Chapter 811: 50’s bitter sister-in-law (44)

Chapter 811: 50’s bitter sister-in-law (44)

Except for Xu Yin, the other members of the reclamation team will return to their hometown, Yuanshan County, after finishing their autumn harvest.

The three years of hard work here will become a strong mark on their resumes. After returning, major factories will give them priority when recruiting workers.

No, there are a number of factories looking to recruit people at the end of the year, which means there will be jobs when we go back.

The return date is just around the corner, the employment problem will be solved, and good news comes one after another, making these young people even more motivated.

Not only the Yuanshan team was very motivated, but other reclamation teams also broke their respective reclamation records this year.

By the autumn harvest, the total number of acres of wasteland reclaimed by the five Beiguan wasteland reclamation teams reached 30,000 acres. In the tenth month of the golden autumn, the total amount of grain handed over exceeded one thousand tons, and a beautiful answer was submitted to the motherland.

These 30,000 acres of land, this endless golden field, will be held by the soldiers who have transferred to this place.

After the grand handover ceremony of waist drum and Yangko, the reclamation team left Beiguan one after another in the order they came in and returned to their hometown.

The demobilized soldiers who took over arrived in batches and rushed to build the houses needed for future work and life before winter.

Beiguan State-owned Farm, which will impress people all over the country in the future, has already taken shape.

Before winter, Xu Yin moved into a public house built by the farm for the families of workers.

The two rows of houses left by the reclamation team were transformed into farm offices. From now on, this will be the entrance to the farm, closest to Hewozitun. Foreigners who come to visit the farm or visit relatives and friends need to register and wait here.

The living area for employees and their families is located at the boundary of the fields that have been reclaimed and located in the northward extension of the river. Building houses along the river bank not only facilitates access to water, but also does not affect future land reclamation.

The staff room is flat, and when you open the door, you can see the grassy beach in front of the river bank.

There is an open space behind the house. Beyond the open space is the farming area for future work.New novel chapters are published on

Some workers have four or five children who cannot live in one public house, so they build an extra room in the open space behind the house for the older children to live in; some workers plan to open their backyards into vegetable plots and plan to plant vegetables next spring.

Xu Yin chose a long strip of land near the river in front of her house. The surface was moist and the soil was fertile, so it would be good for growing vegetables. As for the backyard, I still plan to keep it as beforeenclose a fence and build a chicken coop to raise chickens.

This place is really far away from the mountain, so I only go there once in a while. Usually I want to improve my food in an honest way, so in addition to the fish in the river, I also raise a few chickens and collect a few eggs to eat.

Is there a letter?

When I opened it, I saw it was not a letter, but a small bag of wild camellia tea.

It smells so good!

Dont just listen to it, look to see if there is any letter.

Yes, there is, there it is!

Father Cheng pulled out a letter written by his son from a pile of New Year's goods. It was so concise and concise that he almost wanted to beat him up.

You brat, if you only write a few lines on such a large piece of paper, youll save ink, and half of the paper will be empty. Isnt it a waste!

Cheng's mother urged him to read it, and after hearing him read it, she sighed: "Just be content! If it weren't for Yin Yin, even if he didn't go home for the New Year, he wouldn't have planned so many years of goods to send back."

"That's true." Father Cheng felt the same way, "Our son has a really good eye for finding a wife!"

The couple invariably thought of the Liu family next door.

Old Liu and Cheng's father were the same age. They gave birth to three sons and married three daughters-in-law. As a result, during the Chinese New Year, only the old couple were busy in and out of the house. Don't expect the sons and daughters-in-law to spend money to buy new year's goods or help with tidying up or cleaning. .

Looking at the table full of New Year's goods, Cheng's mother couldn't help but worry about her son and daughter-in-law who were far away in Beiguan: "They have probably used up their allowance again. The winter in the north is so cold, so what can we do without any money?"

Father Cheng laughed: "You must not have listened carefully to the letter I read. Didn't my son say it? Yin Yin raised the chickens by herself, the fish were caught by Yin Yin from the river, and the mushrooms and bamboo shoots were bought by the two of them during their vacation. I went to the mountains to hunt for it, and I picked the wild camellia from the mountains and roasted it myself."

Cheng's mother pretended to be angry and punched him: "Oh! Who told you to read the letter and scold your son for being lazy at the same time? You didn't even want to write a few more words in the letter. I didn't hear it!"

After finishing speaking, he laughed happily: "It's a good job to find a wife here!"

Hush Father Cheng raised his index finger towards her, Keep your voice down, Old Liu and his wife will hear you and think we are deliberately showing off!

Last time, in front of Old Liu's wife, Cheng's mother praised her daughter-in-law for being filial and considerate. She spent money and asked others to get a bottle of medicated oil. The effect was really good. During the May Day period, she went out early and came back late to work overtime. I just had back pain, and it hasnt recurred even once this year.

Lao Liu's wife's face turned dark on the spot, feeling that Cheng's mother was deliberately scorning her. Who made her three daughters-in-law lazier and stingier than the other? From the time their daughter-in-law entered the house to now, not only did they not enjoy any blessings, but they also had more mouths waiting for food.

Thinking back to this, the couple looked at each other, pursed their lips and laughed silently.