"... to?
The misasleep Alphilis also awoke in an instant, doubting my eyes. Why is Emerald in his own nostalgia, as he was born? But even if you ask, Alphilis doesn't know what she's saying.
"Doh, what shall I do?"
"A Phew."
Emerald only desperately remembers the name of Alphilis, whining softly in a small voice. As my eyes grew accustomed to the darkness, I could well see Emerald's green eyes moisturizing. To be frightened of something, but determined eyes. As the name suggests, there were two green eyes with the same color shine as the gem, looking up at the alphilis.
"(What shall I do, this is adorable. Um, if it's a little bit... Ha! No, no, no. What would I think?
Alphilis may have confused you or may not have been able to do it. As appealing as that was Emerald's appearance. Alphilis doesn't know, but he is told that those who sleep in the wings or in the feathers of Halpuia get the best sleep ever, or even the comfort of rising to heaven. Succubus such as Larna delude people with witchcraft and her own body fluids, but there is also something out of the wings of the Emerald that can create a kind of delusion. If Alphilis were a man, he would be losing temptation in an instant and pushing down Emerald.
Emerald, on the other hand, faithfully adheres to what a married couple should do in their first night, but doesn't even know what to do. At first I thought I should leave it to Alphilis, but I try to do something from myself because Alphilis won't move forever. And
The alphilis is small, but you sound slightly out in between. Emerald took Alphilis' underwear off. Fortunately, Alphilis is sleeping in the deepest part of the world, and no one else has noticed or reacted. Is that happiness or unhappiness?
"Hey, Emerald. No... Yo."
"A Phew."
But make it emerald, and come to the bed of Alphilis, prepared for it. I wasn't thinking, like, don't do anything and go home. In the meantime, Emerald moves his hand, wishing he could bare the alphilis just like himself. Strong arm strength, not commensurate with the body, could not stop as much as Alphilis had made some resistance.
"(Hey, hey, hey. This is not good! I'm starting to feel kind of weird until I do!
In the dark, emerald white feathers and green eyes emerge. And like connecting them, I could hear white skin and a slightly hotter exhale of emeralds, and Alphilis was starting to feel strange.
"(Duh, I don't know what to do... if I don't do something about it, I'm really gonna step over the line. Yes, stay!
Alphilis let go of Emerald's hand, which was about to reach his secrets, and embraced Emerald with strength as it was. Emerald can't move with this because he wrapped his arms around him and held him. Alphilis trying to force me to sleep, trying to keep the emerald from moving.
"(What do you say, you can't move this!
And Alphilis hugged Emerald full of strength, but unexpectedly Emerald seemed to fall asleep without resisting the power of that hand, turning his hand behind Alphilis in the same way, wrapping Alphilis with his feathers. Or did you think that was the couple's act? (i) A reassuring alphilis.
"You're safe for now... but can you sleep?
The next day, while preparing to fall asleep, Alphilis was wrapped in emerald feathers and slowly fell asleep.
And the next morning. When Alphilis woke up with his eyes, he no longer looked like Emerald. If you look closely, your appearance and underwear were almost taken off at some point, making you look quite remarkable. If this was something someone could see waking up in, it wouldn't have been an excuse.
While appreciating that, Alphilis tries to correct his clothes and rub his sleepy eyes to everyone. I wondered if I was the last person to wake up again, but everyone was doing so differently today. Focusing on emeralds and utilities, everyone is in a circle.
"I see, that's what..."
"Good morning, everyone. What, what's wrong?
When Alphilis was unable to grasp the situation, everyone saw Alphilis with suspicious eyes.
"Alfie, you're such a hobby... I think you should think of Atashi as a little best friend."
"It's okay, Alfie. I'm on Alfie's side, no matter what kind of sexuality Alfie has."
"Stay away from me, big woman. It's unclean. Don't infect (depress) Lisa!
"Lord Alphilis, I was wondering if that would be..."
"Alfie, either Lori or Lez."
"Alfi, if there's something called me... and you're not satisfied with the demands, why aren't you telling me?
"Well, that's it. I think human beings are free, I am."
"Mom, Il better be my brother."
"What? What are you talking about!?
Alphilis didn't know what to say, and he panicked all morning. At its center, Emerald was dyeing his cheeks with embarrassment.
"Uh, I'm tired in the morning."
"I thought they'd ask me that in the morning."
"It's Uty's fault!
"Don't blame people! The eagle only faithfully conveyed the words of Emerald."
