Chapter 516: The cannon fodder cousin of the hero of the imperial examination novel (38)

Chapter 516: The cannon fodder cousin of the hero of the imperial examination novel (38)

How could anyone on the shore react so quickly except for the nurse? We were all confused. We were playing the game well, but why did an assassin suddenly appear?

When I saw wild birds being shot to death, the black poisonous blood still flowed out. Everyone was so frightened that their faces turned pale and their chests trembled, but they all remembered their identities anyway.

Girl, hide quickly!

Zi Yuan and Hong Qian protected Xu Yin on the left and right, and hid in a sheltered place.

The assassin did not complete the task and obviously did not give up. Just like Sikong, he pursued him across the lake.

Looking at the assassin clearly, everyones mouths were opened into circles, big enough to stuff an egg into.

When they heard there was an assassin, they all thought it was a man in black wearing a black mask.

Unexpectedly, they were farmers wearing coarse cloth jackets. They had just come up from the fields, and their trousers were still stained.

While everyone was stunned, Sikong held Xu Kui in his arms and left the lotus pond in an instant.

Xu Kui was shocked and frightened, and was stunned:

"What's wrong? Who wants to kill me? Who have I offended? Didn't I just cheat the shopkeeper of He Niantang and spend five hundred taels to buy the former tribute wine shop? I didn't do much else... Ive never done anything harmful to God... Oh, brother Sikong, can you run slower, Im about to vomit..."

Shut up! Sikong simply tapped his dumb hole, it was too noisy.

Xu Kui opened his mouth and was speechless, his eyes widened in shock.

Wang Huyuan saw Sikong running to the east. He thought for a moment and waved his hand. One guard team protected the girl and retreated to the west, while another team stayed behind to intercept the assassin.

Unexpectedly, the assassin ignored them at all and went straight to Sikong.

Wang Huyuan narrowed his eyes: "So, their target is really Shopkeeper Xu? But why?"

The old housekeeper was trembling all over and his face was pale: "Quier! Did Kuier offend someone? Why would anyone want to hunt him down..."

There were actually assassins among the farmers working in Wanhua Village; his son was almost assassinated by an assassin; the ugly accountant turned out to be a martial arts master... Each and every one of them made him extremely confused.

Xu Yin lowered her eyelids in thought.

The assassin appeared after Xu Kui mockingly talked about the plum blossom birthmark on his calf.

Could it be said that the plum blossom birthmark has a great origin? Is Xu Kuis identity not simple?

There are also Sikong account rooms that are not simple. This guy turned out to be a master of martial arts, so hidden?

She actually made a mistake one day!

Suddenly, she thought of something and turned to look at Wang Huyuan.

Wang Huyuan also happened to recall the incident where Chashan Villa was attacked by bandits at night two years ago.

"More than forty people." Youhuyuan said, "I heard from the Yamen that a murder case was found on the top of Xishan Mountain. Forty or fifty people were all killed by a string of stones."

When Xu Yin heard this, she couldn't help but rub her arm.

Once again, we were fortunate that the people who hit the six bandits with stones that night were friends rather than enemies. Otherwise, they might not have survived until dawn.

Her permanent divine power and small grappling skills have no chance to be used in front of real martial arts masters, with the seamless cooperation of light skills and hidden weapons.

"What about Xu Kui? Has anyone heard about Xu Kui's whereabouts?" Xu Yin asked.

No need to ask.

Sikongs lazy voice suddenly sounded above their heads.

Everyone looked up in fear.

This guy was lying leisurely on the rafters.

Xu Yin laughed angrily: "How long have you been eavesdropping?"

Is this considered eavesdropping?

Sikong sneered lightly, it was too insulting to him.


Come down! Or do you want to be a gentleman on Liang Shang?

As soon as she finished speaking, Sikong landed next to her quietly, startling her.

Xu Yin frowned with a headache and ordered the maid to make a pot of tea and come in. Except for Wang Huyuan and the housekeeper, everyone else went out first.

Sit down and talk! She made a please gesture.

Sikong raised his eyebrows, said nothing, lifted his robe, and sat down.

After Hong Qian brought the tea and cakes in, he poured himself a cup and took a slow sip: "Want to know the whereabouts of the Crown Prince?"

The Crown Prince?

The three masters and servants exclaimed in unison.

Sikong couldn't help but chuckle.

Since Xu Shi entered the house, Xu Yin's impression on him has always been that she is calm and strategizing. Even if the matchmaker comes to visit and the old housekeeper is anxious, she herself is still calm and calm, without any reaction that an ordinary girl should have.

At this time, when he learned Xu Kuis identity, he showed an expression of surprise that almost made his eyes pop.

Xu Yin cant be surprised, this party is not included in the original text!

Xu Kui is not an ordinary orphan, he has status! Prince...Emma! Unexpectedly, he turned out to be a member of the royal family!