There are saints who take the water of the yellow spring, the land of the nether world, and the fire of purgatory into a bowl, collecting the joy, anger, sadness, fear, love, evil and desire of the world, known as the seven love bowl.

Tang Su and Tang Shu are two completely different people. Tang Shu is a relatively gentle person, and she is more willing to see the good side of each other. She believes in human nature. When someone is in a desperate situation, whatever the reason, she is willing to reach out and help.

And Tang Su Su, is a willful person, her temper is not so good.

She is very picky to the guests. She may not be willing to help those who can help. Even if she helps, the other party's ending may not be good.

At first, dogdan didn't agree with her way, just because she was the owner of the seven love bowl at that time, and it had to obey orders.

Later, it gradually got used to the way of Tang Su Su. With her side, saw the unpredictable human nature, suddenly felt that her capricious is not all wrong.

But from Tang Shu's point of view, what Tang Susu had done destroyed the rules she had always followed.

The most extreme time was probably Tang Susu's taking away the chef's life span by force.

From the beginning of goudan's consciousness, Tang Shu at that time was constantly emphasizing various rules. She believed that the seven emotions bowl was too powerful, and these abilities needed to be limited. Otherwise, as the owner of the bowl, she would be in a bad way.

At that time, the dog thought that the owner's decision was not wrong.

It has also seen many examples of man-made disasters with strange skills in troubled times. It knows that once the person holding the seven love bowl changes his mind, it will definitely be a disaster.

However, life after life, it had to sleep in those years, its idea slowly changed.

If you don't harm the world, you're doomed to end in a bad way?

It and its owner have helped so many people, some people know how to repay the kindness, some people repay the kindness with the vengeance. So, why does the host always have to help those people at all costs?

"She should not rely on the existence of the seven love bowl to do whatever she wants and take people's lives. At any time, it is wrong."

Dog egg is silent for a long time, Tang Shu just looks at it silently.

"I don't believe she's going to kill ordinary people."

"She was on the brink of danger ever since she arbitrarily collected other people's lives. It's just a simple act to take a person's life, and the other party has angered her. "

With his head tilted, he looked at Tang Shu as if he didn't know her.

When Tang Shu sees strangers, he first sees the goodwill of the other party. However, when he is facing Su Su Su, he is very concerned.

Is it because Susu ever owned the seven love bowl?

It didn't know, and it didn't want to believe the owner.

When Chen Dongsheng came home, the hall was empty. He didn't see Tang Shu, but his face changed a little. Until the sound of Guqin came from a room on the second floor, the chill on his face dissipated. He went up the second floor two steps at a time.

He quickly found the room, the windows of which were open and the curtains fluttering gently in the wind. Tang Shu's back to her, ten fingers on the string, melodious sound of silk and bamboo gone with the wind.

The sound of the piano is beautiful, but it is full of melancholy.

After a long time, Tang Shu relaxed his shoulders, put his hands on the piano and sighed.

Chen Dongsheng walked into the room at this time. He came to Tang Shu and kneaded his hands on her shoulder

"I'm not upset." Tang Shu's forehead hair is lifted, she is not used to hair, but she is still very hard to adapt to this era, or the times bred everything.

But even if she wants to be the best, there are still people who don't understand her.

She put her hand on Chen Dongsheng's and said in a low voice, "today, green ink came out to see me. It was really like what you said. It had already woken up."

Chen Dongsheng lowered his eyes, "is it that makes you unhappy?"

Tang Shu shook his head, "we just have some differences, it is not willing to believe that Tang Su Su killed people."

"My people are watching her all the time, and this source can't be wrong. However, there may be no evidence that she killed the old man. "

Tang Shu laughed and said in a soft voice, "I believe you."

Even if everyone cheated on her, she was willing to believe that Chen Dongsheng would not do so.

Chen Dongsheng bent down on her face and gave her a kiss. She lowered her eyes and held back a trace of light in her eyes.

He didn't cheat Tang Shu, he just told Tang Shu what he got from others and let her judge by herself.

Seven love bowl has a terrible ability, even if Tang Shu does not insist on taking back the seven love bowl, he will not allow such things to fall into the hands of others.

"Green ink may have been following Tang Susu for too long and was influenced by her. Just wait for it to figure it out. Don't blame it."

Listening to Chen Dongsheng's words of consolation, Tang Shu's heart softened. "I won't blame it. I made it sleep so long at the beginning. It's hard to avoid the anger in its heart. It will be better in the future."Chen Dongsheng took her shoulder and shook it gently. "OK, don't think about those unhappy things. I'll come back and have a taste of your favorite snacks?"

Tang Shu was coaxed down the stairs by him, and from time to time came two people's laughter. In a dark room in Chen Dongsheng's study, the seven love bowls are quietly placed there, and there is no light.

Tang Susu has been very irritable recently. He went to the store these days and deducted half a month's salary because his hairstyle was not handsome enough.

Other shop assistants are particularly sympathetic, this is clearly made the boss unhappy, was wearing small shoes.

Right and left in the heart aggrieved it, clearly is the boss to make her angry, why do they have joint and several liability?

Tang Susu doesn't care so much. She betrays her whereabouts, which makes her meet Shi Chengxuan all the time. It's very kind to deduct his salary.

On Monday morning, this is a time when Shi Chengxuan will never appear. Even if he is reluctant, secretary Wu will hold his thigh and let him leave the company after he has held a meeting.

After inspecting his shop, Tang Su Su took a day's wages, on the ground that he took a look at himself.

Left and right very collapsed ran to the corner of the wall, and Tang Susu was happy to shake the car key, ready to go home.

In the middle of the car, Tang Susu lowered the speed.

The scenery was retreating, but she didn't see a pedestrian or even any other vehicle.

In her heart alert time, in front of her, suddenly appeared a person.

Tang Susu slammed on the brake, waiting for her to sit down easily, only to notice who the man suddenly appeared.

The chef stood in front of her car, less than five centimeters apart.

He looked at Tang Susu with a smile and his eyes were bright. "Miss Susu, we've met again."

This time, the chef didn't wear a mask, and his face had returned to what it was when he first met. Obviously, in this period of time, he has gained a lot.

Tang Susu opened the door and stepped out of the car.

She looked around, and the view was the same, but there was no one. I don't know what kind of means the man used.

"What are you doing here?" Tang Susu asked him calmly.

The chef spread out his hands and the smile on his face became more and more brilliant Miss Susu, who lost the seven love bowl , the fastest update of the webnovel!