Chapter 12: A New Magic

Name:The Bounty Hunter Author:
Chapter 12: A New Magic

August 18th, 2088

Its been nearly 2 months since the Prime Minister bounty and since then Ive been spending the time lazily in the other world. The money I got from that bounty was the most I ever received for one job, 50 gold coins (400,000 dollars). That was more than enough to justify a vacation. I only work for the money and I only spend money on supplies, magic materials and bribing the city guard to protect Kiras neighborhood.

The rest of it is saved up to give to Kira when she becomes an adult. I want to make sure she has enough to live a comfortable life without worry. I wont be around forever; I plan to never return here after I make sure Kira is set. As of now the plan is to wait until she finds a suitable mate so she wont be alone after I leave. I wont accept anyone though, my little sister is special after all and only someone special is worthy of her. Visit no(v)eLb(i) for the best novel reading experience

Would I be considered a sis-con? Most likely. Anyways, I have enjoyed these days of peace and quiet. Surprisingly, in addition to spending time with Kira I have also been spending time with Veronica. Before we parted ways after arriving back from Malkith, she shyly asked me if she could see me again. Well, to the unobservant onlooker, Veronica simply said in an icy tone This mission showed me I need practice. Come back and train with me later. But as fellow ice royalty, I could read between the lines.

Thus, I have a small sample of fur given to me by Kira. I held it in my hand to use as a catalyst and once again focused on shapeshifting. The fur started to shimmer as my mana passed through it and I felt a strange sensation envelop me. Its difficult to put into words the feeling of have your anatomy rearrange itself. After a very uncomfortable 5 minutes, I finished my change and looked into the mirror I had set up beforehand.

I no longer had my human ears and instead there were two brown cat ears tipped with black on the top of my head and a matching tail that managed to poke out from my pants. It felt weird suddenly gaining extra appendages. My eyes had cat-like slits and I could clearly see in the dimly lit room as if it were bright daylight. My body felt lighter, more flexible and I noticed my nails had become much more claw-like. My balance had changed slightly due to the tail and I could tell that I would need some time to fully adjust to this new form.

Afterwards, I left for the 9 Lives Trading Outpost to join them for dinner while still shapeshifted as a cat-kin. It was the first time I didnt have to cover my ears in years and it was a truly refreshing experience. I entered the dining room where Kira and Grandma Kuma were waiting. They both saw me and were shocked. Sorry I was late, I was trying out a new spell. What do you think? I smiled mischievously as I saw their reactions.

Grandma Kuma was the first to recover Thats rather impressive, but the explanation will have to wait until after dinner. I nodded and sat down, although I had to avoid Kiras attempts to play with my tail the entire time I was there. Eventually I had to leave and I was told that they would be gone for a few days on a trading expedition to a nearby town. I waved good-bye to them and saw Kira smiling happily. Those feelings of guilt that have plagued me for years have finally started to fade and I was actually starting to have positive thoughts about the future. But of course this rotten world always finds a way to screw things up.