Chapter 114: Want to take someone home

Chapter 114: Bringing someone home

JUN Ning smiled directly and replied to Jiang Xiuqing, "Okay, Mom, I'll come back early next week. By the way, I also have something I want to discuss with you."

Jun Ziru and Jiang Xiuqing asked in unison: "What's the matter?"

Jun Ning looked at them with a smile and said, "I want to bring my partner back to visit you. I also want you to test him and see if he suits your taste."

Jun Ziru and his three sons felt a little uncomfortable when they heard Jun Ning say that they wanted to take their partner home.

They feel that their daughter (sister) is about to be snatched away by another bad boy.

Jiang Xiuqing was different. As soon as she heard that Jun Ning said she wanted to bring her partner back, she immediately asked happily: "Then when do you plan to come back?"

Junning suggested: "Dad, Mom, how about I come back with him in the morning next Sunday, we will have dinner at home at noon, and we will go to grandma's house together in the evening, okay?"

Gentleman and Confucianism want to object.

Jiang Xiuqing had already agreed, "Okay, okay, that's it. We'll wait for you to come back for lunch at home next Sunday."

Jun Ning glanced at Jun Ziru and his three brothers, who looked unhappy, and snickered secretly in his heart.

It seems that Fu Jingwei will have a hard time coming over next Sunday. His future father-in-law and three brothers will definitely try their best to make things difficult for him.

Jun Ning silently prayed for Fu Jingwei in his heart.

The family chatted until ten o'clock in the evening, and then went back to their rooms to rest.

Every time Jun Ning came home, the third brother would give her the room to live alone, while the three brothers would squeeze into one room and sleep on bunk beds.

Jun Ning felt quite embarrassed.

But now, almost every household in the city lives like this, and there is no good solution for the time being.Updated from novelb(i)n.c(o)m

Junning had thought about seeing if there was a large house with private property rights near the Yangcheng Machinery Factory that she wanted to sell, and then she could buy it and live in it for her family.

There is no rush for this, we have to wait for the opportunity.

After Junning entered the room, she placed a barrier around her room as before, and then stepped into the space.

Dahuang has also returned to space and is waiting for Jun Ning in the lobby of the villa.

He gave Junning a thumbs up and praised again, "It's really delicious!"

Jun Ning saw that he liked to drink this porridge, and said to him: "Dad, I cooked a big pot today, you can drink a few more bowls."

Jun Ziru nodded fiercely, "Yeah, it's rare to have such delicious preserved egg and lean meat porridge. I want to drink a few more bowls."

Preserved egg and lean meat porridge, if not cooked well, will have a fishy smell, so some people dont like to drink this porridge.

But when its done, it doesnt smell fishy, and its fragrant, sweet, and delicious.

What's more, Junning used preserved eggs and lean meat made in the space, so the preserved egg and lean meat porridge is naturally more delicious.

Jun Ning took another poached egg to each of his parents, "Dad, Mom, these poached eggs are also delicious, you can try them."

Jiang Xiuqing looked at her filial daughter and narrowed her eyes with a smile, "Ning Ning, don't patronize us. Eat it yourself. This preserved egg and lean meat porridge will become fishy when it gets cold."

Preserved egg and lean meat porridge should be drunk while it is hot. When it is cold, it will usually have the fishy smell of preserved eggs.

Junning just ate a few vegetables and meat sauce, and drank two large bowls of preserved egg and lean meat porridge. He was very full and satisfied.

Jiang Xiuqing also ate two bowls with vegetables and felt full.

Jun Ziru and his three sons even drank three or four bowls of porridge each, finishing a large pot of preserved egg and lean meat porridge made by Junning.

After finishing eating, each one of them said with satisfaction: "Today's breakfast was so good, I felt so full."

The third child, Jun Chengye, looked at Jun Ning with a smile, "An Ning, if you have a chance, you'd better be transferred back to Yangcheng, so that we can have good food every day."

Jun Ning smiled and said: "As long as the ingredients are good, my second brother, the chef, will definitely cook better than me. You guys are not lucky enough!"

Jun Chengye met his second brother's death gaze, and immediately said with a strong desire to live, "Second brother, An Ning's cooking is delicious, and your cooking is also delicious. I didn't say that you were not good at it." Eat..."

Jun Chengzhi saw that he was interested, so he let him go.

The family finished breakfast happily, then went out together and went to work.

Jun Ning also said goodbye to his family and drove out of the family compound.

Soon, she found a remote place, entered the space directly, and began to prepare the goods in the space for the trial opening of the Junlin Building Super Mall tomorrow.

Her space uses fully intelligent mechanization and robot management, and there are many things to plant and grow.

In that huge warehouse, there are countless goods piled up.