"Honestly, I only know you as a knight. That, too, when you were a candidate for division chief, I was still an obedient knight, only to see you from afar. But I still remember the sight. You looked really good. It felt like everyone was dreaming about Tan, the hero when he went chivalry in the story, and how he didn't know he was going in a straight line to be satisfied. I wasn't the only one waiting for the day you led the Knights as division leader.
And many people still dream of you, even after you've corrupted your name as a knight. And some friends I believe in. "
"Yes, some should think of it. Those who once ran the battlefield at the same time as you have now each emerged to take more than their position in the army. Without them, I wouldn't even have thought about your return this way"
"Are you trying to thank me?
"Don't be sarcastic about anything. I know you can't believe other people, but that's all you ever wanted. At least that's what I think"
Rhine stared into Ibran's eyes. Not cloudy in Ibran's eyes, those eyes seemed to the line as if they were telling the truth.
Rhine exhaled loudly and raised her face again.
"Okay. But I'm in quite a position with the mercenaries now, too. Besides, we suffered a lot in the fight ahead. I'm not so flirtatious that I can walk away with this."
"We know that, too. It's not like I can't help but want a response now. Many knights will be coming out here for the next Arnelia 400th Anniversary Festival. And, of course, your old friend. You know what? The next 400th anniversary festival will be accompanied by the Unified Martial Arts Games. It is a great opportunity for us, far from the centre, to assert our presence in the international community. Someone with more than that will come aboard."
"... is the border good?
"You're the one who forgot. We are certainly not dominating the border, but if we just maintain the war situation, it is also possible with less than half the current force. Lady Diore is not staying on the border with Dada. This is us, whom Master Diore has worked out for several years. Strong, isn't it?
"Right. That's bad."
"No. Well, let's just say it's time to go. If you're away from the embassy too much, they might say you're gone."
Ibran rose from the chair where he was sitting and walked out. Seeing the way it walked, the line had a few thoughts.
And where Ibran was leaving the room, the line was calling him off better.
"Let me add one thing to Ibran."
"Even without the battle ahead, I like the current mercenary regiment. And I want to try it myself, now as a mercenary."
"Well, what do you want to try?
"Well. If you were an embassy assistant, it would be within your job to think about it. Use your own head."
"Is that something to do with that women's captain? Seems like a favorite for a long time. You think she's that much of a person? Even compared to Master Diore?
"Come on, that woman's not my hobby. Besides, Diore and I are too different in nature to be subject to comparison. But we might be together when it's out of the picture.
If you're in Arnelia too, keep an eye out. I'm sure Alpha Reese will do something terrible. I don't know what that is, but that's what I expect from her. "
"... let's remember"
Ibran left without changing his expression, but the fact that he was a little confused was also felt by the line. And when Rhine observed that Ibran was completely gone from this vicinity, he snapped his fingers properly. Then the room was wrapped in soundproof magic, and Larna and Cowen showed up from behind. They hid behind their backs, obliterating their signs with the art of hiding.
Rhine glanced at Cowen with a serious look and inquired.
"You were right. I set you up."
"Just in case - I was right to have a meeting when something happened - and I was surprised to be an embassy assistant in Alexandria ~. If you weren't good at being a diplomat like that, you wouldn't be an embassy assistant ~"
"Nights of Nights requires more than just skill as a knight, more than a certain amount of upbringing, driving, and more than one person at a time. They're all prepared to be scholarly there."
"You too?"
"I don't have any knowledge of special fields, but I'm fixing pharmacy, economics, commercial law, legislation, arithmetic, and streets. Well, not to the point of not stepping on a dodge."
"Have a nice day."
This was an untrue compliment to Cowen, but the line flushed lightly to move on to the next topic.
"Corwen. So, what did you see?
"Haha, please be more specific about the question ~"
"Is what he was saying true?
Rhine knows Cowen's ability to gather information. That's why I thought I knew about Alexandria. As Cowen, I honestly told the line because I didn't have to spare it here.