“Onii-san, does it feel good?”

“…Ah, it feels really good.”

“Ehehe, I’m glad♪”

Hearing the voice from behind, I smiled nervously. 

Kanade and I were currently in the bathroom… Um, how did it end up like this?

“Since you’re already here, Hayato-kun, why don’t you take a bath with Kanade-chan?”


“Well, she’s your cousin, so it’s fine, right?”


“Fufu, isn’t it nice?”



Everyone seemed enthusiastic about Aina’s suggestion, and Kanade looked worried, as if she expected the offer to be rejected. No, no, even though I should refuse in this situation, if my adorable cousin gives me such a face… I couldn’t just shake my head.

“…Ah, it really does feel good.”

“I’m happy to be able to help Onii-san. And to be able to bathe together and wash your back… Hah♪”


“Hah…♪ No, it’s okay. Let’s continue, shall we?”

We both had towels wrapped around our bodies, as a minimal form of protection.

Even though we were wrapped in towels, Kanade’s attractive figure couldn’t be hidden. Well, I didn’t get flustered and just averted my gaze… Perhaps it’s because I’ve gotten used to bathing with Arisa and the others too often.

“…Onii-san, your back is really big.”

“Is that so?”

“Yes. Other than Dad, I’ve never been in the bath with someone of the opposite s*x before.”

In a way, there might be a sheltered, pampered young lady aspect to her. Well, if someone asked me if I had any other experiences like this with someone of the opposite s*x, I might have been a little surprised too.

“If it’s someone other than family, you’re the first, Onii-san… You’re my first♪”

“…What do you mean by that?”

“What could you be referring to♪”

…You dare to mock your elder? Let me teach you a lesson about what happens when you make fun of someone older than you!!


Through interacting with Arisa, Aina, and Sakuna-san, I’ve also grown in certain aspects. Just as I was about to demonstrate that, Kanade clung to my back. Pressing her ample bosom against my back, she hugged me tightly.

“I feel… calm. Even though we’re just touching skin-to-skin like this, without doing anything, my heart still flutters.”


Contrary to Kanade’s calm voice, I feel her heartbeat pulsating through our contact. Kanade clung to me for a while and then apologized before letting go.

“Hey, Kanade, it’s not good to do such things with someone of the opposite s*x, you know? Even though it’s highly unlikely, I can’t guarantee that I won’t attack you either.”

Well, it’s highly unlikely, though.

As I conveyed that and tried to get into the bathtub, Kanade tilted her head. Her wet hair stuck to her skin, and her current state, revealing her cleavage, was incredibly seductive. Kanade, who typically exudes cuteness, has a mature body for a high school student, radiating adult charm to the fullest.

“…Is there something wrong?”


“Onii-san, if it’s for you, I would do anything—”

As Kanade said that and stepped towards me… fortunately or unfortunately, there was a bar of soap on the floor where she stepped. Kanade slipped beautifully after stepping on the soap, but I managed to catch her.

“…I’m sorry!”

“No… you should watch your step.”

“Yes, I will.”

I feel like Kanade’s clumsiness helped wash away the strange atmosphere that was lingering in the bathroom for a while. After that, Kanade washed her body and hair, and we had a little chat before leaving together. By that time, the weird tension had already dissipated, and Kanade seemed to be back to her usual self.

“I must say… Sakuna-san gives off a very mature woman vibe.”

“Oh, that’s delightful to hear. Kanade-san is so lovely… fufu, I wish Arisa and Aina could have the same gracefulness as Kanade-san too.”

And speaking of Kanade and Sakuna-san… they had become quite close. Even though they hadn’t seen each other since the visit to the grave, it felt as if they had been acquaintances for a long time. Well, seeing Kanade getting along not only with Arisa and Aina but also with Sakuna-san… it’s really a heartwarming sight.

“You have such a caring older brother look.”

“Is that so?”

“Yes. You give off the vibe of an Onii-san who watches over his little sister.”

Arisa and Aina, who were sitting on both sides, said that to me.

Well, it’s not wrong to say that Kanade is like a little sister to me, and she is already an important part of my life.

“Arisa, can you give me a hand?”

“Sure, I got it.”

Arisa responded to Sakuna–san’s call and went to help. Kanade also helped out, occasionally stealing glances at me and smiling happily when our eyes met. Yeah, her smile is truly adorable.

“Kanade-chan’s smile is so soothing.”

“No doubt about that.”

“She’s really cute… Oh, by the way, Hayato-kun.”


Aina leaned in closer, pressing her face against my chest… and with a slightly dreamy expression, she continued speaking.

“Even if it’s Kanade-chan, you must have accumulated some desires too, right? I’ll take care of you later♪”


I nodded in agreement to Aina, who seemed to know everything.

After waiting for a while, it was dinner time for the five of us. Today’s menu was a hot pot, and we were all determined to eat heartily.

“Eating like this with a big group is fun. My father is busy with work, so it’s usually just my mother and me.”

“I see. We were also just a family of three until recently… hehe.”

“That’s right. It’s been really lively since Hayato-kun joined us.”

“…I’m envious.”

Kanade said that with an expression that seemed to genuinely feel that way. 

When I see her like this, I feel tempted to say something irresponsible like, “Let’s stay together from now on.” I don’t want to see her looking lonely with those occasional expressions.

“Anyway, Kanade-chan, you should sleep with Hayato-kun tonight.”

“Yes, sleeping with Hayato-kun brings me a sense of calm. It makes me feel really safe.”

“I really want Kanade-san to experience those moments of genuine security.”

“I’m really looking forward to it!”

Where’s my opinion? That seems like a tasteless question.

After finishing dinner, Aina and I headed to her room. Aina seemed impatient, but for some reason, she took out an eye mask.

“Hey, let’s change things up a bit. Try wearing this.”

“…It’s not like I’m into that kind of thing.”

“It’s not about that! Don’t worry♪”

…Well, fine.

I took the eye mask from Aina and put it over my eyes. 

Now everything in front of me was pitch black, and the only information I could perceive was through sound and scent. Hmm, even though Aina is right next to me, not being able to see in front of me is still a bit scary.

“Oops, my hand slipped~!”


Something incredibly soft… touched my face!

I’m pretty sure I’m in a situation where Aina is hugging my face tightly. For some reason, my ears are blocked too, so I can’t hear anything, but after a while, Aina lets go of me.

“Fufu, now enjoy yourself to the fullest… Hayato-kun♪”

And thus, a heavenly time begins, guided by Aina’s hands.

After everything was done, I removed the eye mask, and of course, Aina was right in front of me. She had a satisfied smile on her face… Hmm? Something feels off.

“What’s the matter?”

“Oh… It’s nothing. I’m glad, Aina.”

“Hehe, thanks, Hayato-kun♪”

While Aina and I were laughing together, Arisa and Kanade came into the room. 

They said it would be a waste to go to sleep right away, so the three of them planned to have a little girls’ talk. I thought about leaving, but it seems they want me to listen to their conversation as well.

“Wouldn’t that be a girls talk?”

“It’s fine, it’s fine. We won’t let him escape, right, Onee-san? Kanade-chan too, right?”

“Yes, I want him to stay with us.”

“I want you here, Onii-san!”


Well then, I’ll just watch over them.

By the way, Kanade has been glancing at me and blushing a lot since earlier. Whenever our eyes meet, she quickly looks away, but I can’t help but notice her flushed cheeks.

“Did you go gargle, Kanade-chan?”

“Yes. Well… I still feel something stuck in my throat.”

“Fufu, we felt the same, so it’s okay.”

“Did something actually get stuck?”

Arisa and Aina laughed amusingly at my words.

…What’s really going on?