Chapter 25: Sparring

Name:The Bounty Hunter Author:
Chapter 25: Sparring

October 25th, 2088

I am now in a very large training arena beneath the Temple of Adligo, which is called the Cage. As expected of this worlds naming sense, the Cage is named so because it is literally a giant cage with the training grounds within it. The reason I am here, currently dodging a barrage of small boulders, is because the High Inquisitor is apparently the one person in the Cult who is in fact more colorful a character than the Dutiful One. Great, just my luck. Initially I was dodging the medium size rocks with ease as I took a half-step here and there. Then the size of the stones started increasing. I had to start taking larger and larger steps and eventually I was zigzagging around this firing range as boulders the size of a person were raining down on me.

Wahahaha, you really are something else Terra! Most people would have been crushed by now! Excellent! Lets take it up another level! The High Inquisitor is a particularly jacked dwarf with dark blue hair and brown eyes. Hes also extremely tall for a dwarf, reaching about 4 feet 10 inches tall. Dwarves in this world are pretty true to the stereotypes. They are bulky, talented crafters who are gruff, tough and enjoy drinking. They live for about 250 years and their height is always between 4 and 4 feet 10 inches, with probably 85% of dwarves in the lower half of that range. It is racially impossible for a dwarf to be taller than 4 feet 10 inches. It is a defining characteristic of their race, just like how elves are always slender and beautiful and how pixies are always childlike. New novel chapters are published on

Through the rubble I saw the High Inquisitor preparing for another volley as his slingshot started emitting a loud grating noise. I spun my rhomphaia around and it collected the shining light in front of me. I swung my rhomphaia with its now glowing blade downwards, leaving a vertical line of light in the air. Right as my rhomphaia touched the ground with a *clink* the vertical line shot forwards toward the High Inquisitor leaving a small ravine behind it as it tore up the ground.

The High Inquisitor saw the attack and batted it aside with his slingshot. The attack continued until it hit the cage wall and split it apart. The light then dissipated, leaving behind a brief silence as we took in the devastation. The cage behind me had been crushed under the avalanche caused by the High Inquisitor and the ground was torn to pieces from my own attack. A few brave souls poked their heads back into the arena and were dumbstruck by the damage. Wahaha!! Now that was a good fight!! This battle junkie masquerading as a religious official put his hands on his hips as he laughed mightily.

The bastard doesnt even seem tired after the massive amount of magic he was channeling through his magic artifact. Using magic tools and items requires one to expend a lot of physical and mental stamina to control it, even if it doesnt actually cost them mana. Yet this guy seems perfectly fine, how freaking strong is he? Oh, I almost forgot to introduce myself! Im Kovart, the head of the Inquisition for the Cult of Chains! What can I do for you this fine day? Finally, we got past the introduction. Hopefully the rest of this meeting isnt as active.