Chapter 503

"Witch, will you go?" I think, I asked an idiot question, only to find out that it was not right, because even if she had to leave, she would not tell me, but would lie to me not to leave.

"Why do you ask?"

"Nothing. I suddenly think of many of our past experiences." This is true, at least this second is so, my whole mind filled with the past, those lucky and unfortunate pictures, "witch, we make up, OK?"

"Do we have a problem? Why should we make up? " It's not normal that sun's expression is as if nothing had happened.

I also want to say that when Huang Qiong came, he just knocked on the door and came in, which interrupted my mood. How hard it was for me to brew a good mood, so I was a little angry with him.

"Can you knock at the door? Who told you to knock and come in? You have to knock three times to get an answer from the inside before you come in. Go out and knock again. " I yelled at Lei Hong.

Huang Qiong's face was wronged. I felt puzzled, but he didn't dare to disobey. After looking at the witch sun, he quickly went out, closed the door, knocked, knocked for the first time. I let him in. He knocked again, and then again, with an interval of five or six seconds. When he came in, he asked: am I right? I am very speechless, want to scold and scold not to come out. The granddaughter is smiling, this smile immediately to her cold face to bring a beautiful spring.

Huang Qiong brought me food. I think he asked the doctor before he went out to buy it. All the food he packed for me was light. I can't help it. If I want to get better soon, I can't eat indiscriminately. In fact, I'm hungry too. It's almost dawn now. So many hours have passed.

After I finished eating, Huang Qiong began to clean up. She took a look at sun and hesitated before she went out. I guess Huang Qiong is going to give me cigarettes, but she's afraid of the devil sun. I don't know why. It seems that Huang Qiong is afraid of the devil. It's a coincidence, too. Sun said to go to the toilet. Then she went out, and Huang Qiong returned immediately. But before rushing to the bed, he turned and rushed out, knocked on the door three times, and then came back in again. I was so angry Thanks to his innocent face.

"Bring me the cigarettes." I reached out to Huang Qiong.

Huang qiongfei quickly gave me a cigarette and helped me light it. Then he ran to the door and looked at the corridor on the right.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Watch the wind."

"What's wrong with you? Who's in the way of smoking? What are you looking for? No, do what you like I'm really angry with him today. Of course, if we put it in the past, he undoubtedly did the right thing. Although it has the smell of hiding one's ears and stealing one's bell, the wind can see people, but the smell of smoke will not disappear in the ward. Now, unfortunately, this is superfluous. She doesn't care whether I smoke or not. Our relationship has changed, and I have to find a way to mend it. Ah, a cigarette can make you feel sad. This life is torture.

Huang Qiong went out. After a while, sun came back. She didn't care about my smoking. I felt lucky and heartache at the same time. Perhaps people are contradictory, I remember once heard a saying: people are contradictory because they care. This should be right. If I didn't care about sun, would I be contradictory? Certainly not.

Sun said she was tired and wanted to have a sleep. Then she sat in a chair and fell asleep by the bed! I was going to let her go back to sleep, but I don't want her out of my sight. The main reason is fear. The plan has gone for more than half. I don't allow accidents. It's best for her to be around me. If she doesn't go out, she won't find anything. I think This incident has to be implemented as soon as possible. Call Sheng Peng's father and come to the hospital tomorrow. All of them will come here and we will negotiate face to face. It's a pity that my mobile phone can't be used and it's broken. If I call Huang Qiong loudly, I will wake up the devil sun. My God, what should I do?

I'm waiting. I'm looking forward to Huang Qiong coming in. The problem is that the more I look forward to it, the less it will happen.

Finally, I found that I was so stupid. Why didn't I press the service light?

After pressing the service light for a few minutes, the nurse came. I made a voice gesture for her, and then asked her to help Huang Qiong come in. The little nurse was a little unhappy. Her eyes were bleary. Maybe she was sleeping before. I asked her not to disturb her sleeping. As a result, it was normal for her to be unhappy. But I didn't care. I glared at her. I gave her the hospitalization expenses. I am the uncle. The key is that these people in the hospital don't need to give them face. They are all bloodthirsty demons.

The nurse went out. Ten seconds later, Huang Qiong came. This guy knocked on the door three times, especially loud. I took a look at the witch sun. She didn't respond. I guess she was too tired.

"Huang Qiong, have you heard what I said just now? You don't have to knock. Do you understand?" After Huang Qiong came in, I said, I was fooled to death by him. I didn't knock when I should, but he did when I shouldn't.

Huang Qiong's puzzled expression.

