1682 War and Peace, Part 220 - Fistful Clan Urus vs Alphilis ① -

When Alphilis noticed Urs' gaze, Alphilis smiled and waved. I can see the Urs killing me even more when I see that. Alphilis laughed small when he said he had a truly fortuitous and understandable personality.

Lisa stands behind it.

"Alfi, are you really motivated by 'that weapon'?

"Absolutely. Maybe me and her, there's something a little bit alike, so I kind of get it. Besides, the direct hand of that hand doesn't obey unless you subdue it in a head-on battle. No minor workmanship or prefabrication. As for her."

"Phew... so when I bring up 'this'. I think this is a small enough piece of work, too. Hopefully we can take them down before we use them."

"If only her contenders were all out in Lunca and Yao. Is Yao all right?

"No problem. Yao's heart has grown stronger."

Nia put in words of cover from the side. Before the battle of the captain and many members are here to support him. That Yao hadn't come here yet because yesterday's damage had fallen out and he still couldn't decide what to look like and see Alphilis.

Seite was escorted yesterday. But given Yao's character, he'd be deciding to watch the game with Saito somewhere more than without Saito here. Alphilis dared not hear Ursus's impressions and habits from Yao. I took into account Yao's mood, and Urs' habit of fighting is already in my head.

Once Alphilis closed his eyes and concentrated, he slapped his cheeks a few times and opened his eyes. And went straight out to the venue.

"I'm just gonna go."

Yeah, good luck.

Lisa sends out the alphilis. The line is just silent and gently touching the hand. Rhine saw the look on Alphilis's face and remembered his peace of mind and anxiety at the same time.

"Fucking full face. If I make one mistake, I might die."

"- At first I thought it was gradually becoming ferocious due to the effect of the curse, but maybe that's your natural character. New things, new places, new encounters. She can't help but ask for it all the time"

"I know that. Humans need rest and rest somewhere, but for Alphilis, encounters with the unknown are probably the food for life. Eventually, just this continent. Then I guess it gets boring."

"You're likely to find and travel momentum on new sea routes as well. It's something that no one has ever been able to accomplish, but Alphilis might do it.

But always imitating life on the balance is... "

Lisa is afraid of that. This is true, of course, of Alphilis' life and death, but Alphilis is a mild greeting to the point where he goes shopping next door and feels like he's going to be gone for good one day. I'd like to at least see where Alphilis is going, but Lisa also understands that she understands somewhere that it's a wish that won't come true.

I wonder if the feeling is the same with the line, where the line put its hands on Lisa's shoulder.

"Don't worry. That's why we're here."

"... don't you feel comfortable touching me, I'll sue you for sexual harassment, right?

"Would you say that now?

Rhine let go in a hurry and Lisa paid her shoulders flat. As a joke, Lisa also understands that Rhine is right.

And Urs and Alphilis were confronted over the venue. Alphilis is slightly taller, but Ursus is also quite a fit for a woman. They poked each other in the face at a distance to the point where their breasts touched each other, as if they were provoking each other. I don't need to get that close, but is it a sign of intent?

Urs asks Alphilis.

"It's something I've come a long way without fear. I thought I'd abstain from defeating that beast man's daughter."

"Why should I abstain?

"With the endurance of the beast man. You know, what happens if a human receives it? We stopped the referee yesterday, but not this time, okay?

Alphilis glanced at the referee. Today's referee is Brandio, not Mason. Alphilis doesn't know Brandio well, but I trust Miranda's selection. Besides, there are signs that all Arnelia's pilgrimages have bottomless strength, but this priest looks exceptional among them.

Well, Alphilis imagined that neither would die. I just expect it to get as close as possible to death.
