Chapter 497

"Lei Hong, long time no see!" When I came to Lei Hong, I said, "do you want to search your body to get through?"

Lei Hong didn't say anything, so he made a gesture of please.

I went in, moved a chair, sat next to Sheng Peng's father and threw the bait out.

Sheng Peng's father seems to be very relaxed to go fishing, but what's the time of fishing in this ghost weather, such a strong wind, dark sky and signs of rain? He must be worried. He can't figure out something in his heart!

"Be calm and don't be impatient. I taught you." Look, I want to light a cigarette, said Sheng Peng's father.

I put the cigarette back in my pocket and kept my hands still, grabbed the fishing rod and looked at the water.

"See the lake? It seems calm, but you don't know what kind of situation is underneath, when there will be a big storm, when the potential danger will give you a fatal blow. In the face of the unknown, you can only pray, but nothing else Sheng Peng's father whispered these words.

I didn't answer. I don't know how to answer. Did I tell him that everything will pass and tomorrow will be better? No, what he needs is not comfort. He just wants me to listen, remember what he said, and then put it into practice. This is an elder's advice to his younger generation. I suddenly feel that he is so pitiful, now look at him As if all the people were rebellious, there was only one shadow left. Of course, I also know that there must be something hateful about the poor man. It is inevitable that he will have retribution for all the bad things he has done in the past.

After fishing for more than half an hour, Sheng Peng's father caught a big head fish. It's about two Jin. He said that it's gone. When he came home to cook, he cooked himself. I looked at him suspiciously. Can he cook? As a result, he told me that he worked in the kitchen for a short time decades ago.

The fishing rod back, back to the villa, Sheng Peng his father really began to kill fish. After killing the fish, he found a lot of ingredients from the refrigerator and began to cook with rice. At that time, I looked at the time, and it was only 3:30 in the afternoon. When he finished and put it on the table outside, I looked at the time again. At four o'clock, is it a bit?

"Try the taste!" After giving me a bowl, Sheng Peng's father said.

Pain, I don't eat until two, but To be fair, Sheng Peng's father's cooking taste is very good, at least his skill in making fish is very good.

"I missed lunch." Sheng Peng's father said, "I've been taken for questioning. Ha, it's funny. I tried it once more than 20 years ago. Now it's time."

"What are you going to do? Can it be settled peacefully? "

"I can accept a peaceful settlement, but she won't, she won't see me. I've actually thought about this You're right. I've been wrong for so long. It must be a problem to wipe my ass now. " Sheng Peng's father sighed and said, "let it be!"

After dinner, Sheng Peng's father picked up the dishes and took them to wash.

"Old man, if you want to give everything away, like Ye Jiacheng, would you like to?"

"No way." Sheng Peng's father refused and said, "I have many enemies. Once I lose the barrier, people will come to me for trouble. Now it's starting to happen. She found some of my former opponents to cooperate, I am passive everywhere, not only because of Sheng Bing and Sheng Peng, she will not hurt them, I know, I am afraid of hiding behind the enemy, maybe she and I will be eaten. And if I don't have everything, even if I don't come back after I go abroad, it's so far away. It's the same that some people used to look for trouble. They have no money, and they don't even have a bodyguard. How can they cope with it? "

"What if there are no such problems?"

"That's bullshit. These problems are in front of us."

"I said if." I'm serious.

"I don't care. I'm old enough. I don't want to betray my family. Everyone hates me." Sheng Peng's father sighed again, "it's mainly Sheng Bing. I always treat her as my sister. I don't want her to be hurt. And because I feel guilty, over the years, I have been better to Sheng Bing than anyone else, better than Sheng Peng, and better than my parents. Anyway, I don't want Sheng Bing to hate me, so after Sheng Bing knows everything, I don't take any action. Instead, I accept the fact day by day. You should be able to find this and find my change. " Yes, I found that he did not take any action. He is changing. His tone and tone of speech are different. This is one of the reasons why I feel sorry for him. He is really an old man now, ah.

"Hearing you say that, I feel Sheng Bing is very happy. Although you killed her parents, there is no doubt that It's a... " All of a sudden, I couldn't think of any words to describe it. At last, I said, "lovely killer."

Sheng Peng's father didn't speak and continued to wash the dishes.

"I'm going. I'm going to try. Give me a day, old man, and I'll try to make what you think is impossible possible. If Success, you go abroad, don't come back, money We all have. I owe you 200 million. I'll pay you back when you need it. " With that, I left, leaving the mid level villa.

