Chapter 637: The Vase Girl Matches Farming on a Deserted Island (9)

Chapter 637: The Vase Girl Matches Farming on a Deserted Island (9)

Chapter 637: The Vase Girl Farms on a Deserted Island (9)

The two of them tied all the clean plastic bags they picked out to the tree.

Look up and look at the sun rising gradually from the east, hoping to successfully collect water.

"What are you going to do next? Find something to eat?" Lu Chenjin tilted his head and asked her.

Xu Yin thought for a while and said: "Xiaolu and the others have gone looking for coconuts, and the water has found a solution for the time being. Let's get food first, and we will discuss building a house later. I have seen the trees here, and most of the palm trees are very tall. , there are a few trees quite close, suitable for building tree houses on them. Im afraid it will rain and the tide will rise, and the houses on the ground will not be suitable for living.

Yeah. Lu Chenjin nodded, Whats the direction of food?

This is easy to handle. Xu Yin has the [Water Avoidance] skill, so she can go directly into the sea to fish for shrimps.

Not to mention there are many reef beaches here. If you look carefully, you can still find a lot of fresh oysters.

"This is a wild sea. It's not safe to go into the water. Why don't we look for wild vegetables and fruits? Ah Da and the others know several common wild vegetables." Lu Chenjin disagreed with her going into the water.

"You have to eat wild vegetables and fruits, as well as seafood, otherwise the nutrition will be imbalanced. Don't worry, I'm a great diver." Xu Yin gave him a reassuring look.

Its better not to go. Lu Chenjin frowned slightly, The sea water is salty and there is no water for bathing. You will feel very uncomfortable when you do it.

Xu Yin:

Damn it, forget about this!

She can keep a drop of water off her body, but others dont know that. What will they think when they see her clothes are not wet even after she goes into the sea?nove(l)bi(n.)com

Have no choice but to wait until it rains before going to the sea.

Then Ill make a fishing basket out of vines. If theres no bait, Ill have to rely on luck. Whatever I can catch is a little bit.

She is good at weaving fish baskets.

There was a small world before, and she was still an S-level expert in the bamboo weaving world.

If there are no strips, you can use vines instead. It will never deviate from its origin.

It didnt take Xu Yin long to weave a sturdy fish basket out of a handful of messy vines. A long vine was left at the bottom to be tied to the reef.

Lets go! Lets put the fish basket in the water and see if there are any oysters or oysters for us to dig.

Hearing her say "we" every time, Lu Chenjin was not only not disgusted, but also a little happy.

The two came to the reef beach. Xu Yin put down the fish basket first, and then quietly put some bait at the bottom of the fish basket while Lu Chenjin wasn't paying attention. Although it depends on luck, if you really don't catch a fish or a shrimp, wouldn't your hard work be in vain?

Its about survival now, not about being idle and looking for something to do.

After putting the fish basket away, she turned to him and asked, "Did you find any live oysters?"

Yes, there is, but there are no tools, so its hard to pry.

"I come."

What Ah Er has packed up should be enough for a change of clothes.

But you must not have thought about how long we have to stay here, wearing one less piece of clothing.

He really hasnt thought about this problem.

Cant help but frown.

There is no signal on the mobile phone, the satellite phone is on the yacht, and the yacht has slept in the sea...

If no plane or ship passes by here, or if they pass by without finding their burning smoke or "SOS" written on them, then they will be trapped here forever.

"Don't be too pessimistic. The boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge." Xu Yin comforted him, "Let's go! Let's see if our fish basket has harvested anything."

Lu Chenjin gave up hope: "With such a short time and no bait, it is unlikely..."

The words stopped abruptly with Xu Yin's movements.

She dumped the fish basket onto the beach, and out fell a lively sea bass and two bread crabs.

Lu Chenjin:

This woman is so strong that she is afraid of falling into a trap when seeing seafood?

Xu Yin was a little disappointed: "Why is it so small?"

She has put out a handful of bait.

Once she used a handful of bait like this to catch a basket full of fish, shrimps and crabs. What's more, the basket can no longer hold it, and the fish, shrimps and crabs outside the basket are still trying their best to squeeze in.

Its true that the same bait has different fates.

But disappointment is better than nothing gained at all.

Xu Yin took stock of the ingredients on hand and figured out that she could have a good meal at noon.

Putting the fish basket back into the sea, I pulled a piece of vine to tie up a fish and two crabs and prepared to go home.

Wait a moment. Xu Yin took out half a bottle of water from her backpack and handed it to Lu Chenjin, Drink some water and go back.

Lu Chenjin remembered that he still had half a bottle of water, but he had left it with Ah Da and did not take it out.

"Drink! Maybe Xiao Ke has collected water." Xu Yin said.

He took it, raised his head, and poured a small sip into his mouth without touching the mouth of the bottle.

Xu Yin herself took a sip, and another person shared a mint candy, and then walked to the base camp.

I hope Xiaolu and the others have found coconuts, and Xiao Ke has also collected a lot of water, so that they can cook a pot of seafood soup at noon to soothe our five internal organs.