The Alphilis advance further through the Pyrevos Mountains. In the end, everyone's misunderstanding was quickly solved, but it took a lot of strength to correct Emerald's mistake.
Apparently Emerald had no knowledge of how to have a child or anything like that, and he thought he was pregnant because he had already slept with Alphilis. Even so, he seemed happy to tell everyone about it, including Uty.
I told that emerald first of all that there was no possibility of pregnancy, slowly telling him that women would not normally marry each other, that Alphilis had no intention of marrying and that all yesterday's acts were misunderstandings. Then Emerald's complexion became all cloudy and he began to cry at the end of the day. And in the end, Alphilis was going to forgive Emerald.
But when Emerald finished crying, he said he still had to follow Alphilis. Either way, I don't have a place in me anymore. I couldn't leave him alone watching Emerald complain in tears about it, and in the end Alphilis allowed him to accompany Emerald with Remegate.
Plus Emerald is fine sometimes, so he offered to sleep with Alphilis. Both Alphilis and Utility interpreting the words were baffled by this for a moment, but Emerald said Alphilis felt like a mother or sister. Sure, Alphilis may have felt that way about Emerald, who doesn't know her mother, but Alphilis couldn't refuse the subtly bewildering but unmalicious offer, conditional on a proper advance offer. By the way, Larna tried to hitch a ride to the story, but that one was rejected, of course.
"Now, where's the road?"
I just came to the split, Aerial and Lisa looking for the way to lead the way.
"You don't even know it with your eyes."
"Even Lisa's sensors can't do it a little further. Miranda, do you have a map?
"Hmm, maybe not"
Miranda looks anxious.
"What's going on?
"That's what I already got for Anneclose. I think it's out of range."
A peek at Miranda's map revealed an expected road map written there. But it did come to the north end of the map yesterday.
"Shouldn't there have been roads along the way?
"The road, there was something like that, but it wasn't something like that that you could go through very well. If one person at a time, we could manage."
To Lisa's question, Maple answers.
"That means we're gonna have to find a way out of here."
One step ahead of shipwreck.
"What am I going to do, just take the road east?
Emerald slaps Uty on the shoulder when the Alphilis argue that it's not oh and this is not the case.
"Uty, Emerald, Nolau"
"Huh? You know the way?
Everyone turns to the word.
"Hmm, the road east of here becomes a cliff along the way. If you go north and cross one of the ridges, there's a path to the east from there. I tried to get to the neighborhood, but I saw a shadow, so I came back scared."
"I see, you can trust that. Distance?"
"Emerald flew slowly for about two days. This horse could do just as much if it hurried."
"It's settled."
Along with Alphilis' decision, the line headed north. The alphilis running down that road. Along the way, Aerial sees the sky. Emerald was similarly, looking at the sky.
Since the two of them care too much about the sky, Alphilis asked concerned.
"Aerie, what's wrong?
"No, because the wind has changed. Hi. That's crazy."
"A Phew, Blizzard"
Emerald started panicking. The Alphilis and the others stop the horse.
"Uty, what about Emerald?
"It's unusual this time of year, but he said heavy snow was coming. It won't be long before my breath freezes."
No way. It's not magic.
"No, maybe it's true"
Aerial also says as he looks over the sky.
"I don't know about the mountains, but it's true that the air is rapidly getting cold. Actually, there's already something down on the other side of the west."
"I also feel Lisa. Lisa can't sense the temperature change with the sensor, but she can see the wind moving. You're getting more and more air from above. The air down there is mostly cold, isn't it? It could really be snow."
"We're just in the fall..."
I shrugged like Alphilis said I couldn't believe it, but here I decided to take the advice honestly. Anyway, if it really snows, it's not weird to freeze to death. The Alphilis don't have any winter gear.
"And then. Maybe we should evacuate this place as soon as we discover a cave or a cold place."
"Okay, let's hurry up"
To Miranda's words, Alphilis moved quickly. But what was unexpected to them, too, was that it started snowing in less than a half an hour and that there was no place like a cave. And the snow, which began to fall slightly at first, quickly changed its appearance into a snowstorm, hitting the Alphilis relentlessly.
"What is this!?
"Ko, this is..."
"I didn't hear this!
No longer had the Alphilis encountered so much snow that they could not even move on. A dubious blizzard to see if you can even see the fellows who should already be beside you. Your breath is freezing and your eyelids are cold enough to freeze. The Alphilis were totally insulting the weather in the mountains.