After I went home, I thought a lot. When it was dark, I immediately went to find Chen CAI. In a hotel, I told him what I thought, and we worked together to discuss. I can't bear it any more. I've tried my best to help magic sun. Now I should turn to help Sheng Peng's father and help them solve the problem peacefully. If Sheng Peng's father is forced to die by sun, then these two sisters I think it's hard to get along with each other. Even if it's nothing on the surface, they will suffer in secret. I can't let this happen."No way, I can't think of it." Chen CAI was disheartened and said, "it's impossible to force her like last time. Sun Ying has made it very clear that she would rather die than surrender. Sometimes women are very trustworthy. You said to find something to threaten her. It seems too despicable. Maybe it will be self defeating. "

I sighed. I was just as disheartened. If I use the forced way again, the third time, it's no more than three things, Sun Ying will definitely tear the skin with me. But I really hope to get her help. It's easier to get things done with her help. Let's play a play for the granddaughter, which can force her to settle peacefully. If she doesn't help, it's nothing.

"Why don't you go and argue that it's not only for old man Sheng, but also for everyone, including Mr. Sun. Sun Ying should be able to understand the advantages and disadvantages, just because she promised Mr. Sun, and she can't go back. You can't reason anymore. You play the sad card and beg her, a handful of tears and a handful of snot. If you don't eat, drink or go, you'll die at her home. I think that's a chance. "

"Are you serious?" I stare big eyes, Chen Cai this calculate what method?

"You think I'm joking?" Chen Cai said seriously, "now we are discussing very serious issues. I have no time to joke."

"Is that all right?"

"I don't know until I try. It's a rogue move. Women are afraid of it sometimes. Or you can hire a psychological hospital to hypnotize her, but this is the most stupid way. The failure rate is more than 90%. You can take it as if I didn't say it. "

I'm speechless, so there's only one way, but crying and crying, isn't that humiliating? If it works, shame doesn't matter. After all, it may involve human lives, but if it's in vain Isn't that tragic?

"Is there any other way? You're my brain, right? "

"There's one, and it's going to work, but you'll never use it." Chen CAI was very evil with a smile. "I know there is a very powerful medicine. After taking it, if there is no one around me, it's worse than cooking oil. At that time, if you ask her any questions, she will not hesitate to answer you."

"True or false?" I doubt very much, did not take that kind of medicine to be in a daze?

"Really, there is a kind of medicine, but it has side effects. If you don't give it to her Ha ha, send to the hospital immediately. "

Damn, Chen Cai reminded me that I used to do that to FA Ding Shaoyue. Now Ding Shaoyue still feels unnatural when she sees me. At that time, I went outside to buy one Fake that thing to help Ding Shaoyue solve, can I do this to Sun Ying? You don't have to ask, you can't, so this method can't be used.

"Let's go out for a drink. Maybe we can think of another way around." Chen Cai said.

Chen Cai took me to a bar near his company. It was more than nine o'clock, and the bar was sparsely populated. We sat at the bar and asked for a dozen beers. After five minutes, Chen came back to have a drink with me. He told me some romantic stories about his meeting in the bar and talked about a lot of women's problems. It was not until a man came in. He was in his twenties and looked like a little gangster.

"Brother Cai, do you want the goods?" The man asked.

Chen Cai took out five hundred dollar bills from his pocket and put them into the man's pocket. The man gave Chen Cai a bag of things and left quickly.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Medicine." Chen just put the medicine into my pocket, "I hope I don't need to use it, just in case, ha ha, you make your own final choice."

I'm speechless. Can I do that to Sun Ying?

Chen CAI and I each drank six bottles of beer when we ran out of a dozen. At this time, it was 11 o'clock and the bar began to be lively. However, I had to leave. I had to go to find Sun Ying. What depressed me was that before I went out of the door, I looked back and saw that Chen CAI was holding a beautiful woman, and that shameless salty pig hand was still on someone else's sexy ass. What's more depressing is that this woman She just passed me at that time. She just came in. I remember the color of her clothes. Damn, Chen Cai is such a lecheron. He has already made an appointment with a woman. He's not bored after I leave.

When I drove to Sunying's residential area, I called her first, but she didn't answer, but I dialed back soon. Maybe I was afraid that it would annoy me, and then I didn't know how to make trouble for her, hehe!

"Brother, what do you want?" When the phone was connected, Sun Ying said helplessly, "I've told you what I can tell you. Don't bother me any more, OK? Please, si