Chapter 117: The Peerless Devil and the Redeemers

Name:The Bounty Hunter Author:
Chapter 117: The Peerless Devil and the Redeemers

The 4th day of Summers Eve, Year 200 of the Royal Era

Terras POV

I thought that being summoned would be like when I use to travel between worlds. I was wrong. There was no seamless transition after a brief spin. Instead, I felt as if I were stuck on a merry-go-round from hell. I had no discernable surroundings, and the only thing I could see was the damn writing from the summoning circle. The words that the summoner used echoed in the blurry space I was hurtling through: O Peerless Devil, bane of all that is good, come forth to harvest hate and sow discord!

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, my surroundings came into sharp view. But I couldnt be bothered to notice, because the instant I materialized in this world I felt a surge of power beyond anything I have ever felt before. Mana surrounded me, so thick that it felt like I was swimming in it. I could feel my body soak it up like it was a bone-dry sponge. An endless waterfall of mana just poured into me. The richness and purity of the mana seemed to allow my body to store more of it without destroying itself.

This process caused the room to visibly tremble and buckle under the pressure of the invisible mana flow. Eventually, it stopped and at that moment I was scared of myself. I feel like I have energy similar to when I was channeling the mana from Liberator during Project Redemption. Can this energy even be considered mana? Or is it something more? I decided to focus on this ridiculously excessive power-up later as I finally shifted my attention to my surroundings.

The room of the summoning was a dark and dank dungeon. I was in the center of the summoning circle, a near exact replica of the one that appeared beneath me. Except for the fact that it was drawn in dried blood. A young human woman was prostrating on the edge of the circle. She had wispy green hair and blue eyes set in a face filled with worry lines. Her body looked rather skinny, and based on the slackness of her skin, it was probably due to a lack of food. Her flaws did not overshadow her natural attractiveness, especially when it was accentuated by the sheer ceremonial robe she was wearing. There was a large bandage wrapped around her arm, indicating where the blood for the summoning circle came from.

The woman was in a terrified daze at my appearance, clearly having been overwhelmed by the pressure I was now exuding. I used the momentary silence to examine the esoteric underpinnings of the summoning circle. Depending on how the circle was constructed, the parameters of the summoning can vary. The most common ones I saw in the other world were subjugation circles, where wizards tried to dominate the summoned spirits in a contest of will and strength. Updated from novelbIn.(c)om

Naturally, the wizards only summoned weaker spirits that they could clearly control. This summoning circle was a contract circle, where the summoner tries to bargain with the summoned for their services. If an agreement is not reached, the summoning terminates before the summoned can harm the summoner. That is, of course, assuming that the summoned being isnt strong enough to just destroy the circle before it activates. Interesting. The prospect of payment was enough for me to stay put and not just destroy everything in sight. I was also exceedingly curious about this world in general. How is it related to my visions? And is this bad feeling Im getting from the phrase Peerless Devil something to be worried about?

I resisted the urge to continue interrogating her, seeing as I could feel the summoning circle weaken. If it breaks before a contract is established, Ill be flung back home and even if I travel back my usual way I may not end up in the same time. Unlike the old world, this new one is not in sync with my world. Or at least not yet. Without a summoning circle to temporarily link space and time, one second back home could mean 14 years here. Or vice versa.

Hmm, I guess that I am this Peerless Devil, but the story is false on so many levels. I was never called a devil, my name is actually Terra. Willow was about to ask me to explain, but I ignored her as I continued. Now, explain what exactly is your wish and well discuss a suitable payment for my services. Youll grant my wish!? Willow exclaimed. Yes, assuming you provide adequate compensation. And no, I have no interest in your soul. And put your clothes back on already!

What followed was a lengthy explanation about the situation here in Verlush (the lush is pronounced like loosh). Apparently, it is a city-state in the northern plains of this continent that is under siege by an army of vampires led by a True Ancestor (also known as a Vampire Lord), the highest level of vampire. Vampires as a species are strange. I would classify them as Undead, but their dependence on and consumption of blood makes them an anomaly in that category. In simplest terms, a Vampire is a corpse that has managed to retain their entire soul (a universal fact for the species) and memories (this varies individually) it had when it was alive by feeding on blood. This allows Vampires to keep a rather convincing semblance of life, looking more alive than dead.

Unlike all other Undead, a vampires strength is not dependent on their soul and memories. The strength of a Vampire is dependent on how pure their blood is. Pure blood is defined by how similar it is to a living beings blood. Weak vampires have death-tainted sludge oozing through their veins while True Ancestors have blood so pure that it is indistinguishable from the living. Purity is achieved through concentrating blood via repeated feedings, with blood from more powerful living creatures being more effective. Aging also purifies the blood, and I daresay there are other unknown factors that do so as well. Vampires may arise naturally from a corpse that was soaked in blood thats not its own or from a vampire infecting a living being. These are the only undead that can propagate like this.

How many vampires are attacking? Um, estimates say around 12,000. The city guard has been holding them off, but we wont last much longer. You have no interest in my soul, so instead I am prepared to offer up a secret treasure of my house. Willow said dramatically, clearing hoping to tempt my interest. She succeeded. And what is this treasure? An Elixir of Life which grants the one who drinks it temporary immortality.

I found it. I found the way to save Hikari. It must be my lucky day to have all the necessary ingredients just magically appear before me. I swear by the contract that I shall annihilate the invaders in exchange for an Elixir of Life! I cried out before Willow could even finish her words. A faint imprint of the summoning circle appeared on the back of my hand as Willow spoke out her part I swear by the contract that I shall grant thee an Elixir of Life once the invaders are vanquished!

A blood red imprint appeared on the backs of our hands at the conclusion of the contract. I felt the tethers set by the initial summoning solidify onto Willow, giving me an anchor on this world. Seeing Willow was now my employer, I restrained the power that I had been naturally emitting. Lets go. The sooner this is done with the sooner I can leave. I promptly strode past Willow, headed towards the exit and the 12,000 ingredients I still have to collect.