"Give me your cell phone and Find a quilt or something. Remember, don't knock on the door when you come in. "

Huang qiongfei quickly handed me his mobile phone, and then went out to find a quilt. In about five minutes, he came back with a thin quilt in his arms. I asked him to cover sun's body. He was very far away, as if throwing it. He was not gentle at all.

"What are you doing?" I can't laugh or cry. He is so afraid of the granddaughter. It's as if the granddaughter has SARS virus."Cover the quilt." Huang Qiong still looks innocent.

"Forget it, it's all right, you go out!"

After Huang Qiong went out, I used his mobile phone to send a message to Sheng Peng's father. I didn't expect that he didn't sleep. We soon got back to the message. We soon reached an agreement. He will bring aunt Bing and Sheng Peng to see me tomorrow morning.

I breathed a sigh of relief. I felt very happy. Although I was stabbed, I thought it was worth it.

I set Huang Qiong's mobile phone to vibrate and put it on the table. I leaned over and looked at my granddaughter, and then gradually fell asleep.

The next day, when I woke up, I saw the sunlight coming in from the window and shining on the floor. I could see the dust flying. It was a beautiful scene. Such sunlight could adjust my mood. Of course, I'm in a good mood now, I don't need to adjust, and the sunshine It's not what I want to see now. I wanted to see sun's daughter, but she was not there, so I was in a bit of a hurry and yelled at Huang Qiong. Huang Qiong quickly ran in and asked what was going on.

"Where's the witch sun?"


"When did it happen?"

"Probably..." Huang Qiong looked at her watch. "Half an hour ago!"

"Did she say where to go and when to come back?" Has the devil sun gone? Shit, she can't go.

"No, or You call her

Look, my brain is short circuited again, so I know to scold. Is it easier to call and ask?

I quickly dialed sun's mobile phone and got through, but the ring rang in the ward. I found her mobile phone at the end of the bed. Granddaughter left her cell phone, she should come back, right? No, she's always very careful. She won't drop things easily. She probably goes shopping and will come back. The mobile phone can explain the problem here. I feel relieved when I think about it. I ask Huang Qiong to fetch water for me. After washing my face, I can't brush my teeth. I can only use mineral water.

After a night's recovery, my wound is much better, I can sit up, not too painful, just feel very weak. Damn, it's actually very dangerous. Let people stab themselves. I dare to think of it. If it's inserted in the wrong place or in an accident on the way to the hospital, I won't die in a car accident or something? This is not alarmist. There was a car crash last night. When I proposed this part of the plan, Sheng Peng's father strongly opposed it. His reason was, what should I do if I really knocked it over? It's obviously fake, and it won't crash hard, and the car is a small taxi. It's ridiculous to expect a small taxi to knock over a huge ambulance, isn't it? In the end, Sheng Peng's father failed to persuade me. This was the most important link. It was the best way to force sun to compromise. Besides, I couldn't think of anything better. Sheng Peng's father couldn't think of anything better, so he had no choice but to agree. Anyway, this plan will make it a secret forever. We must never let the devil know, never, or I will have a tragedy!

When I finished smoking a cigarette, I suddenly wanted to pee. As soon as I expressed a little meaning, Huang Qiong immediately turned around and called the nurse. The nurse called, and I drove her away

"Huang Qiong, there's something wrong with you. Please call a girl over Are you going to let me use the ureter? " I'm so depressed. This guy is a little abnormal these two days. Is he in love? "Come here and help me to the toilet."

"Walk around No

"Come here."

Huang Qiong is very helpless, can only come to help me, he is very careful, the movement is very light, my movement is also very light, the wound is a little painful, but also can endure.

When she came back from the toilet, she was in the ward. She went out to buy things, food and some magazines. She should have eaten it herself. She is sitting in a chair reading a magazine. She looks very calm. This woman Say change can change a kind, say recovery can quickly recover, reason into such, God level person! I hope that her peaceful manner can last until after talking with Sheng Peng's father, they will come to an end for each other's hatred.

Now I don't know that the following ending will bring so much harm to Sheng Peng. If I had known, I would have changed a way. It's too late for me to notice. I can't stop it. I can only watch my good friends fall in front of me and everyone.

I finished my breakfast, smoked, and watched the still calm looking witch sun reading a magazine.

"You've been looking at me for a long time. You have something to say." Suddenly, said the granddaughter.

"I called old man Sheng last night. He'll come later. Let's settle the matter today." Even though I wanted to cover it up, I still insisted, "if this matter is not solved one day, I will feel uneasy one day. I don't know when another accident will happen."