Chapter 357: A wise woman paired with Huang Xing Farming (16)

Chapter 357: A wise woman paired with Huang Xing Farming (16)

Chapter 357: A wise woman is paired with Huang Xing to farm (16)

When another day of material delivery arrived, Xu Yin filled the sixteen acres of wasteland cleared by Andrew's group with water and planted rice seedlings.

Another group of five people planted about ten acres of land with wheat.Follow current novels at

After finishing these tasks, she wiped her sweat and felt quite satisfied.

Kahn led his eldest brother and Uncle Simon to plant another watermelon seedling, and also showed a happy smile.

Brother Hero, do you really want to plant all the wasteland on the Exile Planet with natural ingredients?

"There will come a day." Xu Yin said, looking at the undeveloped wasteland in the distance, "But this year we will plant this area first. After autumn, your brother and the others will definitely go hunting in the insect forest. I I want to go to the lagoon again.

"I will go with you!"

Okay, lets set off when these crops mature!

As a result, one batch of crops was harvested when they were mature, and another batch was ripe again, so we had to continue harvesting.

After harvesting a batch, ripen a batch, and after a batch is ripe, harvest a batch...

Xu Yin and her group were tired and happy in the fields all day long.

The work is not really finished until the golden rice and wheat are harvested and threshed.

Looking at the grains and wheat grains, each of which was as big as a little fingernail, Xu Yin always felt that the world was a bit fantasy.

In the past, we usually asked how many bowls to eat in a meal. In the future, will we have to ask how many pills to eat in a meal? Oops.

When all the crops in the fields were harvested, Xu Yin distributed a batch of vegetable seeds to each of the exiles who participated in the land reclamation, and asked them to choose a piece of land they liked, which would become their private land from now on, and taught them how to grow vegetables.

Seeing that Xu Yinguang didnt say anything, Simon couldnt help but say a few nice words for her:

Brother Hero has seen that everyone has been very united and has a tacit understanding during this period, so I specially reward you with a pack of vegetable seeds. Follow Brother Hero and study hard and grow well. No matter how much natural food is harvested from this land, it will be yours.

Really? Brother hero, thank you very much!

I will plant it well!

I didnt expect that I would realize my dream of growing natural ingredients on the Exile Star!

Everyone gathered around to thank Xu Yin.

Xu Yin smiled at them, waved her hands and said, "No need to thank me, this is the reward you have earned with your labor. Currently, the vegetable varieties are limited, and the vegetable varieties assigned to everyone are not necessarily the same. After they are planted, they can be exchanged and tasted. .

"no problem!"

Yes, yes! We are used to trading.

This years trade fair is sure to be lively.

Its okay. Look! What is this?

Wow! What a big giant bug! the two children said in unison.

"Big lobster?" Xu Yin lowered her head and glanced at the big lobster in the basket holding a pair of big lobsters trying to escape. They really looked alike, and couldn't help laughing. "I'll make you two lobsters for lunch, one with scallion oil and one with scallion oil." Minced garlic, keep it if you like."

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I love whatever Brother Hero makes! Kahn answered quickly.

Xu Yin scratched his nose: "Snack."

What is a snack?

Well, it means to praise you for knowing how to eat.

Oh Kahn suddenly realized.

From then on, he put the word "foodie" on his lips and would say to everyone: "I am a foodie! Brother Hero praised me for being a foodie!"

XuYingxiong GeYin:

I regret teasing this honest child.

The three of them stayed in the lagoon for ten days.

Except for the day when the supplies were released, Kahn muttered in great pain: "We have three supply packages! It's an advantage for those people!"

Xu Yin laughed at him as a Grandet.

What is Grandet?

"" Xu Yin wanted to fool him, but then she thought about how highly he praised the word "foodie". After thinking about it, she decided to forget it. She couldn't bear to tease this little guy, so she explained the meaning of Grandet truthfully.

Unexpectedly, this kid actually gave himself a long nicknameFoodie Grandet Kahn.

"Brother Hero, what do you think of my title? Is it impressive? Others must admire me after hearing this, right Monchi?"

Meng Qi nodded enviously: "Yes!"

Xu Yin:

twitching the corners of his mouth, he didnt want to make any comments about this: Have you dug todays oysters?

Oh, I almost forgot about the real thing!

Caring a small shovel and a bucket, Kahn and Monkey happily ran to the reef beach, struggling on the front line of digging oysters.

These days, the two children dig oysters in the morning, and in the evening after the tide rises and recedes, they go to the beach to pick up crabs, moray eels, and octopuses that have been pushed ashore by the tide. They pick up quite enthusiastically.

Xu Yin shook her head with a smile. She was ready and went to the sea to continue searching for her precious seafood.