1431 City of Pleasure, Part 266 - Sword Wind

"Is that a layer? Are we leaving yet?"

As Jake was on morning alert with the other Temple Knights, he met a layer who had made travel arrangements. There was a ton of food on his back and both hands, and it was obvious that he had come to buy out Jaeger.

"Oh, we're leaving now. I plan to spend the night near the departure site of the Feilongs today and then return to Arnelia. I'm buying more food because it can wait in order after a while."

"Right. The tarram was sealed off, so it's impossible to pre-empt the dragon."

"That sort of thing. Fei Long can wait for a few days, so Aerial might get to Arnelia sooner. Do you still have a mission?

"Oh. I hear the priest of this city is dead, so he'll be here until security is restored to some extent. Besides, we're gonna need someone extraordinary priest until we get a replacement."

"Are you going to be a temp priest?

"You got to be kidding me! Can you do that? I don't know what a priest does in the first place."

"Well, I guess so. Jake's sermon. Then it's unlikely to be profitable."

"This guy."

Jake pretended to chase the layers, but the layers were getting their distance before them. What you're doing is childish, but how many of you would have figured out how to take that time, or how many of you would have figured out it wasn't very much a child's thing to do?

Layer spoke to Jake from a slightly remote position.

"Does Lisa know about that?

"I said it during yesterday. It won't stay long, and we'll be back in Arnelia soon."

"I like that. I don't like this city because I don't know what I'm good at. I don't think all the villains died in front of this."

"Me too. I still feel bad about this city. I'd like to go home as soon as possible."

"Don't be realistic when Jake says"

"Come on. I'm not a prophet."

"The strength of the inquiry is magical."

Urtina was anxious to represent the priest as she listened to the child's, but not the child's, exchange. Certainly in a way, in this city like a sweep away, I don't think the villains who can make the case will die at once. I'd like to apologize if I could, but I can't believe my position pushes Marduk up there. There are other reasons to be anxious about that.

I remember interacting with Brandio I visited last night without any foretaste.

"Ultina, hey. Yeah?

"Brandio!? Why are you here? No, there's more to it than that, but how do you get inside..."

"The details. Yeah, we don't have time, so just say it briefly? Volgius is dead, his opponent is the wind of the sword - no, silence or. Silence, to be exact. I don't care if you say he's more troublesome. Yeah."

"Silence? Didn't the black magician guy die?

"I don't know where it is, let's just say that it is. There are probably a few similar guys. Plus, there's something about the guy who has the power to make it play. The priority is to slap it, but now that's not the job. Yeah, well, if you don't think about it, do the priestly surrogate for Vorgius. Don't ever pursue the silence thing on hold."

"How could you do that?"

"Lapenty's grandmother's judgment or. Don't complain. Say hello to Marduk."

"Then obey, but tell Marduk yourself."

"Damn, I don't like him. If I meet you face-to-face, I'll talk to you, and don't tell me I'm here. If you want."

"Oh, hey!

Before Ultina stopped calling. Then Brandio was gone in the dark. It is the same speed of escape. There were a bunch of things I wanted to ask if there were other jobs, if it was enough for Lapenti to come out, and what happened to the juncture again, but it could have been important in a way, such as that chatty Brandio going away with just minimal errands.

So while Ultina was not firm, she decided to stay in Tarram to represent the priest. Volgius' death was honestly an emotionless opponent for Urtina, but it was intolerable for a light man like Garland to even be a priest on her behalf. Nor does the Garland see himself from the disturbances that followed the defeat of Banderas.

And were you fortunate that Ultina was distracted? A little ahead of the Temple Knights, who stopped walking and smiled at Jake and Layer's interaction, Ultina's abilities were unconsciously activated two minutes away from her body. Ultina treats' arms' convergently when attacking, but thins them like a guard net when unconscious and stretches them like a far net. It's like a little sensor, but it's also possible to automatically defend against an attack, but its arm sensed it and defended it with all its might.


It had barely stopped for a moment at the ceiling of magic that Ultina could release at a time. At the same time that the arm of light activated to wrap Ultina broke into fine dust, the layer was bouncing off the next attack and Jake was pushing Ultina down to protect it.

I could see some of the surrounding buildings vanishing into fine dust in Ultina's eyes falling on her back on the ground.


"Layer! What's this?

"I don't know! But I've seen him, this is the third time!

The killer left abruptly. But the layers were reflexively throwing their luggage away and jumping out. Layers left faster than the wind. He followed the killing spirit. Both the Temple Knights and Jake are impossible to keep up with the speed of the layers' feet. The different townspeople were also so much so that they could only see that the wind had passed through the layers too fast.

Layer instincts tell. That must be killed now. My instincts told me that was my enemy. If you miss here, you will surely do yourself and your people harm later. Layers felt their thoughts become very simple, and at the same time they felt sharpened. Shempez tells us something, but it no longer reaches the layer. Layers felt as if they had become one sword, and they met unexpected figures just out of the alley.
