Chapter 761: A sadistic female partner farming in the apocalypse (46)

Chapter 761: A sadistic female partner farming in the apocalypse (46)

Chapter 761 A sadistic female partner farming in the last days (46)

You threw all your meat to the wolves yesterday, do you have nothing to eat yourself?

The leader of the supernatural being was a middle-aged man in his forties named Lao Fu. He returned to the car and brought a bag of instant noodles and handed it to Xu Yin: "Beef-flavored, it has not expired. Thank you for saving my life." .

Xu Yin waved her hand, but the other party insisted on giving it.

Several other people also advised: "Take it! This is our intention."

Xu Yin thought for a while and accepted it: "I'll see you in the city by chance. I'll treat you to a meal."

No! We should treat you to food!

Thats right! Youve already invited us, so much fresh pork leg meat! What a pity! Its cheap for those wolves...

Ouch!Updated from novelb(i)n.c(o)m

The little wild dog howled next to him, scaring the superpower so much that he didn't dare to speak anymore, little ancestor! Don't attract the wolves!

One person ate a bowl of hot and sour hot and sour noodles, and the lost physical energy came back.

The five of them said goodbye to Xu Yin and drove off the highway.

Xu Yin returned to the RV to rest for a while. It was already bright. She opened a small stove for herself, cooked a bowl of soft-boiled eggs with Lingquan water, and fried a few slices of steak, one for Niu Niu and one for the little wild dog. Thank you. They protect and accompany you all the way.

After the good boy woke up, he fed him milk, eggs and steamed buns, and then let the little wild dog play with him.

Niuniu was too big to get into the RV, so she had to lie on the roof.

Looking through the skylight, I saw Guobao playing and giggling with the little wild dog, which made the big dog feel deeply sad.

Not only did the steak have to be shared with the boy, but the good boy's companion was also out of his turn.


It licked its own hair. The weather was getting hot, and its warm belly like a long-haired cushion was of no use. Not to mention the cute baby, it even dislikes the heat.

Since the beginning of summer, the weather has been getting hotter day by day.

As soon as the sun rises in the east, it feels like an oven.

Xu Yin suspects that this summer will be so hot that the thermometer will explode.

Looking around at the mutated plants on both sides of the road, the branches and leaves seemed to be droopier than in the early morning. Xu Yin seemed to be able to feel their irritability and disgust.

If someone passes by them at this time, they may be whipped with thorny branches.

Remembering that abundant rain and dew can soothe mutated animals and plants, she felt something in her heart and triggered a [floating mist and rain].

The scorching sun was momentarily obscured by a thick cloud, and soon a drizzle of light rain began to fall from the sky.

At this time, Xu Yin was startled by the sound of a gunshot.

She hurriedly stepped on the brakes and pulled over.

A group of people came towards me.

Be honest! Get out of the car! Hand over the car keys!

Have you been robbed?

Xu Yin had confidence in the system brand RV. She pressed the loudspeaker button on the dashboard and said to the people outside the car: "You are quite capable? Why don't you clear out the mutated animals and plants?"

Stop talking nonsense! Do I need your little **** to preach? Come down here quickly! Hand over the car keys obediently, otherwise...

The leading man fired a shot into the air and threatened Xu Yin: "If you don't come down, the gun may be pointed at you..."


Niu Niu on the roof of the RV suddenly jumped down and threw the man with the gun to the ground.

Well done, Niuniu! Ill add chicken drumsticks to you later!

As soon as Xu Yin finished speaking, the little wild dog that was awakened rushed out of the window like a gust of wind.

Can I add chicken legs?

It likes this life!


Who the **** tickled me!

Fuck! It hurts so much!

With lightning speed, the little wild dog scratched more than a dozen people on the other side. Some of them even had half of their ears scratched, and they were wailing in pain.

Gun! Wheres my gun!

The man who was knocked down by Niuniu quickly looked for his gun.

There was just a click, and the barrel of the gun was broken by Niu Niu.

AhIll kill you!

Niuniu gave him a **** squat.

Perfect KO!