The pignom took Diore's will and kept talking.
"The pledge is an oath against each other. If this is ever different, man loses his power as a Spirit Knight, and the Spirit loses his power. You can do it to the point of losing power, but if you do poorly, your very existence can disappear.
So don't let anyone else know what the constraints and pledges are. Sometimes that can be fatal if you're bad. And pledges have to weigh in on each other's lives.
From what I've seen, the human lady seems to have something to wish for. But the content is not specific. How far do you want to protect a woman from that alphilis? Is it the flesh, the spirit, or the desire again? I can say that that point is not clear.
And Wintier, was it? You don't have anything to wish for human beings, do you? No, there was, but I've already given up, or I have to give up. Didn't I? "
Wintier, who had listened in silence, answered the inquiry of the pignom with her eyes narrowed.
"... I heard the earthly spirits are oligarchy, but you talk a lot better. You don't like prying people the same way you do, do you?
"That was bad. Unlike spirits of wind and water, we spirits of earth are boneless. No offense, no offense. And finally, let me tell you, you don't look like you want each other. That's why I don't think it's right for the contract."
Wintier affirmed in silence to the words of the pignom. Aerial was also silently listening to the words of the pignom again, but as an aerial, I'm still not convinced.
"I got the story. But what kind of pledge is that? If it's not specific, I don't understand."
"I guess that is. Shall we talk about me and the pignomes?"
"Hey, Diore?
A pignom approached himself wondering what to say, but Diore took control of it and started talking about it.
"It doesn't matter, Aerial isn't the kind of person who talks to others pepper. And I've talked so far, and I'm responsible for what I expected.
My pledge is to permanently defend Alexandria - in this case, to the survival of the King's capital and the royal family. As long as Alexandria is alive, I am immortal and will continue to protect Alexandria permanently. This is my pledge. And - "
"Wait, say it yourself"
The pignom blocked Diore. It's going to be even harder on my face. But the stubbornness was more like Diore, and the pignom broke lightly and started talking. Probably an interaction that was repeated many times. The pignom also had a sigh.
"I don't hear this knight say it once... there used to be some more cuteness.
My pledge is to return the wasteland to its original green land. The turbulent zone of a small country, now abandoned as a buffer zone. There was my hometown. That is desolation in war, and there is no longer a shadow to see.
The Spirit of the earth, by its very nature, takes great care of his homeland. It's usually something you can crush there if your hometown is gone, but I'm heretical. Leaving the land where I was born and raised. But I wanted the land back. That's one of the reasons I became a superior spirit.
But we need more strength to return the rough land. And on top of that, it's my desire to become the highest spirits, the rich spirits that rule the soil, to enrich my homeland. "
"... wait, does that catch up as a pledge? Lord Pignom sounds more like a grand plan."
Aerial raised the question again, but the pignom was nodding quickly.
"Your question is best. Actually, I'm the third in Diore to get a Spirit Knight, or Spirit Guardian. Each knight has their own pledge, and I have the strength from them now. I believe that Diore's pledge matches the rest of my life until I get what I want."
"Is that possible?
"I can't help it because it's true. When I was born, spirits and humans were under contract in many ways. Some of them were spirits who contracted more than one human being. Now the number of spirits has fallen so much that I no longer see the Spirit Knight itself, though.
Well, that's about all I know, too. Do you have any other questions?
Aerial shook his head sideways at the words of the pignom. Then the pignom nodded with Diore, and the pignom departed into the earth as it did when it came out.