Chapter 165: The ex-girlfriend of the world champion (16)

Chapter 165: The ex-girlfriend of the world champion (16)

Chapter 165 The World Champions Ex-Girlfriend (16)

Who said he doesn't know how to be romantic and considerate enough?

It means that everyones understanding of romance and thoughtfulness is different.

Remember, it is romantic to pay attention to all festivals and spend time sending flowers and gifts; it is romantic to talk about "love" often and call it "honey" and "baby"; it is also romantic to see your hard work and take the initiative to take it up. romantic?

Xu Yin felt sweet in her heart. He was still a kind and considerate little baby in this life.

Zhao Xujin went to the locker room to shower and change clothes, and she squatted outside waiting for him.

With your back to the monitor, replace the food in the small refrigerator and thermos bucket with the backup batch in the system warehouse.

Looking at the steaming steak and snacks, Xu Yin nodded with satisfaction.

After waiting for a while, he came out.

Xu Yin walked up to him carrying her things, and the scent of the residual shower gel on his body came to her nose. It smelled like lisianthus. This guy has really loved this product for his whole life.

She pursed her lips and said happily: "Let's go to the cafeteria!"

This time, he didnt even pause, and consciously took over the relatively heavy small refrigerator and thermos bucket.

I wonder whats so heavy inside? His mouth remained silent.

Zhao's father always said that he was like a gourd with a sawed mouth. If you put a seal on his mouth, it would not fall off for several days. He hides everything in his heart. He can let others understand his thoughts by explaining a few words. But if he doesn't say anything, he is not in a hurry, and the people around him will be anxious to death.

Xu Yin has known him as "him" from the beginning, and she doesn't mind his reticence at all. At worst, she can just speak more.

If both of them are talkative, then it will be quarrelsome.

Guess what I brought you? I made it all with my own hands. Sister Yu praised me as the reincarnation of the God of Cooking

She was boasting all the way to the canteen.

When the two of them arrived, their teammates who came to the cafeteria before them had almost eaten.

The afternoon game started at three o'clock, and there was plenty of lunch break. Everyone went back to the dormitory to take a nap, washed a few bunches of grapes, and sat around eating and chatting.Updated from novelbIn.(c)om

These grapes are good!

I heard that Xiaojins girlfriend grew it at home? asked a teammate who was not at the scene just now.

Thats what she said. Lu Hui threw one into his mouth and narrowed his eyes in enjoyment. It tasted great.

"Xiaojin's girlfriend's family grows grapes? Is it so profitable to grow grapes now? I once saw her give Xiaojin a Rolex watch, but Xiaojin confiscated it and returned it, otherwise I would like to take a closer look at the Rolex What does it look like?"

Stop talking about Brother Hui, I already want to find a girlfriend, ugh

My girlfriend also gave me a lunch box, which was just fried rice with an egg and a piece of ham sausage. I cant eat the ham sausage, so she ended up eating it by herself.

Forget it then.

Forget it, look at Ren Xiaojins face, and then look at yourself, oh, why are the pimples fighting together?

Damn it, Im not worthy of finding a partner, am I?

In the other room, Xu Yin took a salty, crispy sesame seed cake and fed it to her boyfriend's mouth: "Eat a shortbread first to cushion your stomach, and I'll mix some cold skin for you."

It's a pity that he didn't open his mouth, but took it with his hand.

Xu Yin didnt care either, she lowered her head and mixed the cold skin for him: Are there any taboos?

"I will do it myself."

Why are you trying to rob me? The flavor I mixed is so good. Xu Yin refused and pointed at the steak, You really dont want to eat this? I guarantee its safe.

There is a game in the afternoon.

This means not to eat.

Okay then. Xu Yin stopped trying to persuade him, but felt a little regretful.

She tried her best to fry it, and her control over the heat was more successful than ever before. It was a pity that he couldn't taste it.

Zhao Xujin looked at the steak that seemed to be sizzling and felt a little confused, but he didn't ask. He watched her carefully mixing the cold skin, picked up the knife and fork, cut the steak, cut it and pushed it in front of her.

Xu Yin was stunned for a moment and took it happily.

Look at how good he is at taking care of others, how can he be dull and ignorant.

In her eyes, every move, word and deed he made was excellent.

Eat quickly too.

She poured him a glass of lemon and grapefruit juice.

Except lemon and grapefruit, only a little sugar is added. It is made from natural sugar cane. It is not sweet and does not contain honey. You can drink it with confidence and it will relieve tiredness.


Zhao Xujin doesnt talk much, but every time she finishes speaking, she will give a reaction, most of the time its um, oh, um and the like.

If it were an ordinary girl, she would probably not be able to bear it. She would end up chatting all day long, and she would indeed feel frustrated.

But is Xu Yin an ordinary girl? She felt like she was already half an immortalthe immortal old witch. How can he be someone who pays attention to superficial appearances?