fortunately, her breath and pulse are very normal, which is her wound. The gauze wrapped around the wound is very red. It is estimated that the wound is torn!

"We're lucky the bomb didn't go off." Huang Qiong said that he just went to look for the bomb and found it. He held it in his hand. "But it's a bit strange. I know a little about this bomb. The probability of it making mistakes is very low. Generally, it will explode successfully."

"What do you mean by that? Go and see if the car is coming. " I said.

After waiting for more than ten minutes, the car finally arrived. An eight seater van was stolen by the man who was tall and thin. I took sun and asked Huang Qiong to drive back to the hospital. Sheng Peng didn't agree. He said he couldn't go back to the hospital any more. He wanted to change to a safe place. Safe place, safe enough? At last, I suddenly thought of Chen Gang. He should be able to help me.

At present, I called Chen Gang. I said it was very serious. I said I was in trouble, I needed a safe place to hide, and I needed a doctor. Chen Gang reported an address to me without saying a word. He was depressed that it was a van with no navigation system, and we didn't know the roads in Wenzhou. Chen Gang scolded and let me see the buildings and road sections around. Then he told him how to get there.

I asked Huang Qiong to stop the car and let the tall and thin guy get off the car and go back to the hospital to deal with the injured men. I only took two men with me. After arrangement, Huang Qiong continued to drive. I sat in the co driver's seat to see the outside environment and told Chen Gang at the other end of the phone what I saw.

"Mr. Li." Huang Qiong yelled, shocked. He let me look in the back mirror.

I looked back and I saw a very shocking scene.

Sheng Peng pinches sun's neck. It can be seen from his blue veins that he pinches very hard.

God, why does Sheng Peng pinch the devil's daughter? He's going to kill sun, too?I don't know. I'm in a mess. I don't have time to think about it. I yelled and rushed over. Two men sat in front of me. Before they reflected, I had successfully crossed over and hugged Sheng Peng's head.

I hold Sheng Peng tightly and break his hand. No, Sheng Peng won't let go. I can't bear that heart beating him, but I can't help it. I bite him on the shoulder in the way of biting. He cried in pain and still refused to let go.

At this time, Huang Qiong said to the two men to help quickly. The two men crowded over. One of them didn't know what kind of skillful force he used to knock off one of Sheng Peng's hands, and his other hand was pulled open for me. I immediately knocked Sheng Peng away. We both fell into the cracks in the middle seat and wrestled. Later, I beat him, but he didn't fight back.

"What are you doing? What's wrong with you I pulled Sheng Peng's collar, shook his head and said angrily, "what are you doing? You tell me? Your dad made you do this? What kind of brother are you? What did you say to me? If you say your father is wrong, it is obvious that your father is wrong. What about you? What do you think you're doing? You're killing your aunt's sister, you're not a fuckin 'person? "

Sheng Peng didn't speak. He closed his eyes and said nothing.

"Come and watch him." I said to the two men.

Two men, one left and the other right, crowded Sheng Peng in the middle of the seat. I went to see the devil sun. Fortunately, the devil sun was still breathing. I felt relieved. I went to the front to look for my mobile phone and found it under the seat. I found that Chen Gang had not hung up yet. He asked me what was the matter. I told him when I said it. Then we talked about the road. Finally, I gave Huang Qiong my mobile phone. Huang Qiong contacted him directly.

When I went back to see sun, I just turned around and found that Sheng Peng had an action. He broke away from his two men and turned over to the back. He wanted to continue pinching sun, who was lying in the last seat. Huang Qiong also saw this scene and stepped on the brake. Sheng Peng failed to stand and hit the corner of the seat outside. At this time, the two men had reacted and controlled Sheng Peng again. One of them gave him a slap in the neck and knocked him unconscious.

I was really shocked, shocked, shocked. My good brother, my good friend, he wants to kill the granddaughter, or suddenly. I can't accept it. I can't imagine why, why did he do it? I'm crazy. I'm crazy

Huang Qiong drove out of the city and drove all the way to the suburbs. When she arrived at an old street, she stopped. He said she would wait here. After waiting for about five minutes, a jeep came. It was Chen Gang. He asked us to follow him. Ten minutes later, we arrived near the military region. Chen Gang asked us to get in his car. I was in charge of holding the granddaughter. Two of my men and Huang Qiong carried Sheng Peng. Then Huang Qiong and I got on the jeep. Two of my men They drive back the stolen van and join the tall and thin guy. Chen Gang doesn't allow so many people to enter the military area command. There's no way.

The jeep drove into the military area command and stopped outside a row of small bungalows.

After getting off the bus, Chen Gang opened the door of one of the houses and let us hurry in. I took sun into my arms and found that it was a medical room with a back door and a yard behind it. There were many small bungalows used as wards. Chen Gang took us in and arranged a ward for me. Then he left. He said to go to the military doctor.

"Mr. Li, what about Mr. Sheng? Do you want to tie it up? "

"No I looked around and pointed him to a position. "Put the chair over there!"

Huang Qiong put Sheng Peng, I also put my granddaughter in the medical sofa bed.

After half an hour, Chen Gang came back with a man, a doctor, to check the granddaughter. The doctor said that sun's hand and leg had been sutured. Now the wound is torn again and needs to be sutured again, and he needs my help.

Huang Qiong and Chen Gang go out, and Sheng Peng is also taken out to the next room. Huang Qiong is responsible for watching him. I stayed to cooperate with the doctor and cut off sun's sleeves and trousers. What she was wearing was a patient's suit. When I cut it off, I saw a bloody bandage. I feel very sad and hate Sheng Peng's father very much. Sun's evil daughter has been hurt like this. She won't be given a chance to cultivate herself. Damn it, is it necessary to kill her?

The doctor skillfully disassembled the bandage and told me to take this and pass it to that. I was very cooperative.

The bandage was untied, and the doctor began to clean the wound for sun. He used various kinds of medicine to clean the wound several times. Then he carefully checked where the sutures fell off, found out all the sutures and sewed them again. He pricked them into the skin and flesh of sun's demon girl with a small needle, which made me tremble and heartache! I don't know if the granddaughter felt any pain. She didn't have any reaction. Before sewing, the doctor gave her an injection. According to the doctor's guess, she seemed to have been used with ecstasy before.